Chapter 924
Xiao Xuan'er hesitated for a while before saying: "Recently, a theater troupe entered the capital, saying that they were invited to celebrate the wedding of King Yuning and Princess Wu Qing."

Fang Zilan looked solemn, "Who invited you?"

"This is the strange thing." Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly, "The class leader refused to say, and Qianjinfang couldn't find out."

People who can't be found by using Qianjinfang's power are very likely to be just a cover.

Xiao Xuan'er obviously also thought of it, she said quietly: "The name of this troupe is Qingchao. Since then, I have been working behind the scenes, and vowed that I will never be on stage again in this life.”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "I hear what you mean, this time the troupe leader will come on stage to sing the congratulatory opera in person?"

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er nodded and said: "The class leader said that King Yuning and Princess Wuqing have noble status, and only when she appears on the stage in person can it be considered complete."

"Consummation?" Fang Zilan repeated the word, inexplicably feeling a bit out of harmony, she asked thoughtfully, "What's Ji Ningtian's reaction?"

"At first I didn't agree, saying that the troupe of the Qing Dynasty is famous outside, so it's not good for the leader of the labor troupe." Xiao Xuan'er hadn't finished speaking, and as expected, she saw a flash of disdain in Fang Zilan's eyes, "A troupe leader, if he wasn't invited They cannot even enter the palace, this reason is too far-fetched."

"So later the class leader took Qing Chao's class to invite Ann outside Prince Yuning's mansion, and King Yuning had no choice but to accept." Xiao Xuan'er's voice weakened, and Fang Zilan calmed down and said: "So, Qing Chao Did Ben come uninvited?"

Xiao Xuan'er shook her head, "I don't think so. If the head of the class had colluded with King Yuning in advance, it would be unknown if he would act in front of the people of the capital."

"It's not impossible." Fang Zilan asked as if thinking of something, "What's the name of the leader of Qingchao class?"

"Happy Yan." Before Xiao Xuan'er finished speaking, Fang Zilan subconsciously raised her hand to cover her head, intermittent images flashed in her mind, a little girl was calling "Sister Yan", that was her.

"It's not me looking for you, it's Mr. Fang who wants to see you." Fang Zilan pursed her lips after saying that, "I asked Miss Xiao to invite you here without asking you, you..."

She didn't continue, but Ah Shi curled his lips, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, since Mr. Fang wants to see me, then just see me." When he spoke, he looked at Fang Zilan with bright eyes, with indescribable concentration serious.

Fang Lihui sized up the young man in front of him thoughtfully, and then glanced at Fang Zilan. He got up and saluted, "Master Fang, I have a heartless request."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, Fang Lihui continued, "I would like to ask Mr. Ah Shi to stay with me in Fang's residence for three days. After three days, he can decide whether he wants to stay in Fang's house. I wonder if Mr. Fang can agree? "

"Ah Shi is free to come and go, I will not be his master." Fang Zilan said calmly, Ah Shi opened his mouth to speak but stopped, "Master Fang, I..."

"It's okay, you can decide for yourself." Fang Zilan eased her tone, with obvious encouragement and comfort in her eyes.

Hearing this, Ah Shi seemed to feel relieved, but before he could open his mouth, Fang Lihui said: "Young master, don't be too busy rejecting me."

Ah Shi was stunned, and just gave Fang Lihui a chance to be persuasive, "Young master, my Fang family has been in business for generations, and I have always had my own skills in keeping accounts. If you come, you will definitely learn a lot. It’s not a loss if you don’t stay in the future, isn’t it?”

Seeing Ah Shi wavering, Fang Lihui put away his folding fan and continued: "With your ability, the more you learn, the more you can help Mr. Fang. Don't you want to?"

"I am willing." Ah Shi blurted out, then realized what he said, and covered his mouth suddenly.

Fang Lihui raised his brows and curled his lips into a coquettish smile. Seeing this, Ah Shi slowly put down his hands, lowered his eyes and said, "As long as it can help Mr. Fang, I'm willing to do anything."

A very light sentence, but it reveals an indescribable firmness.When the young man raised his eyes to look at Fang Zilan again, there was a hint of sharpness in his eyes that was bound to win.

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought it was his own illusion, and was about to distinguish carefully, but the young man had already restrained his sharpness, and he was still as cute as before.

Fang Lihui had a panoramic view of this scene, and the smile on his face was even wider. He spread his folding fan to cover up a little, "Since Mr. Ah Shi agrees, if Mr. Fang has no objection, I will take him away today."

Li Shengxuan was so choked that he couldn't speak for a moment, and after a while he opened his mouth and said: "I just..."

He opened his mouth, and the worried words that followed were finally swallowed by him.

Powerless worry is nothing but hypocrisy.

Fang Zilan waited for a long time, but seeing that he had no more to say, she couldn't help asking, "Just what?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, even she herself found it funny. What was she expecting?

Li Shengxuan remained silent, and she said to herself: "Your Majesty, do you still remember Xia Houyan? Back in the Wind River Valley, when His Majesty's old department died in peace, I understood that His Majesty couldn't help himself. Even if it was the case with Xiahou's family, what's more?" Let alone me?"

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to refute, but in the end he didn't make any sound.

He let Fang Zilan continue to speak, only listening to her words as if mocking herself, "Actually, who in the world has no worries? It's just that I am unwilling. Your Majesty, don't care..."

Before she could finish speaking, she heard a loud bang.

Hearing the sound, the two raised their heads and looked out the window at the same time, only to see the gorgeous fireworks burning all over the sky, occupying their entire sight.

There are constantly burned out fireworks falling down, and more eye-catching fireworks continue to light up the night sky.One after another, it is colorful and dizzying.

Fang Zilan stared intently for a while, then lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "The palace banquet on New Year's Eve is about to begin, Your Majesty is still busy, so don't pay attention to me anymore, I will leave the palace right now."

Li Shengxuan didn't keep her, but just quietly watched her leaving back, suddenly felt that the fireworks in the sky were so dull and tasteless, they were not as dazzling as the one she set off in Wind River Valley.

And Fang Zilan left the palace, stopped to watch the fireworks on Zhuque Street for a long time, his hands and feet were a little numb from the cold, but he still stood firmly in the same place.

In the midst of the bustling and prosperous scene with endless traffic, she was so silent that she seemed out of tune with everything around her.

At the beginning, she only felt that the world was indifferent, so she vowed to be her own light in the fireworks in Wind River Valley.

Later she watched the fireworks many times.

However, under the massive light, she only felt as if she was in an ice cave, getting colder and colder.

After all, it is involuntary.

(End of this chapter)

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