Don't ask where people go

Chapter 919 Yellow Sand

Li Shengxuan stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Fang Zilan, "Don't you have anything to ask me?"

Fang Zilan asked instead, "What does Your Majesty want me to ask?"

Li Shengxuan stared closely at the person in front of him, and sighed softly, "Fang Zilan, sometimes I think you are the most unconstrained person in the world, you dare to say anything, and you are not afraid of anything. But sometimes I feel that you are very far away from me." Far."

"Then what does His Majesty want me to be like?" Fang Zilan looked at Li Shengxuan with an almost cold look in his eyes.

"No matter what you look like, it's you." The corners of Li Shengxuan's lips curled up slightly, and there was a hint of astringency in his voice, "I only hope that I can see the real you."

Fang Zilan smiled, and said solemnly: "I am not a beauty, and I still have this self-knowledge. As for the heart hidden under this skin, it may not be very beautiful. Why bother?"

Li Shengxuan said noncommittally: "So far, what I have seen of you has exceeded my expectations. As for..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise, and gorgeous fireworks exploded above the heads of the two, reflecting the sky radiantly and beautifully.

Fang Zilan looked up and murmured softly, "I never expected to see fireworks during the Double Ninth Festival."

Li Shengxuan didn't watch the fireworks, his eyes all fell on Fang Zilan.

As Fang Zilan said, she is not a beauty, and the lines of her side face are not as gentle as ordinary women, but are indescribably sharp. Even when watching fireworks, her tightly pursed lips did not relax at all.

But in her eyes, there was a more grand and bright light than fireworks.He wanted to find his own reflection behind this beam of light.

Fang Zilan turned her head sideways, and met Li Shengxuan's burning gaze, she frowned slightly, "Why does Your Majesty look at me like this?"

"Do you like fireworks?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a while by Li Shengxuan's thoughtless question, before he said, "Your Majesty, are you sick?"

Li Shengxuan was silent, Fang Zilan had no choice but to answer honestly: "I can't tell, I probably like it."

"Really?" Li Shengxuan suddenly remembered that he had asked a similar question when he led the girl out of Baiye Temple that year.

So many years have passed, and the past is so vivid that it has become a lingering obsession in my heart.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, let's go back." Fang Zilan bowed respectfully, and Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him with lowered eyebrows and obedient eyes.

"Okay." Li Shengxuan turned around, no longer looking at Fang Zilan, nor at the sky full of fireworks.

Fang Zilan followed Li Shengxuan step by step, only feeling that his back was set off by the beautiful fireworks, making him feel more lonely.The so-called high place is unbearably cold, he is alone on the top of the crowd, who knows why what he sees?
Fang Zilan thought about this, and for some reason she suddenly didn't want Mo Han to leave.If he left, no one in this world would know where she came from.But if he doesn't leave, can she, a lonely ghost, really be able to protect his last hope in the land of tigers and wolves in the capital?
"Fang Zilan, what's wrong with you?" Li Shengxuan's voice interrupted Fang Zilan's thoughts, and she suddenly came back to her senses, "What did His Majesty just say?"

"It's nothing." Li Shengxuan held Fang Zilan's wrist, "Pay attention to the road when you walk."

Only then did Fang Zilan realize that the two of them had reached the entrance of the main hall of Qianshan, and she would fall down if she was not careful while standing on the edge of the steps.She collected herself and took her hand back, "Thank you for your reminder, Your Majesty."

After she finished speaking, she saluted, took her leave and left.

Li Shengxuan watched her jumping and running down the steps almost happily, and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"The beautiful scenery on a good day should be shared, why is Your Majesty here alone?" Master Lio Yuan's voice reached Li Shengxuan's ears, it was completely different from the gentle and solemn before, and he deliberately teased, "Could it be that she is someone His Majesty has been thinking about for many years?" ?”

"You also met her back then, what do you think?" Li Shengxuan seemed lost, Master Liao Yuan pondered for a while and said: "The ordinary things in the world of mortals seem like a lifetime away, and the poor monk can't remember it."

Fang Zilan brought A Wan, Zheng Yan and Xiao Xuan'er with her on this trip. Seeing Fang Zilan, several acquainted colleagues from the government office hurried forward to say hello and exchanged a few pleasantries.

A Wan felt that she was bored, so she took Xiao Xuan'er to wander around the garden, commenting on the flowers and plants with Xiao Xuan'er while walking, the two of them talked logically, which made others gasp in amazement, and asked who was the noble daughter of an adult family.

Such a discussion quickly reached Fang Zilan's ears. She looked for it, but saw the two of them gathered together, not knowing what they were looking at.

Seeing her coming, A Wan waved: "Master Fang, come and see this chrysanthemum."

Fang Zilan leaned over, looked at it for a while, and then said: "Isn't this the chrysanthemum planted in our yard, the chrysanthemum from Xiguan City?"

"Yes." Awan added: "To be precise, it's the chrysanthemums that you raised to death."

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, "It's all because the gardener didn't raise them well, so what's the matter with me?"

A narrow smile flashed across A Wan's face, Xiao Xuan'er smiled and shook her head, whispering into Fang Zilan's ear, "Master Fang, I just saw Second Miss Fang."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned. Ever since Pei Xiaoze came to the prime minister's mansion, Fang Zitong claimed to have been sick for several months. It is strange that she can be invited to this flower festival.

However, it is widely spread in the capital that the two brothers Pei Yuqing and Pei Xiaoze are at a stalemate over Fang Zitong, and rumors and rumors are flying all over the sky, but with Prime Minister Fang Chongzheng and Empress Empress Fang Ziqin suppressing them, there is still some sense of propriety, otherwise I am afraid that any unsavory words will be heard. Can pass it on.

Fang Zilan knew that Pei Juanqing would not let it go, so she asked Xiao Xuan'er to keep a close eye on Pei's residence, but apart from two or three attempts to attack the Xiangfu Academy, nothing happened.And just those two or three times, Fang Chongzheng blocked them back.

The Pei family and the Fang family are facing each other, Fang Zitong is here at the Flower Festival today, if Pei Juanqing or Pei Xiaoze are also there, then...

Xiao Xuan'er seemed to know what Fang Zilan was thinking, and said softly: "The people from Mrs. Pei are the younger brother of Mr. Pei Guogong—Mr. Pei Poming and his wife."

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, she had heard of Pei Poming a little bit.This person is Pei Yuqing's younger half-brother, he has no skills, and relying on Pei Yuqing's protection, he took a idle job. He usually plays tricks on cats and dogs, or seeks flowers and flowers. He doesn't have a good reputation in the capital.

However, Pei's heirs are few, and in Pei Juqing's generation, there are only him and Pei Poming in the family, and Pei Xiaoze, the brother of the side branch, and there are no other males.Therefore, Mrs. Pei is also very good to this son who is not her own, she takes good care of her son everywhere, and turns a blind eye to the outrageous incident.

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