"Empress, have you ever thought about it?" Wen Ya took a deep breath, and said slowly: "If he knew that the third lady survived this experience, would she still save her life, would he do anything?"

"He won't." Fang Ziqin said firmly: "In the future, with the Fang family around, I won't give anyone a chance to hurt her."

"Since the Empress has ordered." Wen Ya saluted respectfully, "Then I will do as I wish."

"There is Mr. Lao Wen." Fang Ziqin raised his hand and made a gesture of invitation. Seeing Wen Ya striding in, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly sat down while supporting the Feng seat.

Palace ladies kept coming in and out, and soon Li Shengxuan also brought the imperial doctor over. Fang Ziqin held up his strength to meet the ceremony, and then looked up, almost the entire imperial hospital came, standing in a mighty manner for half a hour temple.

"What did Mr. Wen say?" Li Shengxuan's voice was fairly steady, but the worry in his eyes had already fully exposed his emotions.

Fang Ziqin shook his head and said in a low voice, "Mr. Wen hasn't come out since he went in."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, he hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the inner hall, but was stopped by the imperial physician at the side, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there is too much blood smell inside..."

"Get out of the way." Li Shengxuan squinted at the imperial physician who was speaking, which made him shudder, and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the Third Miss Fang inside is the Queen Mother's biological sister after all, this... is really inconvenient... ..."

He spoke hesitatingly, Li Shengxuan understood it.Fang Zilan, as the daughter of the prime minister, is an innocent girl. Now she is injured, and he has a doctor to treat her. Even though he is the lord of the world, he is also her brother-in-law. I'm afraid her reputation is unnecessary.

Seeing that Li Shengxuan had stopped, the imperial physician who was speaking hurriedly said: "I would like to share your majesty's worries and help Mr. Wen."

"You go." Li Shengxuan waved his hand, the imperial physician who spoke nodded in response, and the other imperial physician beside him also followed.

From the beginning to the end, Fang Ziqin remained silent, not because she was afraid of seeing blood, but when she thought of the girl who grew up in front of her eyes, lying lifelessly inside, her heart throbbed uncontrollably.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?No matter how alienated we are, seeing each other day and night for more than ten years, there is always love among them, not to mention...

"Queen." Li Shengxuan spoke suddenly, pulling Fang Ziqin's thoughts back, and she responded, "What orders does Your Majesty have?"

"Assassination in the middle palace, the chancellor's daughter was seriously injured. It's not auspicious." Li Shengxuan said without anger, "You follow my order and go to Baiye Temple to invite Master Yuan to perform a religious ceremony for the palace."

Fang Ziqin was stunned for a moment, but his face remained calm, "The concubine will go now."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of Fengyi Palace, and the competent female officer who followed couldn't help but quickly walked a few steps, and came to her and asked Ying, saying: "This servant is going to deliver the decree on behalf of the empress."

"No need." Fang Ziqin said lightly: "Prepare the car, I will go in person."

Fang Zilan walked up to Fang Liren in a leisurely manner, and looked at him fixedly, "My life is a priceless treasure, nothing can be exchanged."

After she finished speaking, Fang Liren's eyes completely lost their brilliance, like a person who fell into a swamp and tore the last straw, and could only watch helplessly as his feet sank in the mud, helpless.

"Okay, okay! Okay..." Fang Liren almost yelled out three good words in a row, every word was heartbroken, each word more desperate.

Until the last good word was uttered, the person fell to the ground lightly like a kite with a broken string, and his heart was ashamed, which made people unbearable to look at.

"Fang Liren, I heard that you are an unborn business genius. You have lost your parents since you were a child. You are the one who came to the position of the head of the family in such a den of tigers and wolves as the Fang family by yourself." Fang Zilan sighed, "You can see See what you look like now?"

After she finished speaking, she squatted in front of Fang Liren with a cold and firm expression, "I won't change for Warners, but I will rescue her back."

"Only you, how can you save me?" Fang Liren stared at Fang Zilan in disbelief, as if he wanted to see something on her face, but he couldn't see anything.

"If you put all your eggs in one basket and fight to the death, there may not be no way out." Fang Zilan smiled, "This is my business, you just need to tell me where the place you agreed with those robbers is."

Fang Liren hesitated for a long while before saying in a low voice, "Thirty miles outside Xiguan City, the forest bordering Dajing and Persia."

"Okay. We'll leave tomorrow." Fang Zilan agreed without hesitation, "Don't worry, nothing will happen if I'm in Warners."

She stood up and was about to leave, but she heard Fang Liren's voice, hesitant and full of hope, "You really want to..."

"There is nothing you want or not." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Liren's words suddenly, and paused for a while with his back turned to him.

Zhuge Yu looked at her, and saw that she had no expression on her face, but the expression in her eyes was extremely solemn and solemn, "There are always things that need to be done."

Hearing this, Fang Liren stood up tremblingly, and after tidying up his clothes, he bowed respectfully, "Fang Liren is here, thank you very much for your kindness."

"Mr. Fang, you don't need to thank you." Fang Zilan turned around, looked at the sincerely convinced person in front of her, and said loudly: "Since I have inherited the title of Dajing, I must respond to the people of Dajing." She left with a flick of her sleeves , Zhuge Yu also followed her out of the house.

"What did you say?" The bandit leader turned his head in disbelief and looked at Fang Zilan behind him, only to see that the corner of her mouth was raised into a cruel smile, and his voice trembled involuntarily, "Didn't Fang Liren only bring a few of you here?" ?”

"In order not to make you suspicious, of course we are the only ones who will take the lead in the front, and General Dugu will lead people to set off later. As for the time, it is all calculated by Ayu, and there will be no difference." Fang Zilan said calmly , but every time she said a word, the face of the bandit leader turned pale.

The sun at noon in autumn is still warm, but he just feels like falling into an ice cave, as if his body is wrapped in thick ice and snow, which makes him unable to move.He could only let the person in front of him smash the ice and snow on his body, together with the flesh and bones, until only crumbs remained.

Such despair, was it also the case before Luseya died?

Soon there was the sound of uniform footsteps in the woods, accompanied by the vibration of the ground, announcing the arrival of the mighty brigade of soldiers and horses, and also heralding the complete defeat of the bandits.

Seeing that Dugu Xinqin came with his troops, the gangsters no longer wanted to fight, and fled everywhere like birds and beasts, but they still couldn't escape the encirclement and suppression from the well-trained soldiers.

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