Don't ask where people go

Chapter 916 Guards

"How long can they live?" Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan's words in a deep voice, "Half a year? Or three months..."

"One month at most." Awan's voice trembled a little, Fang Zilan's eyes turned red, "Is there no other way?"

A Wan bit her lips tightly and shook her head. Seeing this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath and strode out of the village.

"Fang Zilan, what are you going to do?" Awan quickly chased after her and grabbed her sleeve, "If they know the truth, they won't be desperate. What will happen to you then?"

"Are you going to let me do nothing and just watch them die?" Fang Zilan deliberately lowered her voice, but couldn't hide her anger.

"If you can die with peace of mind, what if you keep being kept a secret?" A Wan strengthened her hand and said without hesitation: "They were born and died for ghosts, and they couldn't help themselves. If..."

"A Wan!" Fang Zilan grabbed A Wan's wrist and cut off her unfinished words, "But how innocent are the villagers in Taoyuan Village? Are you going to drag them to die together because of the cruelty of the ghost gate?"

"But..." A Wan was so anxious that she was about to cry, "I really can't save them!"

At this moment, Fang Zilan suddenly understood that what A Wan said as if she was deceiving herself was actually just an excuse for herself to feel at ease.

Doesn't Awan know that the villagers in Taoyuan Village are innocent?But she couldn't save her, so she could only close her eyes and listen, and push all the sins to the head of the ghost, rather than her own powerlessness.

"A Wan, if you can't save it, don't save it." Fang Zilan supported A Wan's shoulders with both hands, and said seriously: "You are a medical girl, not a fairy. There are many incurable diseases in the world. Just do your best and obey the destiny. on myself."

A Wan sniffled, "I know, but once you tell the truth..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan knew in her heart, "Since the incident has happened, they have the right to know the truth. As for what will happen in the future, none of us can say for sure."

"I'm afraid they will fight to the death when they are in a hurry. Your health has not been well, how can you bear it?" A Wan couldn't help crying, and Fang Zilan comforted her while wiping her tears: "Soldiers will come to block the water." Soil cover. Don't worry, I can still endure."

A Wan wanted to say something more, but saw Fang Zilan's expression turned back, and she said word by word: "Until I see Lord Su Heng, I will not fall down anyway."

A Wan pursed her lips, summoned up her courage and said, "I'll accompany you to explain the situation to them."

"No need, I'll go alone." Fang Zilan raised her hand and rubbed the top of Awan's hair, "If it's true as you said, and they get angry and start fighting, I can handle it."

"Duke Jue?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and the person kneeling on the ground shook her head like a rattle, "No, it's Master Pei Poming..."

His voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly. She shook off the person in her hand and said coldly, "Lead the way."

"Master Fang, we know we are wrong!" Several people knelt down and kowtowed, Fang Zilan was not moved at all, "You are not willing to lead the way, are you waiting for me to go to Master Xing Xing of the Kingdom of Ping to ask the crime?"

Before they had time to react, Fang Zilan called Zheng Yan, "You go to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, please go to Mr. Xu, and go to the Duke's Mansion together."

"Yes." Zheng Yan took the order and left, and the surrounding crowds were discussing——

"Master Pei Poming again? I heard that he just married a concubine last month, so how could he still rob people from Yue's mansion?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, the concubine Mrs. Pei just married was snatched. I heard that the girl was originally engaged, but the man's family was beaten to death, so he had to call off the engagement..."

"My God, there is such a thing in the capital?"

"That's the younger brother of Duke Juan, he hasn't done anything dirty, it's lucky that Mrs. Pei is standing behind him, otherwise how many times would he die..."

Fang Zilan felt uncomfortable when she heard it, but after a while, she realized that something was wrong. I don't know when the focus of everyone's discussion became that Pei Poming committed a crime against her this time, and she would definitely uphold justice.

Justice?In fact, she didn't have this idea, she just wanted to get Cong Rong back.After all, although she had been at odds with Mrs. Pei for a long time, she did not intend to tear her face apart.

The Pei family has Duke Ping, the Empress Dowager, Prince Yucheng Li Qiyou, and the current wife of Duke Ping, Fang Zitong. She does not want to be enemies with them.

In other words, she didn't want to be their enemy just because of Cong Rong.

Thinking of this, a wry smile escaped Fang Zilan's lips. Back in Wind River Valley, when Li Shengxuan didn't say a word about the death of the people around her, she was resentful, and she didn't want to whitewash the peace with such a contemptuous human life, but now she has become This look.

Yin Xuyou of Jingzhao Mansion came together very quickly. When Fang Zilan arrived at Pei Mansion together with him, a group of people watching the excitement followed behind him. This battle made Pei Juanqing very angry, so he simply said that he was not sick and asked Pei Poming to go by himself Clean up the mess.

Pei Poming bit the bullet and invited Fang Zilan and Xu You to enter the mansion together, and then ordered people to dismiss the people surrounding the mansion gate, and then questioned the servants around him as if he was asking for a crime.

The boy was charged with all the crimes, claiming that he wanted to please Pei Poming, so without his knowledge, he committed the evil act of forcibly robbing the women into the mansion.

Qiushui wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan took the conversation away, "Miss Qiushui, I hear what you mean, do you not want me to accept it?"

"I..." Qiu Shui opened his mouth and suddenly smiled, "What Mr. Fang said is exactly what the empress expected, exactly."

Fang Zilan was stunned, and the smile on Qiu Shui's face became wider, and he said: "Even if she didn't help this time, the empress said, Mrs. Fang will help the second lady without hesitation."

Fang Zilan bit her lips, and said unnaturally: "Yes, all my money has been invested in Fang's family, and I can't help it."

"Your Majesty also said that Mrs. Fang will definitely say that she is forced to do so because of her wealth." Qiu Shui looked like she knew it a long time ago, Fang Zilan snorted, "What else did Your Majesty Empress say?"

Qiu Shui suppressed his smile, and said seriously: "Your Majesty also said that Mrs. Fang and the Second Miss are somewhat similar. They are not frank people, but they have a very good heart."

Fang Zilan said coldly: "I can't even count the number of lives I have lost. How could the Empress think that I have a good heart?"

"These are the original words of the empress." Qiu Shui looked at the person in front of him firmly, "There is one more thing."

Fang Zilan signaled her to speak quickly, she moved closer, and said: "Your Majesty said, the Fang family will always be Master Fang's backer."

After she finished speaking, she saluted quickly and left, only Fang Zilan stood there, stunned for a long time, but the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously.

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