Tiancheng Mountain in early October is always surrounded by a thin layer of mist, and it becomes colder after frost.

Fang Zilan walked alone in the forest, under the shade of branches and leaves, she couldn't see her expression clearly, but she could clearly feel the chilling aura on her body, so strong that even birds and animals dared not approach her.

"Zixiu." A gloomy voice suddenly sounded, startling a crowd of crows.

"Since you're here, you might as well show up." Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, and threw a hidden weapon out casually, breaking a branch when someone fell behind her.

After that, one person after another, they landed around Fang Zilan. She looked around, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, everyone is here."

"Zixiu, are you tired of living?" King Qin Guang, the head of the Ten Kings of Hades, stared at Fang Zilan with pity. She was not at all afraid, and casually straightened her sleeves, "So what if you are, so what if you are not?"

"You killed my apprentice, so provocative, what is it if you are tired of work?" King Qin Guang said, his expression became more and more resentful.

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and said with a smile: "Apprentice? Isn't he an illegitimate child?"

"You..." King Qin Guang showed surprise, and Fang Zilan smiled even more, "Speaking of which, you should thank me. If you know that you have such an illegitimate child, how can you let it go so easily?"

She paused for a moment, as if she suddenly remembered something, and said, "I almost forgot, this is what the young master told me, if not, where did I get the news? There is also the half-brother of King Chujiang." Younger brother, the married cousin of Wuguan Wang..."

"Shut up!" King Chujiang couldn't listen anymore, and shouted, "Why did you kill them for no reason?"

"For no reason?" Fang Zilan repeated the word in a drawn-out tone, with a sharp expression on his face, "What is wrong with the Tibetan Sword Villa and Wanhua Villa? Wu Sheng, Yang Zhiqing and others? When did we kill people? Will you ask the reason? What's more, the rules on the road are like this, if I don't kill people to sacrifice the flag, will you come here obediently for the appointment?"

"Since that's the case, don't talk nonsense." Emperor Song drew his saber and pointed at each other, "either you die today, or we die."

"It's just what I want." Before Fang Zilan could finish her sentence, she rushed towards the Taishan King who was closest to her like an arrow from the string. She raised the sword in her hand and dropped it. After two moves, she stabbed the opponent's shoulder.

The other six halls took action one after another, and the sound of swords and swords scrambling in the forest was endless for a while, Fang Zilan defended and attacked at the same time, barely able to avoid losing the wind.

This is not going to work, Fang Zilan clenched her teeth, there are seven of them, and she only has one, once the time drags on for a long time, and her physical strength is exhausted, she will only be slaughtered.

"In that case, Shangguan Min thanked Mr. Fang first." After Shangguan Min finished speaking, he was about to cup his fists to salute, but was stopped by Fang Zilan, "This is a deal, you don't need to say thank you."

"But I didn't do it well." Shangguan Min was frank and straightforward, and Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "Although so, I am still satisfied with the result now. Therefore, our deal is still valid."

"I..." Shangguan Min opened his mouth, wanting to say something but in the end he still couldn't say it.

Fang Zilan looked at Shangguan Min's hesitation and reluctance with amusement, and couldn't help sighing, "Shangguan Min, this cautious and timid look is not like you."

"What does Mr. Fang think I should look like?" Shangguan Min lowered his head, his expression darkened a lot.

"What I think is my business, but your appearance should be decided by yourself." Fang Zilan looked at the young man in front of him steadily, and in just a few months, he seemed to have changed.

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, and then said again: "Shangguan Min, since you dare to come to me to ask for the military status of a non-commissioned officer, it means that you are still willing to stay in the army. I can't say what the future will be, but you have already made up your mind, so don't be afraid. Until the end, who knows what will happen.”

"What Mr. Fang said is true. So many people died for me, I can't let them lose their lives in vain." Shangguan Min raised his head, with tears in his eyes, "Dare to ask Mr. Fang, I am in the army, how can Mr. Fang Will you treat me sincerely?"

"That's natural." Fang Zilan nodded without hesitation and said: "Although I hold grudges, I still have grievances and grievances. Between you and me, you haven't done anything wrong. On the contrary, I have a lot of regrets for you."

Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly as she spoke, and Shangguan Min couldn't help asking, "Then have you ever regretted it?"

"It's not regrettable." Fang Zilan looked calm, "If people want to move forward, they will definitely hurt others. Just get used to it in the future, and there is nothing to regret."

"Master Fang really thinks so?" Shangguan Min asked unwillingly, Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "Even if you regret it, so what, is there any medicine for regret in this world?"

"Shangguanmin, I will teach you a lesson today." Fang Zilan smiled meaningfully, "Even if you regret it, don't say it. Others don't care about your feelings, but they will give others a reason to hurt you. Even if you are deceiving yourself , and keep going, until one day you are strong enough to turn lies into reality, that is the real no regrets and no complaints."

"So Master Fang keeps me, and you don't regret it?" Shangguan Min gritted his teeth, and finally asked what was in his heart.

The smile in Fang Zilan's eyes was even bigger, "Of course. I said a long time ago that if one day you stand on the opposite side of me and have a life-and-death dispute with me, as long as you have the ability, you can do it. But if you don't have the ability, I will I won't be merciful to you either. Do you understand?"

Her words were like a ray of light, shining directly into Shangguan Min's heart.

Too many things happened in just a few months, and he vaguely felt that he wanted to pursue something in a daze, but he was always unable to hold on to anything.

Until this moment, he suddenly realized.

It's useless not to look back on the past, and not to regret it later. He can only live in the present, get a non-commissioned officer's military status and settle down in the army.

One day he will find out the truth and rectify the name of the Shangguan family.

Seeing that Shangguan Min was silent, Fang Zilan finally couldn't help asking: "However, let me ask you, after all these things, do you hate me?"

"No." Shangguan Min replied without hesitation, "Compared with resentment, I believe in the innocence of the Shangguan family."

He paused, and said firmly: "Since my surname is Shangguan, I must be worthy of the name of the Shangguan family. As long as I am still alive, I will never live in vain. One day, I will let the Shangguan family revive the past .”

The boy's eyes were still as clear as before, but the ambition and murderous look in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then raised the corners of her lips, and said with a light smile, "I'll wait and see."

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