Don't ask where people go

Chapter 959 surrender

Zuiyue Tower is built on the water, the pavilions, terraces and pavilions are well arranged, the waterside pavilions and painting boats are so beautiful, and the corridors and long roads are winding and deep.

The entrance hall is resplendent and magnificent, with carved beams and painted columns, and brocade mantles hanging high.On the table of the guests seated are jade plate delicacies and gold cups of fine wine, which is quite dazzling and charming to the eyes.

Fang Zilan always looked deserted, quietly chose a corner seat and sat down, ordered a few dishes and a pot of tea at random.

At this time, most of the guests in the hall had changed, and not many people noticed her, so she was happy to relax until someone sat quietly opposite her.

Ming Xiang immediately became wary, and she moved her sleeves lightly, but Fang Zilan held her down calmly, "Your Excellency, I never like to sit at the same table with strangers, so please find another seat."

"Girl doesn't recognize me?" The man raised his eyebrows, but Fang Zilan didn't even raise his eyelids, "Could it be that you have recognized the wrong person?"

"Even if the girl changes her appearance, I still recognize your sword." The man's eyes fell on the sword Fang Zilan put aside, "That's the plum sword, Zixiu's plum sword."

Fang Zilan glanced down at the plum sword. In order to deceive people, she had wrapped the plum branch shape of the hilt with cloth, which looked no different from an ordinary sword.

"The girl didn't speak, but she acquiesced?" The man's expression became colder, but there was a look of certainty in his eyes.

"I'm half a Jianghu person, so I've heard of Zixiu's name." Fang Zilan said calmly, "I heard that everyone who has seen her and the plum sword in her hand is dead."

The man's expression froze, and Fang Zilan glanced at him, "I bought this sword casually on the way to Zuiyue Tower, and I got it by eye. As for its origin, I'm too lazy to go into it. If you like it, you may as well Just make a price."

"What did you say?" A look of surprise flashed across the man's face, and Fang Zilan calmed down and said, "Why, don't you have no money?"

"I..." The man was at a loss for words for a moment, Fang Zilan frowned and said: "I hate dealing with poor people the most. If you don't have money, stay away from me as soon as possible, so as not to give me the bitterness of poverty, which is bad luck."

As she spoke, she flicked her sleeves, with a look of disgust on her face, as if she was afraid of getting the poor air of a man.

"You are too deceitful!" The man jumped up against the case, "I am Geng Nan, the seventh-generation heir of Xiaojinghu No. 20, and you dare to say that I have no money..."

"It turned out to be the hero of Xiaojinghu. It's a pleasure to meet you. But, does Xiaojinghu still have this sect?" Fang Zilan sneered, "Qi Liu, the No. 20 sixth-generation master of Xiaojinghu, is your master? He He lost Xiaojinghu's house and land to the Daomen Huo family at the gambling table, should Hero Geng change his mind now?"

"Since the name is clear, I will start to check the land population, tax and corvee in the southeast in recent years." Fang Zilan smiled lightly, "I don't know where these records are?"

"I'll just ask someone to get it." After finishing speaking, Pei Xiaoze turned around and walked out of the main hall.

After he walked away, Zhuge Yu said slowly, "Speaking of which, why doesn't Sister Lan wear an official uniform today?"

He inspected Fang Zilan, who was dressed in casual riding clothes under the cloak, with a little more probing eyes.

And Fang Zilan shrugged helplessly, "Sir Pei personally came to the door yesterday to apologize, saying that the official uniform has not been finished yet."

Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, "Sister Lan met Mr. Pei yesterday?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, and Zhuge Yu frowned, "The official uniform is solemn, sister Lan believes what Mr. Pei said?"

"I believe." Fang Zilan answered without hesitation, but Zhuge Yu's eyes clearly disagreed.

Seeing this, she asked curiously: "Ah Yu can't believe Mr. Pei?"

Zhuge Yu waved his hand, and said softly: "It's not a gentleman's work to talk behind his back, so I can't speak too much. It's just that there are many dignitaries in Beijing, and there are many people who rely on their family background to cater to them with their own appearances. Sister Lan should be more careful."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan laughed suddenly, and said softly, "Ah Yu, I have heard that if you do more than one thing, you will become a gentleman?"

Zhuge Yu was slightly taken aback, "I would like to hear the details."

"Everyone in the world thinks that a certain person has different appearances and behaviors, and his behavior is based on what others see. He is not a gentleman. But I want to say, since everyone in the world will force themselves to do something, why should they criticize others?" Fang Zilan The smile on his face deepened, "What's more, regardless of whether this person is sincere or not, if he can continue to do it endlessly, it will become a habit, so why can't he be called a gentleman?"

"It's the first time I've heard what Sister Lan said, and it's new." Zhuge Yu thought for a while and said, "Although it's reasonable, why did Sister Lan believe so deeply in Master Pei when I first met him, but Master Pei also said something else? what?"

"Master Pei did say it." Fang Zilan's expression suddenly became a little sad, "Actually, Master Pei met me yesterday and asked me to come and give me an idea."

"What's your idea?" Zhuge Yu asked, but he had a guess in his heart. Sure enough, he heard Fang Zilan say: "The official uniforms have already been made, but the old ones are all men's sizes. I'm afraid they don't fit my body. Please, Mr. Pei." I decide whether to remake the clothes or make do with them."

"Sister Lan must remake the clothes." Zhuge Yu replied, but Fang Zilan shook her head with a smile and said, "My idea is that Mr. Pei has already taken it for me."

She paused and continued: "Master Pei is careful. He knows that if I don't have an official uniform, I will lose face on the first day of taking office. But he knows better that I will take office as a woman. If I wear an unfit man Official uniform, I'm afraid it will be ridiculed and attract a lot of criticism. Yesterday he saw me as apology, so he had already made plans for me. When you and I entered the door just now, the whole court was respectful, presumably it was his fault. A man in the world who can think carefully for a woman can afford a gentleman."

Zhuge Yu nodded slightly, "Sister Lan's words are right, I'm just copying what others say."

"Personnel affairs in Beijing are complicated. There is nothing wrong with repeating what others say or thinking about yourself." Fang Zilan took the time to straighten her sleeves, and when she heard footsteps from far and near outside the door, she got up and said, "Lord Pei is here."

Pei Xiaoze walked into the main hall, followed by two officials holding a stack of paperwork. Fang Zilan said, "Lord Lao Fang has been waiting for a long time. The southeast affairs of the past five years are here."

He took one of the books and explained it to Fang Zilan. She listened patiently and felt that he was patient and meticulous in doing things.

In less than half a day, Fang Zilan and Pei Xiaoze got acquainted naturally, and he checked with her one by one before handing over all the affairs to her, so she was able to take over quickly, and she couldn't help but admire him a lot in her heart.

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