Don't ask where people go

Chapter 964 Annihilation

Chapter 964 Annihilation
"To tell you the truth, Mr. Zhuge, my subordinates discovered a very important physical evidence." Xie Yanping's expression turned serious, and Zhuge Yu asked casually, "What physical evidence?"

"The plum sword of Duke Xianyue."

A very light sentence fell on Zhuge Yu's ears, but it seemed to weigh a thousand catties. In addition to Xie Yanping's subsequent words, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made him unable to react for a long time.

"I have been handling cases in Jingzhao Yin's Mansion for many years. I know that the murder in the name of the deceased is more or less to hide something." Xie Yanping said in a low voice: "I don't know why, this time I feel different. Even, someone said I was not surprised to see Third Miss Fang outside the fire scene. My intuition tells me that even though Third Miss Fang has nothing to do with Duke Xianyue, she must be related to this case."

"Thank you, sir." After a while, Zhuge Yu recovered his voice, "There is no evidence in this case, why not wait..."

"Wait?" Xie Yanping interrupted Zhuge Yu's words with almost dissatisfaction, "When is the right time to wait? Master Xu Youtong has shown me the kindness of knowing you, I can't just watch his family die without knowing why."

Zhuge Yu had mixed feelings in his heart, and suddenly remembered Li Qiyou, whom he insisted on repeatedly, with a pale face and an obvious wound on his chest, which seemed to be dealt with in the future.

At that moment, he felt chills running down his spine, whether it was cruel or revenge, but she has achieved such a level, does she really not care about anything?
It was also at that moment that he realized that from the very beginning, he had regarded Fang Zilan as the murderer, and the emergence of one piece of evidence after another was just to confirm his suspicion little by little.

The queen Fang Ziqin and the Fang family of the Xiangfu may not necessarily hand over Fang Zilan.Similarly, Xie Yanping, Yin of Jingzhao Mansion, will not let it go.

No matter how the two sides struggle, the most important thing is Li Shengxuan's thoughts.If he insists on favoring Fang Zilan, I'm afraid this is an unsolved case, but if he handles it impartially, then Fang Zilan's true identity will be revealed to the public...

For a while, Zhuge Yu couldn't tell which result made him feel more heartbroken.But he knows that the impact of the former is much smaller than that of the latter.

How angry would the world be if they knew that Fang Zilan, the Duke of Xianyue who should have been put to death, was still alive and pampered as the Third Miss Fang of the Xiangfu?Maybe they will wish to attack them together.

"How does the winter in the capital compare to the northern region?" Li Shengxuan's voice came from behind Fang Zilan, and she didn't turn her head back and still stopped in mid-air.

The snowflakes melted in the palm of the palm, and the water droplets slid down along the palm lines, dripping silently into the snow, leaving a shallow imprint, which was quickly covered by the falling snowflakes and disappeared.

Li Shengxuan walked behind Fang Zilan, and put his cloak on her shoulders, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan withdrew her hand, gathered the cloak on her shoulders, sat up straight and said, "Your Majesty, are you done?"

Li Shengxuan nodded, and naturally sat beside her.She moved to the side calmly, and asked: "I don't know why Your Majesty is looking for me?"

"You haven't answered my question yet." Li Shengxuan smiled slightly and looked at the alert person in front of her, but she was stunned, "What?"

"How does winter in the capital compare to the northern border?" Li Shengxuan asked again in a good-tempered manner.

Fang Zilan snorted, and wrapped her cloak tighter, "It's not as fun as the northern border. The snow is not heavy, and it's still very cold."

Li Shengxuan laughed softly, "Did you say that, or the little doctor girl named A Wan next to you?"

Fang Zilan was not annoyed at being exposed by him, she just shrugged her shoulders, and said lightly: "I agree with A Wan." But her heart tightened, Li Shengxuan still couldn't trust her.There are many eyes and ears in her family, so I am afraid that there is no one who can be trusted.

"When you came out of Lianhua Palace, I knew." Li Shengxuan took the hand warmer on the table and stuffed it into Fang Zilan's hands without any explanation.

She did not refuse, hugged the hand warmer in her arms, and waited for Li Shengxuan's next words.

"I want to know, what is the line that was interrupted by King Yucheng?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then asked in thought: "Is it the one after the sentence after he was born to rule the people, and his life is bandit Chen?"

"That's right." Li Shengxuan looked at her intently, and she said without hesitation: "There is no beginning, but there is an end."

Li Shengxuan repeated this sentence, and after a while he spoke again: "This play is very good. It's just..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Just what?"

"It's just that these words come from Yaoxie's mouth, which seems to be forced and helpless." Li Shengxuan spoke solemnly, Fang Zilan smiled lightly, "Whether it's Yaoxie or human beings, most of them are involuntary."

"Can't help yourself?" Li Shengxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "The world is not benevolent, and the world is unfair, so he resists and creates chaos. This evil spirit is probably terrible."

Fang Zilan's pupils twitched violently, just now she just wanted to add a reason for the evil spirit to mess up, but she didn't think of this layer.

The rulers are cruel and immoral, so they rise up, which sounds more like justice than the so-called righteous way.

"I didn't do it on purpose..." Fang Zilan was at a loss and tried to explain, but Li Shengxuan smiled reassuringly, "You don't have to be nervous. I'm not asking for guilt, I just think it's interesting."

interesting?Fang Zilan now only feels that her intestines are full of regret.If she had known it would be so difficult to justify her own words, she would not have changed her words casually.

Li Shengxuan was still full of interest, and the corners of his lips curled slightly: "How did you come up with these dramas in such a short time? Or is this the real purpose of you agreeing to King Yucheng to act in social dramas?"

"Purpose?" Fang Zilan was dumb, and took a while to say: "I was just on a whim. Nowadays, the world is peaceful and the sea is clean and the river is clean. These two lines can't shake anyone's hearts. Your Majesty thinks too highly of me. What's more, if My purpose is here, I should wait until the day I go on stage to say these jokes, so I don’t need to embarrass myself today.”

"Embarrassed?" The smile on Li Shengxuan's face grew wider, "I think that what you did today is very dignified."

"Your Majesty, don't tease me." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes helplessly and pursed her lips, like a lost puppy, with her head drooping and her tail drooping, which is indescribably pitiful.

"I'm serious." Li Shengxuan leaned closer and stared at the person in front of him.She raised her head full of expectation, her eyes sparkling, "Is it true what Your Majesty said?"

"You are not joking." Li Shengxuan's face looked much softer under the light of the candlelight.

(End of this chapter)

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