"Master Fang, Sister Awan asked me to deliver medicine to you." Ah Shi said, obediently putting the medicine on the table.

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "Where is A Wan?"

"I sorted out last year's accounts at the house. Sister Awan and Sister Xiao were checking, so I was asked to come." Ah Shi explained, Fang Zilan was stunned, "You actually sorted out last year so quickly. One year's accounts?"

Ah Shi nodded shyly, and Fang Zilan sighed, "You are so talented, it's a pity to stay in my house."

Ever since Ah Shi was bought back by her and regained her freedom, she has been thinking about what to do with this child.Ah Shi himself originally planned to be a nursing home or something, after all, he has some kung fu skills.

She also found it in the flower building that day, and before she brought him back to ask, Ah Shi admitted it to herself.His father was an apprentice in a martial arts gym, and he was forced to make a living as a thug. As a result, when he was trying to collect debts, he pushed him into a hurry. He never thought that the other party was better, so he lost his life for no reason. It was really difficult for his mother to raise two children, so he sold him.

After she learned about it, she also thought of teaching Ah Shi martial arts, but after thinking about it, he is not very suitable because of his thin body, and moreover, boxing and kicking skills are mostly physical work, so it is better to let him learn something else.

Just when she was hesitating, Xiao Xuan'er found that Ah Shi was extremely sensitive to numbers, and she could easily read and check accounts, so she asked him to share the post of account manager, and saved Mo Han from finding a suitable accountant. distressed.

A few days ago, Xiao Xuan'er found out that there were some problems with last year's accounts in the family, so Ah Shi volunteered to take over the task of sorting out last year's accounts.

After she heard about it, she also went to take a look. The ledgers were piled up like a hill, and it took at least half a month to read them, but Ah Shi managed to sort them out in just a few days.Thinking of this, she boasted a few more words.

Ah Shi blushed involuntarily, "It's all taught by Sister Xiao and Sister Awan."

"In the matter of accounting, let's not talk about your elder sister Xiao, but A Wan. I know what level she is, and she is about the same level as me. I can't teach you anything." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, she heard A Wan's voice: " If I'm not here for a while, you will speak ill of me!"

Fang Zilan smiled, "To be honest, what kind of bad words are you talking about?"

After a few people took a closer look, Fang Zilan was already standing under the tree in the courtyard Shi Shiran, and the person who came was clutching his chest and fell in front of her, spitting hard, "This kind of indiscriminate method is also not good enough. It's you women who make it come out."

"It seems that you are not convinced?" Fang Zilan walked in front of him and looked down at the visitor, "What's wrong with the woman? You look down on women so much, aren't you born by a woman?"

"You..." He coughed violently, Fang Zilan held the plum sword and pointed directly at his eyebrows, "If you are not convinced, we will fight again."

"No need." He stood up straight with his sword, "Even if the means are despicable, winning is winning. What's more, your swordsmanship is indeed superior to mine, I am convinced."

"Since you are willing to admit defeat, then you will be at my command from now on." Fang Zilan put the sword behind her as she said.

He nodded and said: "Okay." After saying that, he raised his hand and stabbed directly at himself with the sword, actually wanting to die.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zilan was prepared long ago, raised his hand and used the plum sword to miss his sword, so that he only stabbed himself, but did not lose his life.

"Repaying the Lord with your life, you are a loyal servant." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Unfortunately, I don't know if it's worth being loyal."

Her words obviously angered him, "I don't allow you to say Master Lu Tang!"

"The mouth is on my body, what can you do to me?" Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed across his face.

Qi Yuming who was at the side suddenly said, "Lord Fang, Master Lu Tang is dead."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan turned to look at Qi Yuming, his robe was stained with blood and dust, and his clear eyes could not be concealed, "Lord Lu Tang was seriously injured after being hit by the board, and he was too sad, so he died on the way to exile .”

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said: "Forget it, since everyone is dead, there is nothing to say. You go, don't let me see you again."

"There's nothing more to say?" He said with a sneer, "Lord Lu Tang was well-known all his life, but in the end he was framed by others and died in exile for no reason. If I can't avenge him, how can I be worthy of what he gave me?" My kindness?"

"Innocent?" Fang Zilan looked at the person in front of her with a funny face, "Your so-called innocence means relying on the power of a wealthy family to disregard human lives?"

"You're spitting blood!" He was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood in anger, and his whole body was unsteady and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

Fang Zilan retracted the sword, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what the reason, you should not bet all your wealth and life on one person. I saw that you are good at martial arts, so I let you go. Don't be ignorant."

He snorted contemptuously, "I think you are guilty of killing Master Lu Tang, so you let me go?"

"Guilty?" Fang Zilan lowered her head and smiled with great interest, her eyes fell on him, "Have you ever heard of the term "self-inflicted?"

"What do you mean?" He stared blankly at Fang Zilan, and she smiled even wider, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't want it. Like your Master Lu Tang, what is it if you don't blame yourself?"

After Fang Zilan finished speaking, he raised his sword and fell, a silver light flashed, and the person in front of him fell to the ground lifelessly, the overflowing blood stained the snow under his body, under the reflection of the moonlight, it was indescribably desolate and glamorous .

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan quickly ran up to her, held her arm, and said eagerly, "How are you doing?"

"It's okay, I can hold on." She patted the back of A Wan's hand reassuringly, and walked slowly in front of Qi Yuming, Shangguan Min and Deputy General Cao, "How are you doing?"

"Boss, I'm fine." Deputy General Cao struggled to stand up, shaking the dust that fell on his clothes, "It's just a minor injury, nothing serious."

"With me here, don't be brave next time." Fang Zilan said and patted Deputy General Cao on the shoulder, "Your abilities are for fighting on the battlefield. It's not worth using them to fight killers."

After she finished speaking, she turned to Qi Yuming and Shangguanmin, "It's the same for you, next time you see this kind of person, hide as much as you can, and don't confront him head-on."

"Master Fang taught me that." Qi Yuming stood up straight against the door frame, and said with a slight smile, "But if I hadn't stood up for Master Fang just now, Master Fang might not be able to get out of this room."

"Master Qi is right." Fang Zilan nodded calmly, "I owe you a favor. Tell me, how do you want me to pay you back?"

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