Don't ask where people go

Chapter 938 Cultivation

"Whether I can protect it or not, it's all my business." Fang Zilan remained motionless in the salute posture, "I won't bother Your Majesty."

"Fang Zilan, why are you..." Li Shengxuan couldn't help but flicked his sleeves, and didn't say any more.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and wanted to say something to ease it up, but Li Shengxuan grabbed his arm and brought him in front of him, "Your Majesty..."

"Fang Zilan, if you want to protect Mo Han, do so." Li Shengxuan sighed, "I will choose someone else for implementing the new law."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Fang Zilan wanted to break free, but Li Shengxuan grabbed him even tighter, "I said before, I am willing to share with you. No matter what you want to do, I will support you."

He changed his name, and his words were sincere and earnest. Fang Zilan was in a daze, "You..."

She turned her head away, not daring to look directly at Li Shengxuan, "Your Majesty doesn't have to treat me like this, it's not worth it." After she finished speaking, she resolutely shook off Li Shengxuan's hand, and took a step back.

"Whether it's worth it or not is my business." Li Shengxuan stepped forward, "Fang Zilan, are you really going to push me away?"

Fang Zilan opened his mouth, but didn't make any sound. Seeing this, Li Shengxuan suddenly smiled, "That's fine, at least in your heart, I have weight."

"What?" Fang Zilan looked surprised, Li Shengxuan coughed lightly and said, "Before the Mid-Autumn Palace banquet, you sent all the people in the mansion away, just because the situation is unclear, you are afraid that they will be implicated, right?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze, "How do you know..."

"But they still came back." Li Shengxuan said seriously: "They didn't avoid it, and neither will I."

For some reason, Fang Zilan felt like hiding when she looked at the people who were close at hand.She took a step back subconsciously, her heels stepped on the edge of the colonnade, but the back of her head did not hit, but leaned against Li Shengxuan's palm.

"Be careful!" Li Shengxuan stretched out her hand to cover Fang Zilan's head, she couldn't help but clenched her fingers tightly, "Your Majesty..."

"I know that you are related to the previous dynasty, and I also know that you have deep entanglements with the ghost gate." Li Shengxuan continued, "I admit that I care, but what I care more about is when you are willing to tell me."

It was the first time that he had said everything he knew so bluntly.It is not as complicated as imagined, but it is indescribably easy.

"Yes, I know." Li Shengxuan didn't hesitate, Fang Zilan clenched her fingers subconsciously after hearing this, her nails sank into her palm, leaving red marks.

She gathered herself together, as if trying to be brave, met Li Shengxuan's gaze, and said almost indiscriminately: "Since His Majesty knows, then I have nothing to say. If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

After she finished speaking, she leaned on the pillar and turned her back, not daring to see Li Shengxuan's reaction, until he left, she never looked back.

The three of them entered the account, and after Fang Zilan had read Li Shengxuan's letter and checked the White Jade Tiger Talisman, General Shen, who was in charge of the camp, took out the other half of the White Jade Tiger Talisman he was holding and handed it to Fang Zilan, solemnly saying : "Everything is up to Mr. Fang."

"Your Majesty's order is unshirkable." Fang Zilan shook the tiger talisman tightly in her hand, but the white jade was much heavier than she expected.

Seeing her silence for a long time, General Shen couldn't help but asked, "Mo Bin rebelled, what is Mr. Fang's intention?"

"I want to sneak into Mushan Pass first, find out the reason for Mo Bin's rebellion, and then make plans." Fang Zilan quietly put away the White Jade Tiger Talisman, and bowed to General Shen: "Before that, General Shen please Stand still, let alone reveal my whereabouts to anyone."

"Lord Fang, don't worry, the news that His Majesty sent a special envoy to inspect the southeast regions has just come out. The special envoy in the capital has not yet been decided. No one will know that Lord Fang has arrived." General Shen answered quickly, Fang Zilan But he was taken aback, "Special envoy?"

"Your Majesty's instruction should be for Sir Fang's consideration." General Shen spoke concisely, and Fang Zilan then understood Li Shengxuan's intention.

Before she figured out the situation, she must not startle the snake, and it is understandable to hide her whereabouts all the time.However, once the chaos is put down, it must be justified. The news of the special envoy came out from the capital.

"I see." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and changed her voice, "Dare to ask General Shen, what is the situation at Mushan Pass now?"

"The whole city is under martial law, Mo Bin's warrant is required for entering and exiting." General Shen showed embarrassment, "Our people managed to get Mo Bin's warrant, but they were discovered when they sneaked into the city, and now they are still imprisoned in the city prison. "

Fang Zilan couldn't help asking curiously: "How was it discovered?"

"It's Mo Bin's youngest son, Mo Han." General Shen felt sorry for him, "That kid has a photographic memory. Most of the people in the Southeast Camp have met him face to face. With him watching over Mo Bin, our people are completely confused. Don't go in."

"Who are you talking about?" Fang Zilan blurted out subconsciously, with a gaffe she had never seen before.

"Mo Han." General Shen repeated, "Master Fang knows this person?"

"I..." Fang Zilan was dazed for a moment.When she heard this name just now, she really thought it was her own cousin - Mo Han.

However, within a short while, she slowed down, mocking her own wishful thinking in her heart.

It has been so long since she traveled here, and she is still obsessed with the original world.But a name can actually make her lose her senses and shake her to this point.

She made up her mind and comforted herself that it was just the same name, she must not be soft-hearted because of irrelevant people, and ignore other people's lives.

Seeing that she was silent, General Shen tentatively called out, "Lord Fang?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan shook her head violently, "Although the name sounds familiar, I have never been to Mushan Pass before, and I don't think I will know any of Mo Bin's sons."

When the word Mo Han came to her lips, she became the son of Mo Bin.She smiled wryly in her heart, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little nostalgic.

Missing surged up, she clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves into fists, trying to drive all the memories about Mo Han and the original world out of her mind, but it was in vain.

"If Mr. Fang had never met Mo Han, it would be much easier to sneak into Mushan Pass." General Shen felt relieved, and immediately sent his deputy to bring Mo Bin's warrant.

Fang Zilan took Mo Bin's warrant and handed it to Deputy General Cao without even looking at it, "If there is nothing else, I will leave. General Shen please wait for the good news."

"Master Lao Fang." General Shen cupped his fists and saluted, "Master Fang, if you need it, just come to the Southeast Camp with the White Jade Tiger Talisman, and I'll go through fire or water."

Fang Zilan returned a salute, then took A Wan and Deputy General Cao, and left the Southeast camp without looking back, heading straight for Mushan Pass.

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