Don't ask where people go

Chapter 958 Answers

"Ouyang Juncheng, come here." Mrs. Ouyang trembled uncontrollably when she heard her own voice.

Ouyang Juncheng walked up to Mrs. Ouyang, but saw her stand up, draw out the sword that Ouyang Patriarch hung on the wall, and point the sword point at him.

"Mother, you..." Ouyang Juncheng stared at Mrs. Ouyang in disbelief, and she stopped on his chest with her sword, "Ouyang Juncheng, I want you to promise me one thing. you."

Before Ouyang Juncheng could react, Ouyang Zongrui said loudly: "Mother, how could you treat me like this?"

"Come here, take him down and send him to the ancestral hall!" Madam Ouyang hadn't finished her words when the guards of the Wei family who followed her from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing stepped forward and detained Ouyang Zongrui and took him away.

Ouyang Juncheng was silent, and Mrs. Ouyang snorted coldly, "There are no outsiders right now, so you don't have to put on an act in front of me. Zong Rui threatens your wife's life, and you refuse to give up the position of Patriarch. Do you still want to tell me Say, do you have no idea about the position of Patriarch?"

"I..." Ouyang Juncheng opened his mouth, but did not speak.

"As long as you promise me to take good care of Rou'er, you will be the next Patriarch." Mrs. Ouyang said, the sword in her hand moved forward an inch, piercing Ouyang Juncheng's coat.

Ouyang Juncheng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, nodded hurriedly and said, "Don't worry, mother, I will definitely take good care of sister Zirou. Even if mother doesn't tell me, I will..."

"I'm talking about taking good care of her, not just keeping Rou'er alive." Mrs. Ouyang said coldly, "Don't even think about perfunctory me."

"Mother is worrying too much. If I can't take good care of sister Zirou, I will be ruined and die, and my descendants will not die well." Ouyang Juncheng made this oath so hard that Mrs. Ouyang was stunned, and finally accepted it. sword.

"You go." Mrs. Ouyang raised her hand and signaled Ouyang Juncheng: "Go to the ancestral hall to see if all the elders in the clan are here. If they are all here, then send someone to inform me."

"Really?" Fang Zilan said with a smile that was not a smile: "If you had the opportunity to choose between my life and finding out the truth, what would you choose?"

Li Shengxuan remained silent, and Fang Zilan continued on his own, "Once you find out the truth, you will be able to completely wipe out bandits and bandits, clean up the inside and outside of the court, and realize the... peace and prosperity that you and I agreed upon."

She spoke unnaturally later, but she still finished speaking. Li Shengxuan still didn't speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Just when Fang Zilan didn't expect Li Shengxuan to answer her, he suddenly heard his voice, "At this moment, I choose you."

"You..." Fang Zilan stared blankly at the person close at hand, his implication was obvious, if he was not the emperor of the capital, but Li Shengxuan, she would have been chosen.

"I'm sorry." Li Shengxuan lowered his eyes, but Fang Zilan smiled to himself, "Needless to say I'm sorry. I know your identity is not up to you to decide, but I know better what I chose."

Li Shengxuan had mixed feelings in his heart, and he couldn't help looking at Fang Zilan, only to see her mouth raised, but her eyes were flushed, "After Mo Han and Chu Bin left, there are not many people in this world who expect me to be safe and healthy. So, Whether it's true or not, even if it's just this moment, I will remember it."

"Just remembering is not enough to keep you safe and healthy." Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan firmly, and said word by word: "Have you really never thought about using Fang Lihui? The Fang Family Spring Festival will be held as scheduled, and Yin Quanzhang will definitely show up..."

"Enough." Fang Zilan's face was frosty, "I don't want the Fang family to be involved, and you don't want to use Fang Lihui either."

"But if the Fang family is involved in it, this is an opportunity." Li Shengxuan spoke cryptically, and Fang Zilan understood it, but still pretended not to understand, "What opportunity?"

Li Shengxuan simply said bluntly, "the opportunity to be cleared of the charge of colluding with bandits and rogue bandits."

A flash of shock flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes. It's not that she didn't think about it, it's just that such a thing that should have been led by Fang Lihui or her and completed without anyone noticing, the meaning is quite different from Li Shengxuan's mouth.

As if it was a golden medal for avoiding death, the emperor of Dajing was willing to turn a blind eye to the actions of the other party's family, and even personally protect him.As long as it is not turned to the bright side, it will never be true.

"Why..." Fang Zilan couldn't help asking, Li Shengxuan's expression was gentle, "Maybe it's the love of the house. Or, with me, you will always have the privilege."

Without the slightest concealment, she was exposed to Fang Zilan frankly and enthusiastically, which made her unable to refuse, but she also could not accept it.

Because she knew that the time in front of her was fleeting, and one day, he would return to Qiankun Palace.

At that time, he was still the emperor of Dajing, and all the people worshiped him.And she is still in the alternation of several identities, wandering in the darkness, walking on the edge of the knife.

Such two people can't come together just by heart.

But even so, Fang Zilan still heard her own voice, "It's disrespectful."

If they are destined to only have this moment, then what if she can let herself be indulged for a while?

Anyway, this life is long, and there are too many wrong things, missed people, and missed things, and it is not worth regretting.But it would be a pity if I lost this moment with him.

Li Shengxuan stared at the person in front of him intently, as if he wanted to engrave her in his heart.In the end, the two looked at each other and smiled, and he said softly, "It seems that you have already made up your mind."

"Madam should pay attention to your health." The nanny squatted down and whispered softly, "After the death of the Patriarch, Madam will be in charge of the overall situation, but you must not collapse at this time."

"I know." Mrs. Ouyang's sobbing gradually weakened. She wiped away her tears, stood up slowly, and walked back to the bed, rubbed her fingers over Patriarch Ouyang's facial features one by one, and traced his outline.

At the end, she leaned over to Patriarch Ouyang's ear, and said in a low voice, "I'll accompany you when I've dealt with all this."

After she finished speaking, she straightened up, the tears on her face were still wet, but her expression was completely different from just now.She tidied up briefly, changed into plain clothes, and wore silk flowers on her head, looking like a widow.

In the ancestral hall of the Ouyang family, there were a lot of elders sitting there, and there were juniors standing beside and behind.Ouyang Zongrui was detained and knelt on the ground facing the tablet, with Ouyang Juncheng standing beside him.

When Mrs. Ouyang walked into the ancestral hall, the elders who were full of people were surprised when they saw her attire, and then they all stood up after she stood still, with solemn expressions, and heard her say word by word: "Master Ouyang, I have seen my ancestors. , the soul has returned to heaven and earth."

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