Chapter 925
"I don't know why General Huangfu is looking for me?" Fang Zilan got straight to the point, and Huangfu Xin smiled slightly, "Huangfu's family will leave Beijing to return to the northern border soon, so I should say hello to Master Fang."

Fang Zilan snorted coldly and said: "The Huangfu family is free to come and go, why should I say hello to me? I don't have such a big face."

"Master Fang, do you hate me because of Shangguan Min?" Huangfu Xin smiled, Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "It was Shangguan Min's own choice to be threatened to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing as a hostage, and General Huangfu in the Tiancheng Mountain Palace just told the truth , why should I hold grudges?"

Hearing this, Huangfu Xin couldn't help laughing, and said after a long while: "With Sir Fang's ability, I think he has seen through my plan long ago. This test is not only for Shangguan Min, but also for the other party."

Fang Zilan looked at Huangfu Xin with great interest, and said: "If I say something more and expose Huangfu's family, can General Huangfu still risk my life and death? I am alone and have nothing to worry about, General Huangfu It's different."

"If Mr. Fang really has nothing to worry about, why do you protect Shangguan Min?" Huangfu Xin asked without answering, "There is also the medical girl in Mr. Fang's house who accompanied you from the northern border to the capital, and the cousin from Mushanguan. .”

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and Huangfu Xin said meaningfully: "Master Fang's weakness is clearly on the table. Not to mention me, even others can see it."

A Wan listened blankly, and said with a blank face: "How can you know so clearly?"

"That's because he was the mastermind from the beginning." Fang Zilan leaned on the armrest of the chief seat with an indifferent expression, "There are so many things happening in the house, how can a little housekeeper be able to suppress them? No one Dare to report to me, I think they have a lot of backing."

There was obvious astonishment on Shangguan Kuo's face, "Master Fang, guessed it a long time ago?"

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "If it wasn't for you being poisoned, I wouldn't be sure. Now, if there are any other means, you might as well use them all and let me see."

"I was poisoned, why would Mr. Fang..." Shangguan Kuo stopped in the middle of speaking.

Fang Zilan's expression was a little more sarcasm, "Why, I finally thought of it. You were the one who suppressed the matter, and you were the first to attack Shangguan Linglan. Now, in order not to make me doubt you, you have used poisoned Fazi, don’t you think it’s deliberate?”

She glanced at Shangguan Kuo coldly, "Do you think that by pushing Shangguan Linglan out to confuse people at this time, I won't be able to guess you?"

Shangguan Kuo's expression changed from astonishment to shock, and he laughed out loud, "Master Fang is so amazing, why don't you tell me what you guessed?"

"I've checked the only two males left in your Shangguan family. Shangguan Min is the illegitimate son of the patriarch Shangguan Jing, and you, Shangguan Yu, don't even know who your biological father is. You are just the son of a servant girl with the surname of Shangguan. That's all." Fang Zilan sat up straight, and swept away the previous tiredness, "Shangguan Min has half of the barbarian blood and can't turn over, but you are different, even if you don't have barbarian blood, no one is optimistic about it."

"At first, I thought you were just a child who knew how to read people's feelings and feelings, and I had a little bit of thought about taking care of you. Until one day when I was in the army, I accidentally smelled the sachet you gave to Shangguan Min."

"I heard that you gave it to every Shangguan family, saying it was for the brotherhood of the clan, but there was a hint of prajna flower in the sachet. The smell of prajna flower is special and can be used for tracking. I think you will not miss it." you know?"

Fang Zilan paused as she spoke, "Before I always thought that the wolves were instigated to besiege your Shangguan family, but then I thought about it, even if the wolves had an owner, how could they eat up one of the wolves surnamed Shangguan? In the end, only Get the two of you down."

"Later, I read some books in the army, and I learned that apart from bone whistles, smells can also be used to train wolves. I just don't know what you said to Lucia, so that she can help you eradicate dissidents, except for so many Shangguans? But you can probably guess, it's nothing more than what helped her get Shangguan Min back to the barbarians."

"That's true. After all, if Shangguan Min stays in Dajing, maybe those old Shangguans will use his name to reorganize the Shangguan family. But in the current situation, even if Shangguan Min stays in Dajing, it is impossible No old Shangguan would dare to raise his head to get close to him, wishing to stay as far away as possible."

"Your scheming skills are really powerful." Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, and then changed her voice: "Speaking of this, I still want to ask you, Shangguan Min's non-commissioned officer military status has been delayed, but you told Mr. Zhong Yao what?"

Shangguan Kui smiled and nodded, "That's right, I underestimated Mr. Fang, you can guess so much from a sachet. Shangguan Min's non-commissioned officer military status is my entrusted person to talk to Mr. Zhong Yao. Although Mr. Zhong Yao said He is a well-known parent officer, but it is precisely because of his reputation that he behaves well in the world and will never put himself in the forefront. Even if Qi Yuming is a lobbyist, after weighing the pros and cons, he will not help Shangguan Min apply for non-commissioned officer status. "

Fang Zilan thought for a while, and nodded, "Master Zhong Yao is a commoner, so he has some skills to be able to occupy this position, and it is one of them to be able to weigh the pros and cons. Therefore, when the Shangguan woman disappeared, he still did not move. I can hold my breath."

"Lord Fang is wrong. He is not holding his breath, but he is waiting for Master Fang to support him." Shangguan Kuo rested his chin in one hand, looking very innocent, "It doesn't mean that Master Fang just went to see him, and he They sent someone to arrest Huo Sanniang."

After listening for a long time, Awan finally came to his senses, and asked in puzzlement, "How did you know that Master Zhong Yao had arrested Huo Sanniang?"

"Zhang De, the yamen servant, is his eyeliner." Fang Zilan said without any surprise: "I have read the testimony, the housekeeper and his wife in the daytime, the half that is not Zhao Jinqian must be true. Huo Sanniang has nothing to do with Zhao Jinqian, it is Shangguan Linglan found it, but Shangguan Linglan would do this, I'm afraid it's not only for the simple revenge of grandmother, it should be Xu Xin with you, right?"

"Master Fang is worthy of being a woman. It is easy for a woman to guess what a woman is thinking." Shangguan Kui sat in the wheelchair leisurely and said with emotion: "I thought that if Mr. Fang was a simple-minded reckless man, I would use it The Shangguan woman died unexpectedly, and everyone can make you lose. If Mr. Fang has some ideas, and this round makes a big fuss about Zhao Jinqian, and the Wang family will lose both sides, then I will also benefit. Who expected Fang My lord has actually found me, the person behind the scenes, I really want the other lord to look at me with admiration."

(End of this chapter)

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