Don't ask where people go

Chapter 930 Indestructible

Everyone looked at each other, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it, but Geng Nan was the first to react, "Qianjinfang has the world's news, and knowing people is the best in the world, how could you not recognize me just now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone responded, but Mingxiang didn't even raise her eyelids, "What's so difficult about knowing people? My master doesn't want to know Hero Geng, it's to save face for him. Are you right, Canghai Liu gentlemen?"

As she spoke, she looked at the man who comforted Huo Chun'er, but when she was named, she was stunned, "Miss, have you seen me?"

"Never." Ming Xiang said neither humble nor overbearing: "I just guessed it because I saw Mr. wearing a sword and caring for Miss Huo so much."

Hearing the word "Miss Huo", Huo Chun'er seemed to be trampled on her tail, and said, "I am the heroine Huo from the Huo Family of Daomen!"

"Yes, Lady Huo." Ming Xiang changed her words in a polite manner, and her eyes fell back on Geng Nan again, "The Xiaojinghu school, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and there are very few people who are clean and self-sufficient. The superficial friendship is already saving face, does Geng Daxia really want my master to tell everyone what you have done?"

Geng Nan's face was pale and he didn't answer, "You...don't talk nonsense!" He suddenly drew his sword and stabbed at Mingxiang.

Ming Xiang didn't dodge or dodge, at the moment the sword fell, there was a crisp sound, and a copper coin was thrown out from nowhere, and the sword was broken.

Under the sudden change, the Jianghu people present showed their weapons one after another, but they saw the shopkeeper in the building approaching, with a smile on his round face, "Dear guests, kindness makes money. As early as when this girl entered the building , I checked her invitation post, and there is no doubt that she is from Qianjinfang. As for this hero Geng, martial arts are banned in the building, and it is helpless for one of his staff to break your sword. This building is willing to pay you the equivalent of gold as a token of appreciation. apology."

After he finished speaking, he beckoned, and a waiter came up with a tray, but there was only a piece of gold leaf on it.

Seeing this, Geng Nan said angrily: "Well, you are a Zuiyuelou, you look down on people with a dog's eyes, this sword of my father..."

"Great Xia Geng's sword, if it's genuine Qingping, whether Zuiyuelou can afford it or not is another matter." Ming Xiang cut off Geng Nan's words in a low voice, "But if you say it was broken by a small copper coin, it's impossible to think about it. .”

It was only then that the people who were stunned realized that what Geng Nan was holding was not Xiaojinghu's Qingping Sword, the treasure of the town school, but a similar imitation, no wonder it broke so easily.

After being exposed by Ming Xiang, Geng Nan became angry from embarrassment, but he didn't dare to do anything again. He took the piece of gold leaf resentfully, and left Zuiyue Tower in disgrace.

The shopkeeper and Fang Zilan nodded their heads at the same table, "It is really the fault of this building for disturbing the elegant mood of the girls in Qianjinfang. All the expenses of the spring meeting will be recorded in the account of this building."

Zuiyue Tower is a gold-selling cave for paper drunkenness, and more than ten days before and after the Spring Festival, the expenses of one person are already a large amount, but the expenses of the three are covered by the shopkeeper. This blatant compliment obviously confirms Fang Zilan The identity of a group of Qianjinfang.

It was only then that everyone in the hall came to their senses, and those with sharp ears and eyes finally understood what Fang Zilan meant when he said that he was half a man from the rivers and lakes, and the Zhen family in Qianjinfang.

According to rumors in the rivers and lakes, when Zixiu destroyed the Tibetan Sword Villa, a servant of the Zhen family escaped by chance, and the desire for revenge was not extinguished, so he founded Qianjinfang, wandering on the edge of the rivers and lakes and the court, buying and selling news from all over the world. There will be revenge one day.

Therefore, the people in Qianjinfang all call themselves the Zhen family, and the most valuable thing in the workshop is Zixiu's news, and all transactions are a thousand taels of gold.

There was no expression on Li Shengxuan's face, but there was a rare tenderness hidden in his eyes, "I said, the fireworks that year were really beautiful."

His voice was almost inaudible, but it still fell into Fang Zilan's ears clearly.

She suddenly felt like a bunch of fireworks exploded in her heart.

It turned out that a long time ago, they had an intersection.

Now that the past was brought up again, it seemed like a fateful reunion, which made her secretly happy, but she couldn't even tell what she was happy about.

If this was put on when she was sober on weekdays, she would definitely have to get to the bottom of it.But at this moment, she was in a daze, her mind was muddled.

She didn't even have time to think about whether it was because the temperature of the charcoal fire in the house was too high, or whether she had a fever, which made her tremble like a fluttering kite.

Li Shengxuan's words of fireworks are as beautiful as the clouds in the nine heavens. She is so addicted to it that she almost wants to get close to it, but she is afraid that the storm hidden behind the clouds will smash her to pieces in the next moment.

Her mouth was dry, and some words were on the verge of coming out of her lips. She almost couldn't hold them back from coming out of her mouth, so she had to bite her lips tightly to try to force them back.

Li Shengxuan saw that she was about to talk, and his expression was very similar to what he saw in Baiye Temple that year.

In fact, he had seen her and her mother long before that trip into the water.It's not so much seeing it before, it's better to say it's just seeing it from a distance in Baiye Temple through the dense crowd of people surrounded by fragrant mist.

Fang Zilan looked extremely docile when she was young, and she was naturally clever. She was a little girl who couldn't help but look at her even if she was thrown among the children.

As for her mother, she always wore plain clothes and a veil to cover her face, and her every move was extremely low-key.During festivals and festivals, he will take her to Baiye Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings, and she is very devout among many pilgrims.

Rumors from the outside world said that the lady in the mansion had scratched her face because of fighting for favor, so she was much more peaceful, praying to God and worshiping Buddha so devoutly was just trying to live a safe life.

But he knew that the truth behind the rumors might not be true.

He once saw their mother and daughter setting up lanterns in the valley behind Baiye Temple by accident.

The gray and white lantern with no words was licked up by the rising flames little by little, making it look extraordinarily gloomy in the daytime.

He knew that it was a ghost lamp, specially lit for the departed.He also ordered it for his brothers on the bone-burying battlefield, but he had never seen any woman in the back house knew how to order it, and they all felt it was unlucky.

Xu was curious, that day he followed their mother and daughter all the way, and left after seeing them adding oil to an ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha.

After they left, he went up to look at the amulet on the ever-burning lamp.

It is engraved with: mountains and rivers are forever.

Time has passed, but he still remembers the shock when he saw these four words, and he still remembers the amazing eyes of the little girl who said the fireworks were beautiful that night.

At that time, he only felt a lock in his heart, clicked, and opened.

But later, he thought he had missed her, so he had no choice but to reshape the shackles with the ambition of eternal life, and imprisoned himself in the prison of power.

However, at this moment, he fixedly looked at the person in front of him, only to realize that they hadn't missed it.

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