"Unannounced visit to Jiangnan, will you go?" Fang Ziqin's voice sounded from behind Fang Zilan, she sat up straight again, raised her eyes and looked over, "You know everything?"

"News came from the Jiangnan family, saying that a secret envoy will go to Jiangnan for an unannounced visit in the next year." Fang Ziqin rolled up his sleeves, "For me, it's not difficult to guess."

"I forgot, the family of the Fang clan is in the south of the Yangtze River." Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, "Do you want me to go?"

"Whether I wish it or not, I can't stop you." Fang Ziqin smiled self-deprecatingly, Fang Zilan turned her head away, "Sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Ziqin shook his head, "As long as you remember, the Fang family is always there, and as long as you speak, you will do your best."

"Okay, I remember." Fang Zilan nodded, Fang Ziqin didn't say anything more, and was about to leave when she heard her voice again, "Sister, I always wanted to have a place of my own. Then I can live for myself, but now I feel that it is just an extravagant wish."

Fang Ziqin looked at the person in front of him fixedly, and said after a long time: "At least you have fought for it and lived for yourself, which is already very good. In this world, most people cannot help themselves. A daughter of an aristocratic family must bear the glory of the family. , but so what? If you don’t want it, no one can force it.”

"The world changes like flowing water." Fang Zilan said softly: "How can we not force it?"

"Lan'er, if you leave here, I and even the Fang family can protect you from retreating." Fang Ziqin stretched out his hand to support Fang Zilan's shoulder, "I would like to leave a way out for you."

Back way?Fang Zilan looked up at Fang Ziqin with mixed emotions in her heart.Being honored as the queen also means that all the back roads are cut off, like a canary with its wings broken and locked in a cage. As long as the feathers are beautiful, blood and pain are not important.

However, it was Fang Ziqin who was like this, but he was willing to leave a way out for her.Compared to the back road that Li Shengxuan told her before, for some reason she was more willing to believe in Fang Ziqin.

Maybe it's because they are all women who walk on thin ice under this huge dynasty, or because they all struggled hard but couldn't escape their so-called fate, but even so, they still dared to fight against it...

Regardless of the reason, Fang Zilan suddenly felt relieved at this moment. She heard her own voice and said firmly word by word: "Sister, if I can come back safely this time, from now on, I will be your and the Fang family's partner." back road."

"What did you say, the empress dowager is going back to the palace?" Fang Zilan was so shocked that she almost couldn't hold the medicine bowl, but Awan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and held it up in time, so that the medicine bowl would not fall to the ground.

"This medicine is expensive, be careful!" A Wan flicked her red fingers, "It's true, the palace people have exploded, and there are some gossip outside, saying..."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice and leaned closer to Fang Zilan's ear, "Your Majesty will kiss Jiangnan this time, and I'm afraid he won't come back."

Fang Zilan's expression turned cold suddenly, "If your majesty doesn't come back, are you going to abdicate King Yucheng?"

The three of them soon arrived at Zhizhou Mansion, and after the notification, a man in charge came out and invited the three of them in, "It's a coincidence that Mr. Fang came today."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, her face full of interest, and the steward led the way while answering, "It just so happens that General Huangfu also came to visit my lord, and he is talking to my lord in the front hall right now."

"It's really a coincidence." Fang Zilan chuckled, she was thinking of going to see Huang Fulin after seeing Zhong Yao, but unexpectedly they all met together.

Fang Zilan hadn't reached the front hall when she heard Huangfulin's voice, "Lord Zhong is not well, you might as well rest for a while. The eighteen cities of Yanzhou have been peaceful recently, so it won't delay anything if you think about it."

Just as the steward wanted to invite Fang Zilan into the front hall, she pulled her aside and made a gesture of silence. Deputy General Cao and A Wan who followed her understood, and also stood silently under the window outside the hall.

"General Huangfu's words are wrong." Zhong Yao coughed twice while Fang Zilan frowned imperceptibly. Could it be that he is really sick?
"Although the Eighteen Cities of Yanzhou appear to be peaceful on the surface, after all, in the borderlands, there will be troubles if you are not careful. I really dare not stop worrying about it." Zhong Yao's voice was a bit hoarse, and Huang Fulin's tone With a smile, "Master Zhong devoted himself to everything, which is really admirable."

Huangfu Lin changed the topic of conversation, "But in the long run, Mr. Zhong's illness is not a solution. My nephew Huangfu Chen is smart and capable. Why not let him stay by Mr. Zhong's side and listen to Mr. Zhong's orders."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips and shook her head, knowing that Huangfulin, an old fox, would not come if he had nothing to do.

She straightened her sleeves and was about to go in, when she suddenly heard Zhong Yao's voice, with a hint of restrained anger, "What is General Huangfu doing? Could it be that you don't believe me?"

"What is Mr. Zhong talking about?" Huangfu Lin quickly denied, "It's just that the Shangguan family has just fallen, and Mr. Fang will inevitably embarrass the old Shangguan when he takes office. Mr. Zhong was born in civilian clothes, which is exactly what she is suitable for. Object, I am also worried..."

What a Huangfulin, Fang Zilan was so angry that she clenched her fists tightly and ran up to Zhong Yao to sow discord.

She had said long ago that if the old Shangguan kept her own place, she would be Xiao Gui Cao's follower. Now that Huang Fulin disturbed her, the conflict between her and the old Shangguan would only intensify.

Although she said that she was anxious in her heart, she still kept her face calm and listened patiently to Zhong Yao's response.

"Your Majesty Huangfu's words are wrong." Zhong Yao coughed violently again, "The Shangguan's family has shown kindness to the subordinate officials, and Zhong Yao will not hesitate to repay the favor, even if his body is smashed to pieces."

"It's just to repay the favor, so why put your wealth and life on it?" Huangfu Lin sighed, "If you keep the green hills there, you won't be afraid that there will be no firewood for burning. Mr. Zhong is wise to protect himself."

"As the magistrate of Yanzhou, how can I be greedy for life and afraid of death? No matter what Fang Zilan does, I will not be afraid of her as a woman." The second half of Zhong Yao's sentence was righteous, but with a bit of disdain.

Fang Zilan only felt that an unknown fire was burning in her chest. She broke into the front hall almost uncontrollably. Huang Fulin and Zhong Yao in the hall didn't expect her to rush in suddenly, and they didn't even have time to salute. , froze in place in a daze.

"Master Zhong is so good that he never forgets to repay the favor. Then do you know how to repay the Shangguan family's favor?" The corners of Fang Zilan's lips raised, revealing an indescribable sneer, Zhong Yao was startled by her question again, and subconsciously asked Out of the mouth, "Master Fang thinks, how should I pay back?"

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