Don't ask where people go

Chapter 954 Catastrophe

Chapter 954 Catastrophe
Xiao Xuan'er broke the silence, "Sister Lan, except for A Wan, everyone in the house can see that A is interested in you. Now that he has gone to Fang's house, it might be a good thing."

"Thinking?" Fang Zilan repeated these four words noncommittally, and couldn't help feeling amused, not to mention that she treated Ah Shi as a child, but she actually knew Ah Shi's thoughts better than anyone else.

"Ah Shi regarded me as a tall branch. The first glimpse of me when I first entered the flower building was done on purpose by him." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but it still reached Xiao Xuan'er's ears, making her startled.

"You told me all these things." Fang Zilan stared intently at the fiery sunset, only to feel his eyes turned sore, and even his voice became a little bit astringent, "When he told me these things, I was thinking why I am not Choose the high branch of His Majesty, and try to realize my ambitions and aspirations?"

Her voice sank a bit, "I asked myself and used my mind. If so, why should I criticize Ah Shi?"

Mo Han's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, "Sister Lan, you're just..."

"It's just what?" Fang Zilan interrupted him, "Whether it's wise to protect yourself, or the mountains and rivers will last forever, no matter what it is for, I took advantage of His Majesty's momentum to advance, this is an indisputable fact."

Hearing that Xiao Xuan'er drooped her eyes and said: "Flowers never bloom forever, and branches and leaves are hard to grow. If one day..." She paused suddenly, then said: "Master Fang, did you ever think about retreating?"

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled, "What a coincidence, Ah Ye asked me that too."

Mo Han's expression was complicated. Based on his understanding of Fang Zilan, she would probably say "you should have confidence in me" to Ah Shi, such an understatement, but...

He knew very well that Fang Zilan was sandwiched between Li Shengxuan and Ji Ningtian, he was in a dilemma, there was no way out, no matter what he said, he was just deceiving himself.

"I'd rather die with the incense on the branch than blow it into the north wind." Ah Shi's voice suddenly sounded, Fang Zilan looked back, the sky was getting dark, and the figure of the young man under the corridor seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, not very real, but straight stood upright.

"You still remember." Fang Zilan smiled casually, Ah Shi walked up to her and bowed solemnly, "Master Fang, I'm here to say goodbye."

Fang Zilan remained silent, watching Ah Shi salute uprightly, then stood up, and met her eyes for the first time, and said, "Master Fang, please take care of everything."

"You too." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Put yourself first in everything, and I hope that Ah Shi will live a long life without any worries."

"Then why did you lie to me?" Fang Zilan's voice was as cold as ice, and Awan's tone trembled involuntarily, "Young master didn't let me tell you, he was afraid that you would see the medicine puppet who tested the medicine for you, and his heart would be broken." I can't bear it."

"What's the difference between the drug puppet who tested the medicine for me?" There was an imperceptible tremor in Fang Zilan's voice, but Awan could still hear it.

She hesitated for a moment, and the dagger in Fang Zilan's sleeve was already around her neck, "If the young master asks, just say that I threaten you with my life, you have to say."

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan turned sideways to avoid the dagger around her neck, but unexpectedly, the dagger followed her like a shadow and stopped at her neck all the time, with no intention of hurting her at all.

"Say!" Fang Zilan almost yelled, Awan clenched her fists tightly and her eyes were red, "Master made that medicine puppet, and he found a woman who was born at the same time as you. You also know that the Gu on your body is unique to the world, Therefore, the master fed her medicine and introduced a hundred Gu, just to imitate your state when the Gu is launched, and try to find a way to restrain it."

Fang Zilan remained silent for a long time before asking: "Is she in pain?"

A Wan didn't expect her to ask such a question, so she nodded slightly, "The medicine puppet is more sensitive than ordinary people, and it hurts more than you when the poison occurs. But you also know my master's method, the medicine puppet in his hand is the only one that can be regarded as a medicine. In real life, you cannot seek death.”

"Enough." Fang Zilan's voice was indescribably exhausted, "Awan, if you need to test the medicine, you can just use me to try it, no medicine puppet is needed."

"How can this work?" A Wan's eyes were full of astonishment, "If the test medicine is not done well, it will be in danger of life, not to mention you know how painful it is when this Gu attacks..."

"I can bear the pain." Fang Zilan interrupted Awan, as if unwilling to say more.

But A Wan didn't care so much, "Even if this can be tolerated, the pain of feeding Gu and bloodletting can kill half your life..."

"I don't feel the pain anymore." Fang Zilan's voice was a little lower, but A Wan was hit by her words for a long time and didn't slow down. After a while, she said in a daze: "What did you say?"

"I don't feel any pain except when Gu attacks." Fang Zilan's expression was light, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

A Wan regained consciousness and suddenly pulled her hand, the fingertips flashed with silver light, and a red mark suddenly appeared on her palm, but she never even frowned, letting the hidden weapon in A Wan's hand slash across her face Hands, there is no reaction at all.

"Little Awan, even if you scratch me with the edge of the blade, I won't feel the pain." Fang Zilan's tone was a bit astringent, and she snatched the hidden weapon from Awan's hand as she spoke, There was already a bloodstain on the palm between the flips.

Her movements were so fast that Awan had no time to stop her, so she could only watch her slash her palms to bloody blood, and couldn't help crying, "Fang Zilan, what are you doing? You don't want me to be a medicine puppet, I won't do it." That's it, why did you hurt yourself?"

"Little Awan, I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. These years, are there few such things?" Fang Zilan lowered her eyes to look at the hidden weapon in her hand. Her blood became foul.

Why is she not like this?After being stained with the blood of too many people, why bother to pretend to be merciful here?
"I'm a killer." She raised her head, and the stern look in her eyes cheered A Wan, "My life has always been exchanged for other people's lives."

"I know." A Wan hurriedly answered, biting her lips tightly, "I know it's not easy for us people in the ghost family to survive. Either you die or I live. But..."

"No but." Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan in a deep voice, "I just want to know, how sure are you of being a drug puppet to test the medicine for me?"

"[-]% certainty." A Wan thought for a while and added, "I know you can't bear it, but I only need one person. As long as you agree with me to be this medicine puppet, I will only allow success and not fail."

"I believe in you." Fang Zilan let A Wan take the hidden weapon in her hand, and cleaned and bandaged the wound for her. "Whatever you need, I will help you find it."

(End of this chapter)

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