Don't ask where people go

Chapter 945 Burned

Chapter 945 Burned
"Awan, don't panic." Fang Zilan grabbed her hand and comforted her: "I believe in you, and you have to believe in yourself."

"But in the current situation in Linjiacun, if you are unconscious, what should I do?" A Wan was obviously panicked, Fang Zilan squeezed her hand, and said softly: "A Wan, listen carefully to what I'm going to say next. All right."

A Wan bit her lip, "You say, I will listen to you."

Fang Zilan said slowly: "Remember to pay attention to that child in the past two days. Once he dies, you will poison the woman. Then go out of the village to find A Yu and Lao Cao, and tell them that everyone in the Lin family village died of the plague. , the weather is getting hotter, in order to prevent the spread of the plague from the spread of corpse odor, the village must be set on fire."

"What if the child survives?" Awan asked, and Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "Then keep the promise with that woman—take the child out of the village after three days. However, the woman must die .”

"Three days later, although your period of half a month has not passed, the time is also very close." A Wan looked hesitant, "And I'm not sure whether you will wake up by then..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan looked at her fixedly, "So I entrust everything to you."

Fang Zilan didn't care much about Li Qiyou, but just stared at the red-faced boy in front of her.

She had just casually brought someone over, but she didn't notice that it was Ah Shi who was lying on the table and taking a nap. This child was very thin-skinned, and he wanted to hide under the quilt at this moment.

As he wished, she dragged the brocade aside and covered him, then straightened her clothes on her own, raised her hand and lifted the curtain, frowning slightly and said with a frightened look: "My lord, What are you doing here?"

Through the curtain, Li Qiyou could see clearly the mess inside, and the person being looked at was obviously a half-grown child, so he was even more angry, "Lord Fang, you..."

"What?" Fang Zilan chuckled softly, and there was a touch of charm in her eyes, "If you want to come up with the prince's upbringing, you can't scold bad words. Why don't you let me scold for you. Is it better to be a beast, or a bastard..."

"Fang Zilan!" Li Qiyou called her by name for the first time, but there was no panic on his face, but an indescribable sadness.

Fang Zilan almost thought that her eyes had made a mistake, and the next moment a long sigh told her that she hadn't seen it wrong, let alone heard it wrong.

Li Qiyou's eyes were red, "Fang Zilan, would you rather degenerate yourself than marry me?"

"Willing to fall?" Fang Zilan gathered up her skirt, stood up and looked directly at Li Qiyou and said, "Is this how the lord sees me?"

"I..." Li Qiyou opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, leaned into Li Qiyou's ear, and said softly: "Since those in high positions are doomed to be involuntary, why not have some fun? Does the lord think that I will be trapped in a deep house compound, right? Do you sit in the mirror and look at the old man?"

The warm breath swept over Li Qiyou's ears, and he felt his throat was dry, his heartbeat began to beat wildly, and the blood in his whole body seemed to explode.The next moment, he grabbed Fang Zilan's arm violently, using all his strength to suppress the urge to hug her immediately.

"You know that's not what I mean." His voice was a little flustered, and there was a trace of expectation hidden under the determined look in his eyes.

It's not that Fang Zilan can't see it, but she knows what kind of roles people in the royal family are.In this game, she just wanted to be alone, not to gamble with Li Qiyou again.

"What does the lord mean?" Fang Zilan did not push away Li Qiyou, her face was even more smiling, "Compared with the capital, I prefer the sparse surroundings. Even so, can the lord help me?"

Li Qiyou's pupils tightened suddenly, and before she could answer, she said in an agitated voice: "If the prince is willing to make it perfect, I will not be able to do it as a concubine."

"Fang Zilan, do you know what you're talking about?" Li Qiyou said every word with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Isn't it the Tiger Talisman's military power?" Fang Zilan's smile remained undiminished, but his eyes were a little colder, "Why is the prince so afraid of this?"

"I can't allow you, it's only today..." Li Qiyou suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, and looked at her in disbelief, "You, could it be..."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and there was a little more sarcasm in her expression, "Your Majesty, don't guess wildly, the Tiger Talisman was indeed in my hand. His Majesty gave it to me, and I returned it to His Majesty."

Hearing this, Li Qiyou breathed a sigh of relief, and finally realized that Fang Zilan's words were all temptations. She didn't want to hire the tiger talisman, a symbol of military power in the world, nor did she want him to seek power because of it. And he gave a negative answer from the very beginning.

At this moment, he really saw his heart clearly.What he took a fancy to was Fang Zilan, the female general on the battlefield who was as heroic as a man, not Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue in front of him.

She doesn't care about anything, a clean reputation, and even the military power of the tiger.She had everything, but she could throw it away overnight, but he kept chasing her until his face became ferocious.

This kind of her fascinates him, but it also makes him unable to entrust everything to her, let alone fully trust her.However, he only wanted to rely on his status and dignity to try to plunder.In the end, they lost completely, and I am afraid that even the slightest affection between them will be gone.

"I understand." Li Qiyou let go of his hand slowly, as if his whole body had been exhausted, "I will take care of the follow-up matters. Fang Zilan, you are free."

Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves and saluted, "Thank you, my lord."

Li Qiyou closed his eyes lightly, and when he opened them again, he regained his usual grace and demeanor, "Master Fang, you are welcome, you are my minister of Dajing Humerus, so you shouldn't be bothered by this. It's because the king didn't think carefully, Please don't blame me."

"I don't dare." Fang Zilan straightened up, watched Li Qiyou leave as he left, and did not move for a long time.

Ah Shi poked his head out from the brocade quilt, and said cautiously: "Lord Fang, I think he is sincere."

Fang Zilan still didn't look away, and said with a sense of loss: "Unfortunately, I don't have the heart anymore."

For some reason, she had threatened Li Qiyou with the military power of the Tiger Talisman just now, but she had to ask more questions even though she knew the answer.

In fact, when she said these words, she was thinking of the white jade tiger charm that Li Shengxuan handed her.

Li Shengxuan never asked her to promise anything, and just gave her the white jade tiger talisman.The white jade tiger talisman that was stained with his body temperature was unexpectedly stable when it was placed in her palm.

But later, she felt ashamed in her heart, so she could only return that security with her own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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