Don't ask where people go

Chapter 963 Lost Voice

"Master Fang!" Shangguan Min walked over eagerly, looking Fang Zilan up and down, "How are you doing? I heard that you were ill on the way, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just a relapse of the old injury, the old problem." Fang Zilan waved his hand, "It's you, why did you come to the capital suddenly?"

"General Huangfulin was ordered to go to Beijing, and General Huangfuxin accompanied me, so I asked him to take me with him." Shangguan Min loosened his expression, lowered his eyes and said, "I'm really worried about Master Fang, you and Cao Cao after we leave Qiluo City." Lieutenant General..."

Fang Zilan frowned, "Do Lao Li and Vice-General Qin know about you going to Beijing with you?"

Shangguan Min remained silent, Fang Zilan's expression darkened, "Where is Huangfu Xin now? I'll go find him."

"Master Fang..." Shangguan Min grabbed Fang Zilan's sleeve, "I insisted on following, and my name is on the roster, so there will be no problem..."

"I don't care how you came to Beijing, and I don't care why your name is on the roster." Fang Zilan said coldly: "I just ask you, what is Huangfu Xin's intention in bringing you to Beijing? How should you deal with yourself? Do you think that the capital is a place in the north, and that someone can protect you in everything?"

She spoke in a hurry, her breath surged, and she coughed violently.

"Boss, don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say." Vice General Cao hurriedly poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

Fang Zilan waved her hand but did not take it. She shook off Shangguan Min's hand and sat down on the main seat, apparently waiting for an explanation.

"Lord Fang, although I proposed to enter the capital this time, General Huangfu Xin assisted me in the whole process, so I can come with you smoothly." Shangguan Min said carefully every word: "He has a very good personal relationship with me. I'm sure he won't hurt me."

Fang Zilan relaxed, "When I was in Qiluo City, I met Huangfu Xin. He is the son of General Huangfulin, isn't he?"

"Yes." Shangguan Min nodded, and Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "Huangfu Xin doesn't look like a man with a deep heart, and judging from his performance on the battlefield, he is a rare calm young general, and his boast is safe and prudent. Not too much."

Shangguan Min took the teacup from Deputy General Cao, and brought it to Fang Zilan respectfully, "Master Fang, you boasted so much, there must be no problem."

"I just want to say that even if there is a problem with Huangfu Xin's process for you, it may be difficult for you to see." Fang Zilan gave Shangguan Min a bad look, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, no matter what Huangfu Xin is like, What about your relationship, just because his surname is Huangfu, you can't trust him completely."

"Why?" Shangguan Min watched Fang Zilan take the teacup, took a sip, and then said: "Birth always decides one's position, especially the family of a public official. You can't help yourself. You are too close to me, aren't you?" What a good thing."

Shangguan Min was silent, Fang Zilan sighed, "Forget it, don't think too much. Now that you are in my house, the Huangfu family can't do anything to you. But..."

"What?" Shangguan Min asked, but Fang Zilan did not answer him. Instead, he looked at Deputy General Cao and said, "Old Cao, among the soldiers patrolling the capital, you should have known him a long time ago. Please help me find out, when the Huangfu family entered the city, Is there any difference in the accompanying roster and the corresponding ultimatum?"

"Okay, I'll go right away." After Vice-General Cao agreed, he turned and left.

Shangguan Min looked at Vice General Cao's back, and lowered his voice a little, "Master Fang, did I cause you trouble?"

Fang Zilan leaned on the main seat, and said softly: "It's good that you know, go and get me a pen and paper."

"What to do?" Shangguan Min looked puzzled, and Fang Zilan said impatiently: "Write to Lao Li and ask him what he has taught you. It seems that you have grown old in vain, and you don't have half the heart. Sooner or later Get killed."

Shangguan Min was stunned, and said awkwardly: "Vice General Li also taught me according to your previous request, Mr. Fang. If you say you didn't teach me well..."

"Don't try to bring your affairs to me." Fang Zilan cut off his words, "I'm not your master."

Shangguan Min said in a low voice, before he could say anything more, he saw Awan rushing in quickly, "Fang Zilan, we agreed to go to rest, why do you..."

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her sentence, "Shangguan Min, why are you here?"

"Miss Awan, I..." Fang Zilan interrupted Shangguan Min just as he was about to speak, "Before you two talk about the past, bring me a pen and paper, and I will write letters to Lao Li and Lord Qi."

A Wan turned her head and called the housekeeper to bring a pen and paper, while Fang Zilan was writing a letter while listening to the chatting between the two of them.When the ink was dry, she was about to call the housekeeper in when she was stopped by Shangguan Min.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome as a carrier pigeon." Shangguan Min blew a whistle after finishing speaking, and a goshawk landed steadily on the window lattice, with its head held high and its chest held high.

A Wan stepped forward, reaching out her hand to tease her, but she heard Shangguan Min say: "Be careful, he has a big temper, it will be bad if he pecks you."

A Wan withdrew her hand subconsciously, and asked curiously, "Shangguan Min, where did you get this goshawk?"

"I raised it, isn't it good?" Shangguan Min waved his hand in a rather showy manner, and the goshawk landed on his shoulder.

Fang Zilan frowned, "Shangguanmin, when did you take charge of raising the falcons in the army? I don't even know."

"No." Shangguan Min explained: "I picked up this goshawk, and for some reason it entangled me."

Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Shangguanmin, are you afraid that others will not know that you are the descendant of the Desert Wolf King?"

Hearing this, Awan reacted abruptly, "Speaking of which, except for the need for the military to send messages, I have never seen anyone in Dajing raise a falcon privately."

Shangguanmin pursed his lips and dared not speak, Fang Zilan raised his hand and said, "Let your goshawk come over."

Shangguan Min didn't move, Goshawk was also very vigilant, spread his wings slightly, and jumped onto his upright forearm, looking like he was about to strike at any time.

"What's your reaction?" Fang Zilan looked at this person and the eagle, and finally stopped on the goshawk, threatening: "If you don't come again, I will pull all your hair."

The goshawk seemed to understand, and flew back to the window lattice, if it wasn't for Shangguan Min's face, it might have fled immediately.

Shangguanmin looked at Fang Zilan in embarrassment, and she said helplessly: "You won't let me ask the housekeeper to bring in the pigeon, and your goshawk has such a temper, how do you send the letter?"

"So it was just to deliver a letter." Shangguan Min muttered in a low voice, and couldn't help but relax, holding Goshawk in front of Fang Zilan.

Fang Zilan stared at the restless Goshawk, snorted coldly and said, "Otherwise what do you think it is?"

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