Don't ask where people go

Chapter 926 Chapter first

"Where did you come from? Don't you know the rules?" Fang Zilan's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp shout. She turned and looked over. Dare to block the way of the mission?"

Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, and gave him a rather amusing look, not to mention that the Di Rong mission entered the capital ahead of schedule, and the guards in Beijing did not have time to disperse the crowd and clear the main road, so they said that the Di Rong mission dared to be in the capital of Dajing. It is really unprecedented for Zhong Zhong to show off his might and scold the people of Dajing for not knowing the rules.

"Why didn't you answer?" The guard raised his whip, "Is he dumb?" He was about to swing his whip, but was knocked off his horse by a stone.

"Who is it?" The Di Rong mission immediately became alert, and the guards in the capital who were escorting behind the mission were also shocked. They didn't hear the dispute in front of them clearly, only saw the guard who cleared the way fell off his horse, and he In front of him was a roadblocker who appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing that the guard commander was coming quickly, he heard a loud voice, "General Zheng Yan of the Yue Kingdom, the protector is late, and I hope Master Fang will forgive me."

The government of Yue State?The commander immediately got off his horse and knelt down before seeing clearly, "I don't know that Lord Yue is here, and I have offended you so much, please forgive me, Lord Yue!"

Hearing that the members of Di Rong's mission also got off their horses one after another, and the guards who fell to the ground dragged their injured legs, knelt up and knelt up straight, and pleaded guilty to Fang Zilan, "I don't know if it's the Duke of Yue, the little one deserves to die... ..."

"Get up." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "I don't have such a big face to ask Di Rong's mission to make way for me."

The Wheel-Running King stood at the end of the crowd and was squeezed until he was almost against the wall, but he still didn't move half a step.Seeing Fang Zilan looking over, he stood up straight and waved his hands.

Fang Zilan pulled Mo Han, forced her way through the crowded crowd, walked to the side of the wheel runner, and said pleasantly, "Why are you here?"

Mo Han was about to salute, but was stopped by Zhuanlun Wang, "Young Master Mo, you don't need to be too polite, I just came to see your sister."

Fang Zilan smiled, "How do you know that I will definitely go out today?"

"You may not want to, but Awan is here, and she will definitely drag you out." The Wheel-Running King stretched out his hand to protect Fang Zilan's back, "Let's go, talk while walking."

The three of them walked down the street, and the sky was filled with lanterns and fireworks all the way, making it dizzying for the eyes.It's really a prosperous scene where thousands of trees are blooming at night in the east wind, BMW carving cars are fragrant all over the road, and ichthyosaurs dance overnight.

Fang Zilan saw a plum blossom lantern from a distance, the glass was burnt into the shape of a plum branch, and when the candle was lit, it was radiant and breathtaking.

She stopped involuntarily, and the Wheel-Running King followed her line of sight and sighed subtly, "It's a plum blossom lantern."

Mo Han looked at Zhuanlun Wang and said, "What did your benefactor say?"

"Nothing." The Wheel-Turning King looked at Fang Zilan, who frowned slightly, "I seem to have seen this lamp somewhere before."

Zhuanlun Wang said quietly: "You said you liked it, but the young master gave you one."

"What happened later?" Fang Zilan asked casually, and the King of the Wheel said in a low voice: "Later, you accidentally broke that lamp, and the young master asked someone to repair it for a long time. Day, and the ground was broken again."

"Why?" Fang Zilan turned his head to look over, the look of the wheel-running king was dim against the light, but the contours of his face became deeper and deeper.

He said word by word: "That day was the day when you fell into the water and almost lost your life."

"Really?" Fang Zilan couldn't see any expression on his face, but he said in his heart that death is like a lamp going out.Now she is no longer a beauty lamp for anyone to enjoy.

Fang Zilan leaned against the tree trunk, looking at the gangsters who surrounded her impenetrably, she felt dizzy for a while.

She lost too much blood, and she couldn't last long.

She clenched the plum sword in her hand, and the bloodthirsty look in her eyes made the gangsters around her afraid to step forward for a moment. When you look at me and I look at you, you can see the hesitation on the opponent's face.

"Now, she's dying." Someone suddenly shouted, and added at the end, "Don't let her die, catch her alive!"

As soon as the voice fell, the gangsters from all directions rushed towards Fang Zilan as if they had been greatly encouraged.

Fang Zilan listened to the voice and defended his position, and tried his best to kill the owner of the voice.

She knew very well in her heart that this was her only weak chance of survival.

If she couldn't find the owner of the voice before she collapsed, she might die here today.

Fortunately, she moved fast enough, and the plum sword in her right hand landed firmly on the neck of the owner of the voice while the figure flickered, and with a forceful left hand, she released his right hand holding the knife, and the knife fell to the ground with a bang, and was caught by her Kicked into the distance.

Seeing this, the bandits around stopped their offensive and stood still, not daring to move.Judging from their reactions, she guessed right, this person was their leader.

"Master Fang is really powerful." The bandit leader snorted coldly, "However, I am still not at a disadvantage after being seriously injured. I am unlucky to fall into your hands today."

"Death is imminent, and there are so many nonsense." Fang Zilan spat out a mouthful of blood, and ruthlessly removed his left hand, "How dare you play tricks in front of me, it's really boring."

Following her words, the bandit leader's left hand hung down limply, and the powder hidden in his hand spilled on the ground without being able to hold it.

Fang Zilan backed away with the bandit leader in hand, and stopped only a few meters away from the powder.

She coughed a few times, and there was a trace of sarcasm in her tone, "You really deserve to be Lucea's best friend, even the trick of using poison is exactly the same."

"If you want to kill, kill, what do you want to do with Lucia!" The bandit leader was obviously enraged. He struggled to resist, but Fang Zilan grabbed his neck and removed his jaw neatly. , how could I be willing to let you die?"

"You..." The bandit leader looked in horror at the woman in front of him who was as cruel and ruthless as a ghost prison Shura, her brows were stained with blood and she smiled wickedly, making people feel chills down the spine, and her voice trembled unconsciously, "Why don't you kill her soon? "

"Kill me?" Fang Zilan tapped his shoulder with the plum sword in his hand, pointing the tip of the sword at the gangsters who dared not go forward, and each time he pointed at a person, the man took a step back until the plum sword turned away. Half a minute, cut the skin of the bandit leader's neck, leaving a bloodstain.

The bandit leader did not dare to move, he was afraid that if the sword on the side of his neck was deflected by half, it would kill him.

Fang Zilan stopped his hands, and the plum sword still rested on his neck.

Her lazy voice came from behind him, "Let's not talk about whether your gang of mobs can kill me, just say that General Dugu has led his troops into the woods at this time, and none of you can escape."

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