Chapter 960
"My lord, I have something to say, I have to ask today." Fang Zilan cut off Li Qiyou's words, and asked bluntly: "The fiefdom of King Rong'an is just around the corner, does the lord really want to stay?"

Li Qiyou was stunned for a moment, "You... know everything?"

"Probably guessed it." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, Li Qiyou seemed to have made up her mind, nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I have nothing to hide from you. I want to stay."

"Dare to ask the lord, what is the imperial decree?" Fang Zilan asked very bluntly, while Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, "Mrs. Shizi, please be careful with your words."

Li Qiyou replied, as if he didn't realize it, "I have not received the imperial decree."

Fang Zilan continued to ask: "Is there a talisman, an order, and a document for taking office?"

"No sign, no order." Li Qiyou resolutely said: "There is no document to take office."

Fang Zilan was a little moved, "My lord, you know, if you insist on staying, what kind of situation will the court be in?"

"I know." Li Qiyou didn't hesitate, Fang Zilan was almost aggressive, "You know, you want to stay?"

"I want to stay." Li Qiyou said loudly, Fang Zilan grabbed Hongtai's hand tightly, but unexpectedly he held it back, "Little beauty, are you satisfied this time?"

Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, and she looked back at Hongtai and said, "My lord doesn't know how to live or die. If you repent now, there is still time."

"Mrs. Shizi." Zhuge Yu couldn't help interjecting: "You know that the prince has thought carefully about this move, why do you need to pour cold water on him?"

"Master Zhuge, you live in the capital and sit firmly on the temple, how can you feel that the prince has thought about this move?" Fang Zilan's face became colder, and Zhuge Yu's expression froze, "I..."

"I'm not asking you." After Fang Zilan finished speaking, she stopped looking at Zhuge Yu, and looked back at Hongtai, but heard him say: "Mrs. Shizi, I want you to leave now, is there still time?"

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Hongtai before she finished speaking, "Since it's too late, what kind of nonsense is the wife of Shizi telling me?"

He said, let go of Fang Zilan's hand, and then patted the back of her hand lightly, as if to signal her to feel relieved.

Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Hong Tai bowed to Li Qiyou, saying: "My lord understands righteousness and is willing to turn the tide in a crisis, which is admirable. Although I am not talented, I hope to help my lord."

As soon as he said this, Li Qiyou's expression changed imperceptibly, and she turned her gaze to Fang Zilan. She stepped forward and stood in front of Hongtai, "If your lord is interested, you might as well keep him by your side. You won't let him down."

Li Qiyou clenched his hands into fists, "I don't know anything about him, why should I keep him by my side?"

"I know the prince's concerns." Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "At the beginning, His Majesty left the Duke of Xianyue whose origin is unknown, so that the four realms were temporarily stable. Why can't the prince follow His Majesty's example and keep him?"

"These are two different things." Li Qiyou said with a flick of his sleeves, "How can he be compared with... Duke Xianyue?"

During the pause, the word "you" was swallowed, and the sentence "how can he compare with you" was a question that Li Qiyou could not utter.

"I can't." Without waiting for Fang Zilan to speak, Hongtai said: "No one in the world can compare with Duke Xianyue, but I want to try."

Do you want to give it a try?Li Qiyou had mixed feelings in his heart, and he asked after a while, "Then what do you want?"

"If you have someone you like, so what?" As if out of control, Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Liren's words in a daze, which surprised him, but she continued to follow her question, "If you have someone If you like someone, let her cut off the marriage and be no different from others."

"Why is she..." Fang Zilan's voice trembled a little, and Fang Liren sighed, "Sister Zilan will give up anything for her wish."

Fang Lihui didn't know when a folding fan was added to his hand, he shook the folding fan lightly and said word by word: "Sister Lan, like Master Fang, has the awareness to pay the price."

"Really?" Fang Zilan only felt chills in her heart, and her whole body was shaken violently, but she knew better than anyone else that whether it was the original Fang Zilan or the current her, there was no way out.

She suppressed the emotions in her chest, and said calmly: "Then how is she doing now?"

"Sister Lan has been ill since she fell into the water, and she hides in the boudoir and refuses to see anyone." Fang Lihui replied with a very loving expression.

Fang Zilan pretended to be curious and asked, "Why did you fall into the water?"

The person who answered her was still Fang Lihui, and his voice was not very clear when the folding fan was shaking, but it still reached her ears, with a trace of regret, "I heard from Tongmei that Lanmei accidentally fell into the water to protect her."

Fang Lihui's words were like a key, unlocking Fang Zilan's long-sealed memory.

Fang Zitong's rhetoric was something she had never thought of. The day she fell into the water, she actually had a mission to take someone's life.

Disguised as a maid, she never expected to meet Fang Zitong who was invited on the boat of the dignitaries.

Fang Zitong did not expose her in public, but followed her secretly to the target's room. The lone man and widow were in the same room, which was a good time to attack, but being stared at by Fang Zitong, she hesitated and did not act.

She pretended to be wronged by someone frivolously, and wanted to get away and make plans.Unexpectedly, Fang Zitong, who had always been sneering at her, suddenly stepped forward, but she was caught off guard, and immediately entangled with the target, pushed and fell into the water, killing the target in the water.

The task was completed, but she almost lost half of her life even though she didn't know how to water. She couldn't remember whether it was Wu Qing or Fang Zitong who saved her, but at this moment she clearly remembered that it was Fang Zitong.

When she was rescued ashore and lost her consciousness, she vaguely heard Fang Zitong's voice, "How can you bully the daughter of the Xiangfu at will? This person is trying to belittle me today. He deserved his crime by falling into the water and losing his life. You still want to interrogate my little girl?" Sister, are you impatient to live?"

Fang Zitong was as domineering as in her impression, but she protected her tightly and got rid of everyone's doubts and criticisms.

How about not being invited, how about the maid's dress, what about suspicious behavior?Fang Zitong suppressed all voices, and brought her back to Xiang's mansion in good order.

Perhaps since she was a child, Fang Zitong has often tormented her in different ways, but in front of outsiders, she can protect her completely without asking why.

She didn't know whether it was Fang Zitong's selfishness to protect the shortcomings of Fang's family, or the eldest lady's disposition that only she was bullied by her alone, but no matter what the reason was, she saved her life after all.

This alone was enough to make her feel grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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