Don't ask where people go

Chapter 941 Suffering

For a while, everyone inside and outside the court was quite uneasy, Murong Qing really understood this game at this time, using Fang Zilan's poisoning as bait, Mo Han's assassination as a line, unexpectedly caught so many fish.

I just don't know whether Li Shengxuan is pushing the boat along the way or has premeditated, but in the external decree, he never mentioned the ghost gate and the old people from the previous dynasty at all.

Or, in order not to startle the snake, Li Shengxuan deliberately concealed it...

During the troubled times, the only thing Murong Qing rejoiced was that although Fang Zilan did not die from the poison, he provoked verbal criticism from all the censors at Yushitai.What arrogance and domineering, using power for personal gain, meddling in other's affairs and bullying others, using rank to suppress the Jingzhao Yin's House... But all the news that can be dug up, no matter whether it is speculative or true, has been written by the censors.

As for Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, before he had time to make a statement, he was overshadowed by the bustling people in the market.Someone took the opportunity to spread rumors that the emperor of Dajing, who was dressed in clothes and food, was arranged together with the iron-blooded Duke of Yue. It was rumored that there were noses and eyes, and there were even more outrageous rumors, saying that Fang Zilan did not close the mansion due to illness, but because of illness. Inconvenient to see people during pregnancy...

"Stop!" Fang Zilan interrupted Chu Bin's report impatiently, "How did they make up such groundless words?"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame Mr. Fang for being too brave." Xiao Xuan'er covered her face and chuckled, "If Mr. Fang hadn't made great military achievements, the people would not have been so carefree in recent years."

Fang Zilan curled her lips, and without saying anything, she listened to Awan eating melon seeds and said: "But I don't think it's groundless..."

"I'm waiting for Master Fang." Zhong Yao poured a cup of tea as he spoke, put it in front of Fang Zilan, and made a gesture of invitation.

Fang Zilan sat across from Zhong Yao unceremoniously, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, nodded and said: "This tea is not bad."

Zhong Yao was dressed in plain clothes at the moment, without the majesty of the hall, on the contrary, he was a little more smoky.He smiled slightly and said, "Master Fang is here, do you have something to say to me?"

"Since Mr. Zhong guessed that I will come, you might as well guess again, what I want to say." Fang Zilan said and put the teacup on the table.

Zhong Yao added tea for her, with a smile on his face, "Master Fang is in a hurry, so anxious and in the mood to guess riddles with me, it is really a good mood."

"Lord Zhong, if people are too smart, they will have a lot less fun." Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly, "My housekeeper and his wife have both recruited, and they sold the missing Shangguan woman to Huo Sanniang. The people who patronized Huo Sanniang's flesh and blood business did not know what to do and killed them."

"The housekeeper's lady in Mr. Fang's house, but the woman who blocked the way just now?" Zhong Yao took a sip of tea, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment by his calm and unsurprising appearance, and then he reacted, "You should Wouldn't have known..."

Fang Zilan didn't continue, but Zhong Yao nodded, "I told Mr. Fang earlier in the courtroom. This matter needs to be investigated and Mr. Fang's consent is needed."

"You're using me as a shield." Fang Zilan's expression darkened a bit, but she didn't expect to be swayed by Zhong Yao.

Seeing her change of expression, Zhong Yao also suppressed his smile and said seriously: "Master Fang is so restless. Then I dare to ask Mr. Fang, what do you think is a good official?"

Zhong Yao suddenly changed his voice, but Fang Zilan was startled.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Zhong Yao continued on his own, "The so-called parents and officials must consider the common people. But Mr. Fang, have you ever thought about what the common people are?"

"Everyone in this world is a common people." Fang Zilan replied with the opportunity.

Zhong Yao nodded approvingly, "Lord Fang is right. Since everyone is a commoner, so is everyone in the high courtyard of the aristocratic family."

Hearing this, A Wan interjected dissatisfiedly: "How can family members be compared with ordinary people?"

"Why not?" Zhong Yao looked at A Wan who was frowning with great interest, and she retorted: "People of aristocratic families are born to enjoy the status and respect brought by aristocratic families, and accept the respect of ordinary people, how can they be considered ordinary people? "

"Whether it's the ancestor of Mengyin, or just relying on one's own strength like Mr. Fang, the contribution of the people of the family to the world is greater than that of ordinary people, so it is only natural that they have a higher status? It's just like this. Miss Awan Do you think people from aristocratic families can’t be considered common people?”

Zhong Yao's rebuttal made Awan furious, "You are sophistry..."

"Awan, don't show your temper in front of Mr. Zhong." Fang Zilan interrupted the two people's back and forth, "I understand what Mr. Zhong means. Between aristocratic families and ordinary people, the pros and cons must be weighed. ?"

"That's right." Zhong Yao refills his cup of tea, his leisurely and contented appearance undoubtedly annoyed Fang Zilan.

She snorted coldly and said, "It seems that I misunderstood Mr. Zhong. I thought Mr. Zhong was born as a commoner, so he would be more or less on the side of ordinary people. I didn't expect that he was just a lackey of a wealthy family. For his own benefit, Can disregard human life."

"I thought I made it clear to Mr. Fang, but I didn't expect to be misunderstood." Zhong Yao laughed dumbly, "When did the lower official say that he would disregard human life?"

Zhong Yao changed her name, and Fang Zilan suddenly realized that the person sitting opposite her might have wanted to throw away her identity to have a heart-to-heart relationship with her. separated.

"As the magistrate of Yanzhou, the lower officials are worthy of the emperor's favor, and the lower officials are worthy of the people. As long as they are within the power of the Zhizhou, the lower officials will do it. It can be seen that no matter how big the official position of the state is, there will always be people who can't control it. How many people there are in the environment is not under the control of lower officials."

Zhong Yao said every word with great seriousness, "In the eyes of Mr. Fang, the actions of the subordinate officials may be nothing more than wise and safe. But there are many things that the subordinate officials can do, and they can only wait."

"What are you waiting for? Do you wait until things get out of hand and you stand up to clean up the mess, or do you dare to deal with the remaining party when the people behind the scenes fall?" Fang Zilan chuckled, with indescribable contempt, "This Once, since I was dragged into the water, I will be your shield again. Whatever you find, just let it go, if anyone in the whole northern border dares to stop, I will kill without mercy."

Her tone was fierce and murderous, but her appearance was solemn like a god.

Looking at Fang Zilan at this moment, Zhong Yao felt a strong premonition that the sky in the north was about to change.

Zhong Yao stood up and saluted sincerely, "Your Master Fang said, Zhong Yao must do his best."

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