Don't ask where people go

Chapter 939 Behind the Scenes

Chapter 939 Behind the Scenes
"Yes." Zheng Yan took the order to leave, and Fang Zilan then asked Xiao Xuan'er: "After the household department detained the person, did you say what to do with it?"

"Not yet." Xiao Xuan'er shook her head, "Smuggling convictions are usually measured by the value of the goods. I heard that the Ministry of Household Affairs has not yet estimated the price, so the person has not been handed over to the Ministry of Punishment."

"I think it's not that the price has not yet been estimated, but that we will know how to estimate the price only after seeing the Fang family's reaction." Fang Zilan leaned half on the main seat, looking a little tired.

"If the Fang family bowed their heads and gave in, it would turn this matter into a trivial matter." Mo Han said, "But if the Fang family still refuses, the Ministry of Household Affairs may have something out of nothing."

Fang Zilan remained silent, thinking that Pei Juanqing was pressing every step of the way, is the Fang family really going to have nowhere to go?

"Lord Fang!" A Wan came in a hurry, and said anxiously: "Someone from the palace summoned you, saying that His Majesty invited you into the palace."

"Entering the palace again?" Fang Zilan only felt that her head was as big as a fight, and she didn't know what Li Shengxuan was thinking. Since the Lantern Festival, she had been summoned into the palace twice a day.

It stands to reason that she is not allowed to enter the court without a purpose, and she needs to enter the palace to report the situation only once a month, but now Li Shengxuan announces her to enter the palace every now and then, it is a trivial matter, but he wants to let her go for a while trip.

At this time in Zhongzheng Shizi's mansion, Murong Qing was lying on the bed, staring at the bed curtain above his head, seriously thinking about what step went wrong, and Mr. Zuo would be put in.

When he heard that Mr. Zuo had been arrested, his shock was beyond words.Because of Yunshu's relationship, Mr. Zuo has a half-teacher friendship with him, and is the only one who knows his ambition and is willing to help him.

Dajing's game of chess was planned by Mr. Zuo.

After he came to Dajing, he quickly discovered that Master Yuan's identity was not simple, so he ran to Baiye Temple twice in three days, and finally let him figure it out.

After he passed the news to Mr. Zuo, Mr. Zuo first robbed the Persian caravan and blamed Di Rong's department, provoking disputes between the two parties.Then, on the one hand, he installed his own people in the mission, and the Persian mission secretly praised Master Yuan; information.

The deputy envoy of Persia was dissatisfied after hearing the news, and from time to time someone said that Master Nuoan was a barbarian monk, which made him even more angry, and there was the scene in the hall.

As for Mi Agu, Mr. Zuo was kind to him, and the original plan was to let him kill Master Yuan in public.The dead can't speak, and the truth can only come from the mouth of the living. In this way, no one will know whether Master Yuan is worthy or not.And Li Shengxuan will at least be charged with being confused and incompetent. In addition to his unknown throne, there will be chaos in Dajing.

Now because of Fang Zilan, although Master Liao Yuan did not die, the rumors have aroused eminent monks from all over the world, and his ruin is imminent.Even if it is a bit tortuous, it can still achieve its goal.

However, in this chess game planned by Mr. Zuo, he didn't show up from the beginning to the end, why was he arrested?Could it be...

Murong Qing sat up suddenly, and was about to call Meng Tingyang, when he saw him walk in, he saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, Master Fang of the State of Yue invites you to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing."

Hearing that Murong Qing's pupils dilated suddenly, was it really that accidentally dropped jade pendant that attracted Fang Zilan?

He slowly got down from the bed, restrained his emotions and said in a low voice: "Understood, after I change my clothes, I will set off."

Fang Zilan looked up, and the butler with a frozen smile led Zhuge Yu over.She collected her expression and said in a low voice, "Ayu, what are you doing here?"

"Sister Lan has lifted the confinement of the mansion, so she should return to the mansion to resume her post." Zhuge Yu stood still and said slowly, "It's been a long time since the officials from all over the mansion have seen Mr. Fang go, so I invite you to come to Fang's mansion to have a look. .”

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, thinking that if she was not locked up in the mansion, she would go to work. It's really hard for a minister in Dajing.However, she still said calmly: "Your labor, Ayu, wait here, I have changed my official uniform, and I will follow you to the government office."

"Okay." Zhuge Yu agreed, Fang Zilan glared at Mo Han, then quickly went back to the house and changed into his official uniform, and went to the government office with Zhuge Yu.

After arriving at the government office, Fang Zilan looked at the mountains of official documents on her desk, and couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling, "So many?"

"The land in the southeast has been severely injured after this incident, and the aftermath is quite cumbersome." Zhuge Yu deliberately prolonged the ending: "Sister Lan has worked hard."

"Fang Zilan took the document on the top, read it halfway and then said with a headache: "Ah Yu, money is needed to deal with the aftermath, but isn't it the responsibility of the household department to allocate money?Why did you push it to me? "

"The household department returned the paperwork on the grounds that the expenditure was unknown." Zhuge Yu's expression became a little serious, "Maybe I have to trouble Sister Lan to go there in person."

Fang Zilan looked puzzled, "When did Mr. Pei become so unreasonable?"

"Lord Pei Xiaoze is reasonable, but Duke Juan is not so easy to talk to." Zhuge Yu looked down at the document in her hand, and persuaded: "Sister Lan, please read it carefully again, and don't let the people from the Ministry of Households choose the document. Nothing wrong."

"Pu Guogong is no longer the Minister of the Household Department, how can he stretch his hand so long?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, but still patiently read the Chinese book carefully.

The more she looked at it, the more she frowned, "There are a few items that are really doubtful, I'll ask someone to check it first, and if it's correct, I'll go to the household department in person."

"Okay." Zhuge Yu nodded, then called the subordinate officials to come in, and explained the parts that need to be verified one by one.

Fang Zilan roughly went through the paperwork on the case, and then assigned it to different personnel to handle it. It was past noon when the work was over.She just felt hungry and was about to go out to eat something when she saw Zhuge Yu walking in with lunch.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but sighed softly, "Ayu, you are really very appropriate."

Zhuge Yu put the lunch on the table, while listening to her sigh with emotion: "I thought that the last child in the family like A Yu must be regarded as a treasure, raised up with incomparable gold and preciousness, never thought that he would be so good at taking care of others. "

"The Zhuge family in the capital, in my generation, besides elder brother, there is only me." Zhuge Yu looked indifferent, "My elder brother is mostly away, so naturally I can only take care of the grandparents at home. It has been a long time, and I am used to it."

Fang Zilan was keenly aware that she might have said something she shouldn't have said, so she was silent for a moment, and then said again: "Speaking of which, I have closed the mansion for these days, and the mansion has a backlog of official duties, so I'm afraid I have to be busy." It's been a while."

Zhuge Yu didn't talk to her, but just stared at her fixedly until her hand holding the chopsticks stopped, "Ah Yu?"

(End of this chapter)

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