Don't ask where people go

Chapter 955 Capital

"Sister, you..." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Ziqin incredulously, but saw her nod her head firmly and said: "At that moment, it was probably the only time in my life that I lived as Fang Ziqin."

Fang Zilan's voice trembled uncontrollably, but she continued to ask, "What happened next?"

"Later, His Highness King Xiang stopped me, who was looking for death, and proposed a deal." Fang Ziqin gently took Fang Zilan's hand holding the teacup, "I will marry him for you, and he will keep Fang's family alive for a hundred years. "

"Why..." Fang Zilan's eyes turned red, but Fang Ziqin smiled, "Maybe he is Ah Jun's best friend, maybe his father is alone, maybe you have sisterhood with me, I just can't bear it. only……"

She paused, "I thought a transaction was stronger than a relationship, but I never thought that I've come to this point in the end."

"Prosperity will decline, elder sister don't have to worry..." Fang Zilan stopped her words of comfort when Fang Ziqin said, "Lan'er, ask yourself, do you believe this statement? If you believe it, why do you still use it Put yourself in danger? Don't hesitate to risk your life to prevent His Majesty from continuing to investigate?"

Hearing that Fang Zilan's other hand hidden in the sleeve clenched into a fist, "Sister, the Fang family is not innocent, and the aristocratic family can't stand the investigation. If Your Majesty... If you are obsessed with obsession, sooner or later you will become an enemy of the world. ..."

"Stubborn?" Fang Ziqin cut off Fang Zilan's words noncommittally, "Your Majesty is not afraid, are you?"

"I..." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said, "I'm not afraid, it's just..."

She didn't go on, Fang Ziqin knew in her heart that she was worried that the aristocratic family would rise up and attack, the dynasty would change, the chaos would reappear, the capital would be troubled by internal and external troubles, and the four realms would be in constant flames...

Those who fight will have sharper intuition than ordinary people, and her anxiety can always be fulfilled.

Fang Ziqin has no doubts about this, but if things go on like this, how many years can the superficial peace last?

"The Fang family is not afraid of innovation." Fang Ziqin held Fang Zilan's hand tightly, seeming to appease, more like declaring, "One generation after another, if we want to move forward, change is imperative. Family members can lead by example, and are not afraid of being abandoned."

"But Eldest Sister, the Fang family was born as a merchant, caught between His Majesty and the aristocratic family, she is destined to be a pawn..." Fang Zilan opened her mouth, "If an abandoned son can only be an abandoned son, the Fang family will never be able to stand up again."

"But Lan'er, how long will it last if you exchange your life for His Majesty's compassion?" Fang Ziqin's expression was gloomy, "He is the emperor of Dajing..."

"I know." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said softly: "I asked him, and I know the answer. Fortunately, I didn't marry him at the beginning, otherwise, now I can only see each other and hate each other."

Fang Ziqin couldn't help but soften his tone, "Lan'er, he chose you once, and gave the Fang family a chance to breathe, you..."

"I understand that he can't choose me all the time." Fang Zilan said coldly: "Children love each other, but it's the icing on the cake. Yes, it's good. If you don't, you don't have to force it."

Fang Ziqin let go of his hand and let out a long sigh of relief, "Now, you know my answer."

She raised her head numbly, "Didn't Master Lu Tang transfer the business in my hand to Master Fang in order to get rid of the crime?"

"Sanniang, actually helped her frame me!" Lu Tang was shocked, but Huo Sanniang smiled disdainfully, "I am not related to Master Fang, so why bother to help her frame you? Now that there are all the witnesses and material evidence, we have no choice but to deny it. Or, Mr. Lu Tang, are you planning to put it all on me and ask me to help you take the blame?"

"Sanniang, you know I won't..." Lu Tang hurriedly defended, but Huo Sanniang interrupted him coldly, "You won't, you won't plead guilty with me, will you?"

Fang Zilan looked coldly at the two people who were coming and going in the courtroom, and said to Zhong Yao in the hall: "Master Zhong, the two of them are fighting each other, I have nothing to say, and I will ask Master Zhong to make a decision."

"Master Lu Tang, even if you are a descendant of a famous family and have an official position, you must not be presumptuous in the court." Zhong Yao said solemnly, with a majestic air, "The evidence is as solid as a mountain, can you be convicted?"

Lu Tang ignored Zhong Yao's words, but just stared blankly at Huo Sanniang, as if he didn't understand why she was like this.

Huo Sanniang sat up on her knees and kowtowed deeply.

After that, she held her head high and raised her chest and said in a loud voice: "Since Lord Zhong is upholding justice today, and Lord Fang, the lord of the northern border, is by my side, I have nothing to hide. How many people are involved in the famous family of Yanzhou, and how many people are involved? How many lives have been lost, I have written a confession clearly. If there are still people who are unwilling to admit it and try to cover up the matter with money, even though I am a little girl, I can’t move them in the slightest, but the justice of heaven is at ease in people’s hearts. You and the people in the hall can all testify that even if I, Huo Sanniang, sacrifice my life in court today, I will not let them go!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she slammed into the beams and pillars on the side of the courtroom.

The yamen servants and Lu Tang beside her had no time to stop her, they could only watch helplessly as she bumped into a beam and pillars, blood splashing in the courtroom and her life hanging by a thread.

"San Niang!" Lu Tang staggered to her side, but was thrown away by her last effort, "Master Fang, please..."

Hearing the voice, Fang Zilan squatted beside her and held her hand, "I know, you can rest assured."

"San Niang!" Lu Tang knelt down beside her, crying hoarsely, "Why are you doing this?"

"Lu Tang, I'm dead, so I don't owe you anything anymore..." Huo Sanniang was as angry as ever, but her eyes were brighter than ever before, "You owe me, don't even think about paying it back in this life... "

She swallowed her breath after she finished speaking the last word, but the corners of her lips were curled up with tears in her eyes, and she died in front of everyone in the most extreme way.

The courtroom was extremely silent at once, but within a short time, the people in the courtroom were incomparably boiling, shouting for the guilty to be brought to justice.

The crowd sounded as if the pot had exploded, as if they would swarm up and rush into the court in the next moment.

Fang Zilan reached out and closed Huo Sanniang's eyes, stood up slowly, took a deep breath, her solemn voice overwhelmed all the noise, and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Today, Huo Sanniang is suing the dignitaries of Yanzhou headed by Lu Tang with her life. Now, Fang Zilan, as the lord of the northern border, guarantees that the guilty person will be punished and give her an explanation. If she dies, she will die with peace."

Every word she said seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and the pressure made everyone in the room quiet down, and their eyes were all focused on the face of the Lord of the North who was sinking like water.

After she finished speaking, she turned to Zhong Yao who was sitting upright like a pine tree in the courtroom, and said in a deep voice, "Lord Zhong, let's pronounce the sentence."

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