After arriving at the government office, Fang Zilan looked at the mountains of official documents on her desk, and couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling, "So many?"

"The land in the southeast has been severely injured after this incident, and the aftermath is quite cumbersome." Zhuge Yu deliberately prolonged the ending: "Sister Lan has worked hard."

"Fang Zilan took the document on the top, read it halfway and then said with a headache: "Ah Yu, money is needed to deal with the aftermath, but isn't it the responsibility of the household department to allocate money?Why did you push it to me? "

"The household department returned the paperwork on the grounds that the expenditure was unknown." Zhuge Yu's expression became a little serious, "Maybe I have to trouble Sister Lan to go there in person."

Fang Zilan looked puzzled, "When did Mr. Pei become so unreasonable?"

"Lord Pei Xiaoze is reasonable, but Duke Juan is not so easy to talk to." Zhuge Yu looked down at the document in her hand, and persuaded: "Sister Lan, please read it carefully again, and don't let the people from the Ministry of Households choose the document. Nothing wrong."

"Pu Guogong is no longer the Minister of the Household Department, how can he stretch his hand so long?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, but still patiently read the Chinese book carefully.

The more she looked at it, the more she frowned, "There are a few items that are really doubtful, I'll ask someone to check it first, and if it's correct, I'll go to the household department in person."

"Okay." Zhuge Yu nodded, then called the subordinate officials to come in, and explained the parts that need to be verified one by one.

Fang Zilan roughly went through the paperwork on the case, and then assigned it to different personnel to handle it. It was past noon when the work was over.She just felt hungry and was about to go out to eat something when she saw Zhuge Yu walking in with lunch.

Seeing this, she sighed softly, "Ayu, you are really very appropriate."

Zhuge Yu put the lunch on the table, while listening to her sigh with emotion: "I thought that the last child in the family like A Yu must be regarded as a treasure, raised up with incomparable gold and preciousness, never thought that he would be so good at taking care of others. "

"The Zhuge family in the capital, in my generation, besides elder brother, there is only me." Zhuge Yu looked indifferent, "My elder brother is mostly away, so naturally I can only take care of the grandparents at home. It has been a long time, and I am used to it."

Fang Zilan was keenly aware that she might have said something she shouldn't have said, so she was silent for a moment, then spoke again and changed her voice, "Speaking of which, I've been confining the mansion these days, and the mansion has a backlog of official duties, I'm afraid I'll be busy for a while gone."

"My lord is rude, I hope you don't blame me." Fang Zilan took two steps back, lowered her eyes and said: "Please put the official business first, and don't worry about the women."

"Okay." Zhuge Yu replied in a deep voice, and immediately ordered his subordinates to check how the road leading to Shi County was cleared, and then ordered the accompanying doctors to diagnose and treat everyone in the village.

Awan, who was in the team, was about to run away when he heard the order, but Zheng Yan grabbed his back collar and dragged him back, muttering dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing?"

"Miss Awan, did you already know?" Zheng Yan's voice trembled imperceptibly, and Awan pretended to be confused: "Know what? Let me go!"

"If you don't know, why do you insist on following?" Zheng Yan asked eagerly, and A Wan gave him a displeased look, "You know what you know, if my master hadn't sent me here, you think I would like to come to this shitty place ? What kind of poor mountains and bad waters..."

Zheng Yan was so choked by A Wan that he couldn't speak, so he let go of his hand and said "Sorry" in a sly way.

A Wan looked too lazy to argue with him, ran towards Fang Zilan, and said with a smile on her face: "This kind-hearted sister, I see that your complexion is not very good, can you let me check your pulse?" ?”

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, thinking that she was still wearing a veil, how did Awan see that she was beautiful and kind-hearted, but had a bad complexion?This little girl, I don't know who I learned from, but she can open her eyes and talk nonsense.

However, before she could say anything, A Wan couldn't wait to pull her hand over, and began to focus on her pulse.

"My good sister, your body loss is too great." A Wan curled her lips and said dissatisfiedly: "How many days have you not closed your eyes?"

Zheng Yan, who came over to listen, became a little anxious when he heard this. Seeing this, Fang Zilan tried to muddle through and explained: "The village is not peaceful recently, and I can't sleep."

"Really?" A Wan's face was full of disbelief, Zheng Yan opened his mouth, and after a while he could say, "Girl, you have to take care of yourself."

"Thank you, General." Fang Zilan bowed calmly, Zheng Yan waved his hand and bowed back.

The way the two saluted at the same time amused Awan, she smiled and said, "Okay, I'm here to keep you healthy and sleep soundly."

Not far away, Zhuge Yu looked at the three people enjoying themselves happily, with a gloomy expression.Sure enough, Fang Zilan did not die.

And this matter, not only Li Shengxuan and Fang Ziqin knew about it, but also Wen Ya and A Wan, but he and Zheng Yan didn't know until now.

Unwillingness surged up in my heart, but it dissipated without a trace in an instant.As long as a person is still alive, what does it matter if he knows it or not?
At this moment, he really realized the trace of happiness in his heart, and now seeing this happiness come true with his own eyes, his heart felt extremely ironed.

Seeing that Zhuge Yu's expression was gradually softening, and there was a warmth in his eyes that he had never seen before, the attendant at the side couldn't help asking out of curiosity, "Does your lord recognize that Zixiu girl?"

"I don't know." Zhuge Yu turned his face away, and the attendant said doubtfully, "It's so small, look at the adults..."

"I just suddenly remembered an old friend." Zhuge Yu interrupted the attendant, saw him pursed his lips, and asked cautiously: "I don't know who is that old friend, my lord?"

Zhuge Yu glanced at the attendant lightly, he knew that this attendant was only following orders, and was arranged by his grandfather to follow him, so he had to know everything well, so he didn't hold back, and said bluntly: "She used to be in Fighting bloody battles through thorns and thorns, I will be behind to plan and guide thousands of people. She and I are life and death friends."

The attendant's expression froze, he had been by Zhuge Yu's side for some time.I heard from the old man in the house that the second young master of my family has the calmest temper, and he treats people with a sense of propriety and distance. Hearing the words "friendship between life and death" from this second young master is really fresh and very fresh. .

Fang Zilan's eyes and ears are excellent, and she heard Zhuge Yu's words verbatim. She looked over and happened to meet his eyes. Although she didn't say a word, it seemed that thousands of words had been said.

"This general, with this girl treating me, I will be fine." Fang Zilan reminded: "But the imperial envoy is different, he still needs you to protect him."

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