Don't ask where people go

Chapter 943 Ripples

Fang Zilan let out a long sigh, Huanyan had planned it long ago, everyone in Qingchao's class knew about it, but no one stopped her.With such a will to die, risking her life at the price, she still suspects that she and Ji Ningtian are in cahoots, what a villain's heart.

Awan's nose was sore, and she subconsciously reached out to grab the person next to her, only to realize that Cong Rong had disappeared at some point, "Where is Sister Cong?"

Cong Rong leaned against the corridor pillar with her back to the hall, her face turned pale, and her hands were tightly twisted together, showing red marks.

As a daughter of the Huan family, she not only knows Huanyan, but also admires her, especially when she heard that she founded the Qing Dynasty class to live and live, she was very envious.

Huanyan is everything she longs for, but she will never be able to become Huanyan.For the sake of the so-called grace of saving lives and giving names, do you not care about anything?
Without a name and without a purpose, at least he can survive.Since Huan's daughter was originally a plaything to please people, what does it matter about the past and present, and which dynasty to celebrate?
Why, must it be today?

"Aren't you going to see her off?" Wen Ya's voice suddenly sounded, as gentle as ever, but it inexplicably annoyed Cong Rong, "Differences are different, and since I have seen her for the last time, I have nothing to give away." gone."

Hearing this, Wen Ya hesitated for a moment before whispering: "Before she died, she said that she wants you to live for yourself."

"Live for yourself?" Cong Rong snorted softly as if disdainful, "When will such deceitful words deceive us lonely souls and wild ghosts?"

She turned her head and stared closely at Wen Ya's eyes, "Wen Ya, ask yourself, do you believe this kind of statement? We..." She bit her lip violently as she spoke, and stopped the rest of her words.

"Living for myself, I don't dare to think about it in this life. But..." Wen Ya paused, and the expression on his face suddenly softened, "Even if I gamble everything, I will let Awan live for myself .”

"It's really a master-student relationship." Cong Rong showed a sneer, "It's a pity." She said with a sigh of relief, "I should go back, it's been too long and Fang Zilan and your good apprentice will become suspicious. "

Wen Ya watched Cong Rong walk away slowly, as if trying to escape from something.However, she couldn't escape in the end. Looking at the happy face of the blood-stained man on the stage, she covered her mouth and cried, the tears couldn't stop falling, blurring her vision.

The longing she once had was now lifeless.Perhaps, there shouldn't be any delusions from the beginning.It's good enough to live.

"I don't want to."

The sonorous and forceful three words seemed to break through a dim beam of light.

The Fang Zilan in her memory, kneeling upright in front of the Fang's ancestral hall, was confident and confident in every word. She looked like a little girl, but she had indescribable strength.

"My aunt can't enter the Fang's ancestral hall today, and I need you to invite her in in the future. All of you think that I am just a concubine of the Xiangfu, but I, Fang Zilan, will never accept my fate in this life. One day, I must all of you Kneel at my feet."

Is that so?She always thought that Fang Zilan's desperate efforts were only for Ji Ningtian, but now that she thought about this episode, she realized that her original intention was actually her own.

It was not easy for women in ancient times. Fang Zilan's mother had a bad background, so she was looked down upon by everyone in the Fang family, but who can choose her background?

Fang Zilan begged everywhere, but she still couldn't let her mother, who died trying to save her, enter the Fang's ancestral hall. In the end, she was buried in a mass grave somewhere in a thin-skinned coffin.

She was struggling, but no one took care of her.

Fang Chongzheng's silence, Fang Ziqin's admonishment, Fang Zitong's ridicule, everyone just hoped that she would take care of herself.

She's just a concubine from the Prime Minister's mansion, and it would be great to marry a wealthy family in the future.

But she refused to accept her fate, and personally rejected the marriage that Fang Chongzheng had chosen for her in front of Fang's ancestral hall, and even said that she would not marry in this life.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Ningtian is not ungrateful, as he should have married a former princess like Wu Qing, but he just didn't.

He didn't marry, and she didn't want to marry. From the beginning, fate had deviated from the original track, and moved towards a future that no one could predict.

She came across time, from a muddle-headed accident to an inevitability to fight to the death.

How many times she was at a loss and felt uneasy after midnight dreams, but until this moment, she who was drowsy in the dream finally found the real reason.

No matter who she is, even if there are all kinds of false accusations, even if it's just an excuse, she will insist on going on by herself, this is the meaning of her existence.

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan persistently called out again and again. For a whole hour, even she didn't know whether this method would work or not, and even Deputy General Cao didn't agree to call her for her.

It has been seven days since Fang Zilan fell into a coma, and she gave her injections and medicines. If she hadn't woken up today, she might never wake up again.

A Wan still remembers that Master used this method back then, and half-jokingly said that at this time, he could only do his best and obey the destiny, to see if he could be called back from the gate of hell.

At that time, she still disliked that Master, as a doctor, believed in such a statement, but Master did save Fang Zilan's life that day.

Now that time has passed, she knows that she does not have the ability of her master, but she has really done her best, and now she can only obey the destiny.

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan only felt that her throat was astringent, and her voice was a little hoarse, but she didn't even bother to drink water, for fear that Fang Zilan wouldn't be able to wake up if she yelled less.

She stared at the person on the bed without blinking, her voice was not as clear and sharp as before, and there was an indescribable uneasiness.

"Little Awan..." Awan couldn't believe her ears in her voice, "Fang Zilan!"

She put her hand on Fang Zilan's wrist, and the moment she felt the pulse, her heart fluttered in her stomach, "Are you awake?"

"You have been calling for so long, why am I... reluctant to wake up?" Fang Zilan spoke intermittently, only to feel that the eyelids were extremely heavy, and it took a lot of effort to barely open them.

She could only see a silhouette against the light in the haze, but she knew that it was A Wan who brought her back from the gate of hell.

"You can wake up, it means that this poison is not as overbearing as the poison in your body, it has been swallowed by it. But you are extremely weak these days, so you must be extra careful." A Wan gently held Fang Zilan's wrist, and leaned towards her He approached and whispered: "You have been in a coma for seven days. People from Fang's family and Ouyang's family arrived yesterday. I will temporarily arrange them to live in the post house, but I can't stop them from coming to see you, and I can't stop them. I can only do it for you. Guaranteed, if I am here, I will heal you Zhou Quan for a day and let you go on."

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