Master Liaoyuan added a cup of tea on his own. It was a coincidence, I don't know whether it was on purpose or not - today's tea is Shan'er's favorite lotus tea.

Yi Ren is dead, but they are still alive.

He still remembers when Shan'er said mysteriously that she wanted to see someone when she was a child, but her elder brother wouldn't let her go.At that time, his temper was free from all taboos, so he went with Shan'er.

That was the first time he saw Wei Subaru.In the twelfth lunar month of winter, by the lakeside in the outskirts of the city, the half-grown Wei Subaru kicked a child similar to him into the lake with a cold face.

No matter how the child struggled, Wei Subaru would press his head again and push him into the lake. Seeing that his breath was weakening, Shan'er screamed and rushed up, stopping Wei Subaru.

However, they arrived too late, and the child was only half-breathed when he was caught, and died not long after.

The matter came up in front of Duke Xianwei, Wei Subaru jumped into the lake without saying a word, suffered the same thing as that child for life, even the time was right, he calmed down the matter himself.

Wei Subaru's life was saved, but it was the first time he knew that someone could be so ruthless that he could spare the lives of others, and even his own.

So he, like his elder brother, forbids Shan'er to see Wei Subaru again, but he has some concerns, how can he stop him?
So when he heard that Wei Subaru risked Shan'er's life, he was not surprised, but he couldn't hold anything else in his heart except hatred.

He didn't understand, since Wei Subaru could risk his own life, why wasn't he the one who died?
It wasn't until later, when he saw Wei Subaru who was in a daze, that he knew the answer.

That was the first time in his life that he saw Wei Subaru in such a panic, and it was also the only time...

Thinking of this, he let out a long sigh, picked up the cold tea in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp.Then he stood up, went to the Buddhist hall where the lamp was offered, and added oil to the ever-burning lamp with "Zhugeshan" engraved on the amulet.

"You are here." The old monk walked behind Master Yuan, only to see him turn around and salute, and called "Master".

The old monk took the lamp oil in his hand and added lamp oil to the ever-burning lamp with "Zhuge Jun" engraved on the Buddhist card next to it.

"Master..." Master Liao Yuan hesitated to speak, and the old monk said meaningfully: "Living the fate of the world is not something that can be achieved by a dharma name. Although you have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, if you can't get over the hurdle in your heart, this An ever-burning lamp won't help."

After he finished speaking, he hunched his body and moved to one side and sat down. Master Liao Yuan sat beside him and listened to him say: "In a few days, I will go to travel around the world to promote Buddhism. Don't worry about seeing each other again this time." , do you have anything to tell me?"

Master Liao Yuan was stunned, and looked up at the ever-burning lamp engraved with "Mountains and rivers are forever" on the amulet, "Master has found a new lamp provider?"

The old monk nodded, "Although it is different from what my old friend thought, he is still the one who can entrust this wish. What's more..."

He coughed and changed his voice, "I have found the person who is destined for this lamp, and I have fulfilled a wish."

Master Liao Yuan was silent, and the old monk smiled, "You don't have to be like this. When I handed over the position of abbot to you, I said that if this action can help you see a peaceful and prosperous world, fulfilling your wish is also a merit. one piece."

He said with a look of relief in his eyes, "The current scene in Dajing really looks like a prosperous age. I have completed my merits and virtues, so I will go around and spread Buddhism widely, which is worthy of my name as a Buddhist national religion."

State religion?Master Liao Yuan frowned in his heart, if it wasn't for this reason, how could he have come here?
At that time, he had only been a monk for a few years, and even if he was very talented, he was not qualified to be an abbot.However, for Zhuge's family, for Li Shengxuan, for Shan'er, and many others, he became the abbot of Baiye Temple.

Just because you believe in people's hearts, it's better to play with God's will.He became the host of Baiye Temple, and the Zhuge family could better protect the Li family.

To become a monk in order to get rid of the world, but to become an abbot for ordinary things, it is really a trick of luck.

Master Lioyuan stared at the lights in the hall, he was blind for a moment, only the old monk's voice was in his ears, mixed with a sigh——

"Fate, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and only by crossing yourself can you get over. From now on, Baiye Temple will be handed over to you."

Fang Zilan woke up very early the next morning, or she didn't have much rest at all.

The old story that Deputy General Cao said has been lingering in her mind, making her feel only unspeakable guilt for Zhuge Yu.

Coupled with Zhuge Yu's expression and posture yesterday at the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, Zhuge Shan's death would have hit him hard, after all Zhuge Yu was only a teenager in his teens at that time.

She wanted to apologize to Zhuge Yu wholeheartedly, so she got up early and went straight to the government office after packing up.

The government office in the morning mist was silent and deserted, and the emptiness seemed a little deserted.

The government yamen room and the guards opened the door for Fang Zilan in a half-dream, no one expected her to come so early, but seeing her cold expression as if she was in a bad mood, she was very respectful and did not dare to neglect her.

The way they yawned with strength made the corners of her lips slightly curled up, making her whole person look softer.

Not long after Fang Zilan arrived, Zhuge Yu also came.

He was still wearing a blue shirt, with a veiled white fox cloak over it. The plain white color made him more spotless, and added a bit of coolness.

Fang Zilan looked at him, and greeted him at a loss, only to feel that the distance between them suddenly became farther away.

Zhuge Yu was calm and indifferent as usual, he took off his cloak and went to the charcoal fire to warm his hands, "Master Pei is going back to the Ministry of Households today, does Sister Lan know about the southeast affairs?"

"I..." Fang Zilan hesitated and opened his mouth.

Zhuge Yu looked sideways at her with a clear expression, "Sister Lan, do you have something to say to me?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, he said it with great certainty.

"Ayu, what happened yesterday..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Zhuge Yu as soon as she opened her mouth, "It's okay. Yesterday is over, today is here, so there is no need to mention the past."

"Alright." Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, and said in a low voice, "People always look forward. But no matter what, Ayu, I'm sorry."

Zhuge Yu looked in front of him with a hesitant look, eyes full of regret, and sighed softly: "Sister Lan, there are many affairs in the southeast, and there is no time for you to be sentimental, you have to cheer up."

"Ayu, don't you blame me for dragging you into the game?" Fang Zilan asked without thinking, but after asking, even she couldn't help but find it funny.

"I have never been dragged into the game by others." Zhuge Yu raised the corner of his lips, showing a shallow arc, "Sister Lan thinks, is it you dragging me into the game, or am I leading you into the game?"

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, no longer speaking.

The thin gap between the two, like ice and frost, was evaporated and disappeared with the heat rising from the charcoal fire.

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