Fang Zilan cut to the chase and said, "You can make an offer, I want Bai Xiuniang."

"What?" Bai Chu was obviously stunned, and after a while he said, "It's easy to say. I don't know which family is interested in my sister?"

"Are you deaf?" Fang Zilan said coldly, "I'll say it one last time, I want Bai Xiuniang."

"No..." Bai Chu looked incomprehensible, and frowned, "Master Fang, you are a woman, what do you want my sister for?"

"Just ask the price." Fang Zilan was too lazy to entangle with Bai Chu, but unexpectedly he shook his head and said, "That's not okay. My sister is going to be sold to be a concubine, so what's the point of selling you a woman?"

Fang Zilan laughed angrily at him, "You just take the money, and you don't care if the other party is a man or a woman?"

"That's natural." Bai Chu said as it should be: "My sister is a widow, so I can only sell it. But even if I sell it, I can only sell it to a man. Even if you are the Duke of Yue, so what? A woman, meddling what?"

Fang Zilan's face turned cold, and Bai Chu didn't show any restraint, "Master Fang, if you must meddle, then find a man for my sister."

As he spoke, he sized Cao Hong and Zheng Yan left and right, "You have so many men under your command, it's not a big deal if you want my sister at random..."

"Shut up!" Fang Zilan sternly reprimanded Bai Chu, "As long as it's a man?"

Bai Chu nodded and wanted to say more, but Fang Zilan said: "Then you make a written statement. I can find the man, and I can pay the money, but if you want to deny it in the future, you have to pay me with your life."

"What?" Bai Chu didn't dare to answer the question: "Lord Fang, are you crazy? You want to pay for my life because of my sister, a widow?"

"If you don't want to, save your life now." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "I can't even count the lives I have passed, not one more than you."

Bai Chu's eyes widened suddenly, "Impossible, killing people for no reason is a felony anyway, Master Fang, you..."

"You can give it a try." Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, and she smiled cruelly and coldly, "I am the Duke of Yue, and I am under one person and above ten thousand. You are nothing more than an ant in my eyes, and it is easy to crush you to death." .And as long as I have an excuse, who else will ask why you died?"

Zhuge Yu took the lead and said: "Sister Lan is too impatient. Even if you don't want to tell General Dugu the truth, you shouldn't be angry with him."

"I didn't get angry with General Dugu." Fang Zilan denied it, Zhuge Yu smiled slightly, "I didn't get angry, why did you come to the inn?"

"I don't like to live under other people's roof." Fang Zilan was still stubborn, and Zhuge Yu didn't feel annoyed, "Let's just treat it as Sister Lan. Since Sister Lan has rejected Young Master Fang mercilessly, is there any chance?" Any other way to save Warners?"

Fang Zilan was stunned by his question, and murmured: "No."

Zhuge Yu smiled lightly, "If Sister Lan and Young Master Fang refuse to give in, and are unwilling to compromise with each other, then there will be an unsolvable deadlock."

"Ayu thinks that if I take a step back and am willing to exchange my life for Warners, will this matter end well?" Fang Zilan's face sank like water, and said in a cold voice: "The barbarians who fled outside are all desperadoes. Using the guise of revenge can't cover up their ferocious nature, bargaining with them is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers."

She paused as she spoke, "What's more, I am not related to Warners, so why would I trade my life for hers? My life is very precious."

Zhuge Yu sighed softly, "Young Master Fang is also forced to have no other way out. As long as there are other ways, he will not make a deal with the gangsters."

The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, and she smiled coldly, "Ah Yu, are you going to speak for Fang Liren?"

"Sister Lan just said what Mr. Fang said, every sentence is reasonable, but it is also a bit unreasonable." Zhuge Yu smiled, and said seriously: "Sister Lan, have you ever thought that if Mr. Fang Marrying Warners and giving up everything, is he still the Mr. Fang that Warners likes? It would be too petty to sacrifice all feelings of life and death."

"People are selfish, everyone wants to be a couple forever." Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "Some people try to control everything in vain, while others are willing to be puppets who lose themselves. Blame the Sassan family for being too possessive , and Fang Liren is not something in the palm of your hand."

"However, no matter how shrewd and cunning Fang Liren is now, he can't escape the net of love that binds him." Zhuge Yu's eyes were a little empty, with a look of absent-mindedness, "The word love really touches people's hearts."

Zhuge Yu's voice was very soft every word, as light as a feather scratching Fang Zilan's heart, the itch to speak was mixed with a quiet sting, which made her feel that her heart was less and less like her own .

After a long time, she slowly opened her mouth and said: "Ah Yu looks like this, it seems that he has experienced love, and he looks away."

"I didn't look away." Zhuge Yu's voice was low, as if uncontrollable, some words escaped from his mouth involuntarily, "It's just that she said something similar to me before I went to the capital. If I go to the capital , that is, we will never see each other again in this life.”

"Ayu is going to the capital after all." Fang Zilan answered, with indescribable regret in her tone.

"That's right." Zhuge Yu had a wry smile on his face, "I thought she was just talking in a fit of anger, and I can still go back to see her after I become famous."

"She didn't speak in a moment of anger, but because she couldn't bear it because of her selfishness." Fang Zilan's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of deep meaning, and said: "She wants you to stay, but she doesn't want to erase your ambition. Disappointed, but there is still a glimmer of hope left. She left the choice in your hands, but she failed in the end."

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan blankly, and murmured in a low voice: "Sister Lan thinks I have failed her?"

"Yes, and no." Fang Zilan's tone was solemn and dignified, "What Ah Yu failed was the girl's love at a certain moment in the past, and what I did not disappoint was my love for her all the time. I remember when I was under the Gilded City, Ah Yu Yu told me that there are always things that are more important than life in this world. There are many people who can’t help themselves because of what they want, and it’s already great that Ayu can live up to himself.”

Like a ray of light, her words shone into the dark corner of Zhuge Yu's heart that he didn't want to look directly at, making him suddenly enlightened, and secretly sighed "That's all".

He immediately restrained his emotions, changed his expression, and returned to his calm and relaxed appearance of the second son of Zhuge, "I won't mention my affairs. Sister Lan, what do you want to do with today's scene?"

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