Don't ask where people go

Chapter 927 Indulgence

Chapter 927 Indulgence
"Fang Zilan, why are you giggling here?" A Wan tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve, and she came to her senses, "It's nothing, thanks to the empress, it took no effort to get the soldier talisman."

A Wan raised his hand to touch her forehead, "Don't you have a fever?"

"Don't make trouble." Fang Zilan grabbed her wrist, "I'm fine, I'm just happy."

A Wan shook her head violently, as if she couldn't understand, "It's fine if you're happy. I'm here to tell you that all the soldiers outside have been sent back to Wei Shi as you ordered."

Fang Zilan said yes, and Awan asked in confusion: "I don't understand, why not use such a big handle of Wei's overreach?"

"Did you hear the edict of Empress Dowager just now?" Fang Zilan asked instead of answering, Awan repeated it in a low voice, but she didn't find any clue.

"The Empress knows that the Ministry of War is not peaceful, so she specially issued a decree." Fang Zilan reminded: "Do you think she will know that the Wei family's soldiers have overstepped the rules?"

A Wan suddenly realized, "The Yi decree only said that Wei Yi used the military talisman privately. It didn't say what the private military talisman did, and there was no mention of the government soldiers. Could it be that the empress didn't want to help you, but wanted to protect Wei?"

"The Empress is not returning to protect Wei, but reminding me that the government soldiers' overreach cannot be exposed yet." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, and Awan frowned and asked, "Why?"

"I am a thorn in the side of the noble family, if I expose the crime of overrunning the government soldiers..." Fang Zilan paused, and dragged his voice: "Isn't it necessary to completely become the public enemy of all the noble families? ?”

"It's not you who are wrong, it's obviously those great families..." A Wan was interrupted by Fang Zilan before she finished speaking, "Not everything in the world can be judged right or wrong, how can I fight so many enemies alone? your family?"

A Wan looked unwilling, and said sullenly: "Then let's forget about it?"

"No." Fang Zilan said firmly: "What can't be done for a while may not be impossible for a lifetime."

A Wan looked at her, her face was expressionless, but her eyes were extremely firm, and even her own heart became much more stable.

"I believe in you." A Wan said when she heard her own voice.

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, but A Wan looked away and looked at the gloomy sky, "I didn't believe it when you said you were going to be number one in the world, but you did."

"Later when Wu Qing said that you were going to enter the court, I didn't believe it, but you did it again." Awan breathed a long sigh of relief, and said to himself: "After that, the traps in the north, the robbers in Xiguan, the plague in the southeast, and the Qi Luo Shoucheng, you can do things that surprise me every time. Therefore, I think that as long as there is you, there is no hopeless situation. It is your strength to turn danger into safety and make the impossible possible."

"It turns out that's how little Awan sees me." Fang Zilan's voice was full of laughter, "In this case, I will lend you a good word. I hope Dajing can fulfill my wish one day."

"You're so arrogant." Awan couldn't help laughing, Fang Zilan reached out and rubbed her hair, "No way, who made little Awan believe me?"

A Wan pushed her hand away helplessly, "How old am I, and you still rub my hair? Seriously, what are we going to do next?"

"Once we have the soldier talisman, we will naturally go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing." Fang Zilan said as a matter of course: "Wei Changtai saw the soldier talisman, so he had no choice but to capture it."

A Wan said coldly: "If it's so easy, why didn't Master Wei Subaru take the soldier talisman and go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, instead of asking you to come?"

Fang Zilan remained silent. Before seeing Wei Yi, she thought that Wei Subaru was trying to avoid conflict with him and save unnecessary trouble.It can be seen that after seeing Wei Yi, she felt that she was wrong.

Such as Wei Yi, even if there are ten or hundreds of Wei Subaru, they will not pay attention to it, and there is no need to use the soldier talisman as an excuse to ask her to make a special trip.In other words, Wei Subaru just didn't want her to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, so he just found something for her to do.

What happened in Daying in the suburbs of Beijing?Shangguan Min is still in it...

"Fang Zilan..." A Wan's voice pulled her back from her thoughts, she collected her expression and said, "Forget it, let's go back to the house first."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Li Shengxuan actually sent Zhuge Yu over.She hurriedly got up and opened the door, only to see Awan and Zhuge Yu standing in the courtyard.

The two were waiting to exchange greetings, when they heard the creaking sound of the door opening, they both looked over at the same time.

Zhuge Yu smiled lightly and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, is Sister Lan still okay?"

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and walked in front of the two, "Your Majesty sent Ayu here?"

"Your Majesty originally wanted me to come, but King Yucheng took the initiative to invite Ying, so he sent the two of us here together." Zhuge Yu replied, and Fang Zilan smiled: "It's true that I can ask you two to help me move the house. What a big face."

A Wan looked around suspiciously, "Where is your lord, why haven't you seen him?"

"My lord went ahead and went to the new house to wait." Zhuge Yu took the initiative to solve the confusion and asked, "Sister Lan, has everything been packed? If everything is in order, we can set off for the new house now."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded, and told Awan to go to Vice General Cao to prepare to leave.

Zhuge Yu left from the front yard with Fang Zilan, and A Wan and Deputy General Cao asked someone to carry their luggage and left the post house from the back yard.

Along the way, Zhuge Yu and Fang Zilan talked about the matter of the northern border, "Your Majesty is interested, Lord Zhuo Wang Quanzhi will take over your position. Let me first say hello to you and ask your opinion."

"His Majesty decides about the appointment of officials. I can have no opinion." Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu leisurely, "I'm afraid that if the Wang family comes up, the Huangfu family will not be reconciled."

"The separation of civil and military affairs in Yanzhou has always been distinct. In the past, Shangguan respected both civil and military affairs. The only exception is the fact that now the imperial family is in charge of military affairs. Compared with the family of officials and ministers who are divided into courts and courts, they naturally want to be a scholarly family." Zhuge Yu is very organized, "Looking at the entire northern border, The most suitable one is the Wang family."

"Indeed, there are three high-ranking civil servants in Yanzhou City. One is Mr. Wang Quanzhi, the other is Mr. Zhong Yao, and the third is Mr. Lu Zhizhang. It's a pity that Mr. Zhong was born in a commoner and has no family background, and Mr. Lu is under the influence of others. It's hard for Lu Tang to stand up..." Fang Zilan changed his voice abruptly in the middle of the sentence, "When I took office, I relied on the military exploits of a general..."

Seeing her involuntarily stunned, Zhuge Yu smiled lightly, "Didn't Sister Lan already guessed it? Back then, the chaos in the Northern Territory was just settled, and the various forces were intricate. Your Majesty didn't dare to appoint civil servants lightly, so he had to let you take the position of a military general." Thunder means to eliminate."

(End of this chapter)

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