In the capital where the undercurrents are turbulent, one always pushes the high and tramples the low. Once a person loses power, the people around him will also fall into a place of eternal doom, and it is difficult to turn over.

The officials headed by Yushitai finally seized the opportunity and wrote to Fang Zilan for several days in a row, not only demanding severe punishment, but also claiming to be implicated.

As we all know, the only family member that Fang Zilan admits is Mo Han, and behind Mo Han is the family of Mo Bin, the gatekeeper of Mushan. big waves.

The courtiers simply focused on the people around Fang Zilan, from General Li and Qi Duhu who guarded the northern border, to Zhou Lang, the head of the southeast battalion, and even Cao Hong who had just left Beijing, all became their targets. object.

It was as if a mad dog smelled meat, and it just rushed forward to bite. What it could get didn't seem so important.What is important is that the original vested interests must be torn apart.

As the lord of the capital, Li Shengxuan lived in the palace city of the capital since he was a child, and he has long been accustomed to such scenes.

Everyone in the world knows-wildfires are endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates, so weeds and roots can be cut once and for all.

But is it true?Some people fall into the abyss, and some people stand on the top of the mountain. The higher they stand, the easier it is to become the target of everyone.The royal family is like this, and so are the courtiers.

Once Fang Zilan falls from power, the generals who grow up under her will inevitably suffer cold reception. They are all generals who defend the frontiers. No matter which one of them has an accident, it will endanger the stability of Dajing.

However, the courtiers living in the prosperous capital can only see the power in front of them, but cannot see the swords at the border.In their eyes, it doesn't matter who the general of the four realms is, as long as there is no smoke in the capital, they can sit back and relax.

Only those who have actually been on the battlefield and guarded the border know that war is not a move in the hands of high-ranking people, but the lives of thousands of people are at stake.

"It hasn't been a day or two since Qingshui Zhuangtou bullied men and women. Master Wei's personal soldiers have been watching for a long time. It started almost three or four years ago." Deputy General Cao said, patted the shoulder of the soldier next to him, Said: "This is Wei Wei, the person who reported to me last time, boss, do you remember? He used to have a childhood sweetheart, but he was ruined by Qingshui Zhuangtou. That little girl threw herself into the lake later, and Wei Wei was the one." It's time to start looking at Qingshuizhuang Zhuangtou."

Fang Zilan understood, it turned out that Qingshui Zhuangtou had already been targeted by Wei Subaru's men, no wonder he was so talkative and directly lent troops to Vice General Cao.Presumably this time Qingshuizhuang Zhuangtou can't escape, but the matter of Cong Rong...

She glanced at Fang Lihui, and saw a faint look of worry on his face. The Fang family was afraid that they would be implicated.

"This girl..." Wei Wei looked at Cong Rong and asked hesitantly, "Are you also bullied by Qingshui Zhuangtou?"

Before Cong Rong could answer, Deputy General Cao said, "No, this girl is here to find Mr. Fang Lihui."

Earlier, he had seen clearly outside the door, and he had heard the words of the crowd around him, so he naturally thought that Cong Rong was here to force Fang Lihui to give her a title.

Who would have thought that after hearing his words, Wei Wei suddenly realized what he said, "The girl came here because of the coercion of Qingshui Zhuangtou?"

Fang Zilan wondered: "Why do you know?"

"Master Hui Fang, my brothers and I have been staring at Qingshui Zhuangtou for a long time. He has some background and has been at odds with Fang's family." Wei Wei looked angrily, "I also checked for a long time before I found out. About six or seven Years ago, Mr. Fang's father had no choice but to take care of him, so he stopped managing Qingshuizhuang. So Qingshuizhuang is the Fang family's Zhuangzi in name, but in fact it is the head of the village who has the final say."

Fang Zilan asked thoughtfully, "Since the Fang family doesn't care about Qingshuizhuang, why does he still have to coerce Miss Cong to slander Mr. Fang?"

Wei Wei said: "Qingshui Zhuang is used to domineering and domineering, and the people in the village complain a lot. Last year, a farmer who escaped from Zhuangzi sued him to the government office, and he paid a lot of money to settle it. In addition, last year Qingshui Zhuang's harvest is not good, he is short of money, so he naturally thinks of the Fang family, Mr. Fang has a reputation as a dude, so he just took the opportunity to get some money."

He paused for a moment and continued, "But he didn't expect Mr. Fang to be so cunning. The women who came to Fang's house to make trouble before were dismissed one by one by Mr. Fang, and they didn't get any benefit. Presumably he was forced to That's why I came up with such a foolish trick to make this pregnant girl come and cry."

Fang Zilan glanced at Cong Rong, and quietly hid the jade pendant in her sleeve, "Wei Wei, you have been staring at Qingshui Zhuangtou for so long, why did it take until today?"

"Qingshui Zhuangtou has a profound background. If the evidence is not life-threatening, there is really nothing I can do to him." Wei Wei lowered his head, his voice was low, "Master Wei said, if I can't give him a fatal blow, I can only bear it."

Fang Lihui couldn't help asking: "What is the background of this Qingshui Zhuangtou?"

"The surname of Qingshuizhuang Zhuangtou is Lu, and his ancestors were the subordinates of King Pingnan in the previous dynasty. Later, when the previous dynasty collapsed, all the Zhuangzi near the capital were taken back by the court and redistributed. Qingshuizhuang fell into the hands of the Fang family after several twists and turns." As Wei Wei spoke, he added as if thinking of something: "Lu Zhizhang from Yanzhou is from the same clan as Qingshui Zhuangtou. If Master Wei had not presided over the Northern Border case, we would not have found so many Qingshui Villages." Evidence of Zhuangtou's evil deeds."

The housekeeper at the side suddenly said with emotion: "The Lu family was considered a big family in the previous dynasty. Wen had Lu Tao as a speech officer in the court, and Wu had Lu Qinghou who fought north and south with Pingnan King. Who would have thought that once the dynasty changed, it would be reduced to such a state. situation."

"The Lu family's journey here is not due to the change of dynasty." Fang Lihui looked a little cold, "When Emperor Tai'an came to the throne, he did not kill all the old people from the previous dynasty. Instead, he received many courtesy. Otherwise, our Fang family's business would not be able to do what it is today .”

Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui fixedly, with a complicated expression, but he continued: "The Lu family's prosperity in the northern region is no less than that of the previous dynasty. However, the Lu family, one martial artist and the other literary, one is implicated by the Shangguan family. Losing his position and dismissing his title, a person who is unwilling to be ambitious and seeks revenge will end up harming the entire family. Not to mention the unworthy son Lu Tang, and the bullying clansman like Qingshui Zhuangtou. The Lu family will be destroyed sooner or later."

"Mr. Fang?" Wei Wei stared at Fang Lihui in a daze, only to see him sigh faintly, "Master Fang just said a good thing - get the root and clear the source, and only when you go far enough can you have honor and disgrace. Now the Fang family In my hands, it has only been more than a hundred years, and I will definitely not let the Fang family make mistakes like the Lu family."

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