Don't ask where people go

Chapter 910 Farewell

Fang Chongzheng frankly admitted that Fang Zilan was the third miss of the Fang family, his concubine's daughter, it was not her will to accidentally kill Princess Rong'an, and he was also responsible for her poor education.

"Everyone knows, after Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue, killed Princess Rong'an, thousands of people cursed her as an inescapable crime. Why did everyone in her family get their lives back? Also, on the day of the execution, King Rong'an's righteous indignation was hard to appease. Do it yourself, but why was it blocked by the rich and idle King Yuning in Beijing?"

The storyteller patted Xingmu and raised his voice, "If you want to know what's hidden in it, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down."

Hearing this, the spectators in the teahouse burst into laughter, some applauded, and some talked loudly, attracting another round of attention.

However, no one noticed that there was a man in the corner of the second floor with a gloomy expression. He squeezed the wine glass in his hand and creaked it. He was so frightened that the little World War II was trembling, and hurriedly apologized: "Boss Lin, this is not the first time..."

"Get out!" the man growled, Xiao Er disappeared in a hurry, leaving him with a long sigh.

Needless to say, the man was Lin Jian who was saved by Fang Zilan and the Yun family during the plague in the southeast and left his life behind.After the disaster was over, he regrouped and led his team to walk the darts while doing good deeds with Wang Shenyun and Qinghan couple. He was quite famous in the local area.

Until the news came from the middle of Beijing that Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue, killed Princess Rong'an and was sentenced to be beheaded. He seemed like a thunderbolt.At that time, the words of begging Fang Zilan to avenge his brothers were still in my ears, but I didn't expect it to be such a way of retribution.

But no matter what other people say, he still doesn't believe that Fang Zilan will kill Princess Rong'an, nor does Wang Shenyun and Qinghan, but they don't believe enough. Useless.

In the southeast far away from the capital, they were humble and humble, and they couldn't go to Datian to listen to them, and they had to avoid suspicion because of the plague back then.

Time changes and things change, and the world changes with it.In the past, he was the savior of the world, sought after by thousands of people, but today he is the Shura ghost, heinous.

Creating gods and destroying gods is just a flick of a finger.

In the end, these little people had to compromise, and all they had to wait was the news that Fang Zilan had been executed.

No one knew that on the day of the execution, the sun was high at noon, and under the almost dazzling sunlight, King Rong An was domineering and wanted to execute the execution himself, but was stopped by the uninvited king of Yuning, Ji Ningtian, at that time the real Fang Zilan stood In the crowd.

She looked coldly at the woman kneeling on the stage with the same appearance as her, and thought to herself that she was tortured by Gu insects, and she had already lost her appearance after a few days in the prison. Wang An, even Fang Chongzheng, could hardly tell that the person on stage was not her.

But even so, Li Shengxuan, Baiguan, and even Ji Ningtian all came.Everyone had their own ulterior motives, and it was not that they hadn't thought about the possibility of changing prisoners, but they were suppressed by Li Shengxuan, and Ji Ningtian blocked them.

When such high-sounding words came from Ji Ningtian's mouth, Fang Zilan felt inexplicably ironic.

However, in any case, King Rong An did not personally execute the execution, and all the officials did not have any objections, but ended the entire execution process in the voices of the people around them who were filled with righteous indignation or lamentation.

Afterwards, Fang Zilan dispersed with the crowd, passing by the Duke's Mansion of Yue State seemingly inadvertently.

It wasn't until Fang Zilan and Li Shengxuan were left that she heard him say in a deep voice: "I can try my best to overcome all opinions and keep the whole of the Yue Kingdom's mansion, so that the death of Princess Rong'an ends with you, so you won't be implicated."

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, then asked aloud, "What is the price?"

price?Li Shengxuan repeated the word secretly, as if he had made up his mind, and said: "From now on, you will be the third lady of the Fang family, and you will never go to court again."

Fang Zilan clenched her fingers into fists, her face remained calm, "It seems that His Majesty has already summoned the Prime Minister."

"That's right." Li Shengxuan nodded slightly, "He told me everything." Including your involuntary.

He didn't say the second half of the sentence, just because he didn't want to bring up Fang Zilan's sad things again, and went to hell to avenge his mother. Even if such things are remembered thousands of times, they will not be good memories, it is better to forever Dust up.

"The prime minister said everything?" Fang Zilan frowned, "Including who am I?"

Li Shengxuan thought she didn't believe it, so he simply repeated, "Yes, you heard me right, the third miss of the Fang family, Fang Zilan."

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief. The former Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang and Mrs. Qin Ji's daughter, this identity is something she is unwilling to admit and bear. If Li Shengxuan can make Li Shengxuan think that she is just the third lady of the prime minister's mansion, there is nothing wrong with it. it is good.

However, she only breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately realized what Li Shengxuan's words meant, and her nerves tensed again, "Your Majesty find someone to die for me?"

She asked cautiously and bluntly, and Li Shengxuan answered yes bluntly.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Fang Zilan couldn't help but gasped. It would be impossible to say that she hadn't moved Li Daitao's stiff thoughts at all, but this incident happened suddenly and the reasons for it were tortuous. If only she was sacrificed, It is worth it to be able to save other people.

But now, Li Shengxuan, the king of the entire capital, stood in front of her and told her that she didn't have to die, as long as she opened her mouth, she would find someone to die for her.

It was such a great opportunity, if I missed it, there might not be a second time, but she still hesitated.

"I won't ask you the same thing again." Li Shengxuan looked serious, "Fang Zilan, think about it. If you reject me, it is not known whether Mo Han will survive. The people from the Duke of Yue's mansion, and even Cao Hong and others who are far away , what will happen?"

Fang Zilan opened his mouth, and hesitated for a while before saying: "Others... Can His Majesty really keep them?"

"Although it is impossible to escape completely, it is not difficult to save one's life." Li Shengxuan said while deliberating: "After ransacking the house, demote the other people in your house as slaves and temporarily place them in various houses that I trust. Stay out of the limelight for two years and you'll be free."

Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy. It turned out that Li Shengxuan didn't make a sudden decision, but had already thought about the way out, so she had no reason to refuse, but...

She didn't understand why Li Shengxuan wanted her to live even though he didn't hesitate to find someone to die for him.

You must know that the risk of changing the prisoner instead of death is no less than her risking the world's disgrace to kill Princess Rong'an, or even worse.

Once it is exposed, not only the courtiers will attack it, but the people all over the world will also question the justice of the law. At that time, Li Shengxuan's throne will not be guaranteed.

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