Don't ask where people go

Chapter 967 Desperate Death

There is only one Fang family in the capital, but there are several Fang residences.

The residences of Fang's family in Xiang's mansion and Fang's family in merchants are only separated by a wall. They are both in the east of the city, but each has a lintel.Speaking of which, they are still a family, but after all, they are different ways to enter the court, become an official, and go into business.

When Fang Zilan rode his horse past Fang's house, he couldn't help stopping for a moment.

Through the door wall, she could vaguely see the top corner of the innermost attic, and she knew it was Baoxiu Pavilion, her former boudoir.

"Boss?" Deputy General Cao tentatively called her, but saw her dismounting and walking through the snow, "Fang Mansion is not far ahead, let's go there."

She explained a sentence, but she didn't know whether to explain it to Vice General Cao or to herself.

"Okay." Deputy General Cao reined in the horse and followed Fang Zilan, and the two walked towards Fang's mansion together.

The sky was dim, and the night watchman on the street had just left.At this hour, no one was traveling, and it seemed somewhat deserted.

The two walked to the gate of Fangfu, only to see that the gate of Fangfu was closed, so Vice General Cao went forward and knocked on the door.

After the guard at the gate of the Fang Mansion opened the gate, Fang Zilan directly explained the purpose of coming, but heard the attendant say: "Master Fang came by a coincidence. My son went back to the Jiangnan family for the New Year a few days ago, and is not in the capital."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and he left Fang's house with Deputy General Cao.

After the two of them returned home, Awan leaned over, "How about it, what did Fang Lihui say?" After Vice General Cao explained to her, the three of them fell silent.

After a while, Vice General Cao was the first to break the silence, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, but just walked back to the inner room.

Deputy General Cao looked at Awan, only to hear her say: "Leave her alone."

Sitting at the table, Fang Zilan took out the token that symbolized the identities of the Nine Grand Dukes, and stroked the patterns on it with her fingers, but what Li Shengxuan said to her that day was recalled in her mind, "I am your confidence, you Just move forward."

But the person who would say such a thing said something that wronged her after the new year's social drama.

In fact, she was not wronged, on the contrary, she had a heart to go on so that everyone would not dare to underestimate her.

But now if everyone in the northern border made a mistake, she would feel really wronged.

Iron-blooded men guarding borders and borders, with gold and iron horses and a vast world, should not have been involved in the muddy waters of power struggles.

If someone dared to touch everyone in the northern border in order to get rid of her, no matter who that person was, she would not let her go.

One day, the Duke of Beiguo protects the heart all his life.

From the moment she stepped into that position, she understood the weight of the word responsibility.

Fang Zilan's expression was as cold as ice, and the cruel killing intent in his eyes was stained with a bit of determination.

If the enemy doesn't move, she won't move, and when the opponent makes a move, she won't sit and wait for death, she must know the color.

As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the palace, they saw Deputy General Cao who had been outside early in the morning. When they saw them coming out, they jumped excitedly, "Boss, Miss Awan!"

"Old Cao, why are you here?" Fang Zilan said and looked at A Wan, "You asked Lao Cao to come?"

"Someone in the palace sent a letter saying that Boss, you are leaving the palace today." Deputy General Cao hurriedly explained, "I haven't seen you and Miss Awan for a few days, and I was in a hurry, so I rushed over as soon as I heard the news .”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan felt a warm feeling in her heart, she raised the corners of her lips slightly, and asked, "How is the matter in the northern border now?"

"It's all settled." Deputy General Cao breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Wei's trial results came out, and it was said that Lu Zhizhang planted the blame, and Lord Qi and Lao Li are safe and sound."

"Where is Master Zhong Yao?" Fang Zilan asked Deputy General Cao while pulling the reins of the horse and getting on the horse.

"Lord Zhong Yao is also safe and sound, Boss, just don't worry." The joy on Vice General Cao's face was beyond words, "When the trial results from Lord Wei's side came out, I wrote a letter to Lao Li. The day is coming."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "When the reply arrives, please remember to let me know."

"For sure." Deputy General Cao rode behind Fang Zilan, gratefully said: "It's just that the boss has worked hard this time."

"It's nothing hard." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "It's good that everything is settled."

"That's right." A Wan said with emotion: "It's finally safe and sound. But..."

She paused for a while, then changed her voice, "What is that?"

Fang Zilan followed her gaze and saw that the notice board outside the imperial city was full of people, and she couldn't help being a little curious.

She was about to get off the horse to take a look, when she saw that A Wan had already jumped off the horse, running and jumping into the crowd.

Deputy General Cao was worried that A Wan's horse would run away, so he quickly dismounted and grabbed her horse's rein.

Fang Zilan and Deputy General Cao led their horses and stood outside the crowd. After a while, they saw A Wan come out, and said excitedly to them: "Your Majesty sent someone to post a notice."

"What notice?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and Awan happily explained: "About the case in the northern border. In the notice, His Majesty not only ordered Lu to be severely punished, but also detailed the actions of the soldiers in the northern border. They have worked so hard to guard the frontier, and they should never have been framed and framed by people with ulterior motives, and this can be regarded as justifying the names of everyone in the northern border!"

"Us?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows and looked at Awan, she nodded unconsciously, "Yes, it's us from the north."

Fang Zilan smiled, and Deputy General Cao expressed gratitude, "Your Majesty has treated us well. The Northern Border case has dragged on for so long, and everyone except those involved has almost forgotten about it. Now His Majesty personally Telling the world is enough to arouse the attention of the people of the world again."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, agreeing with Vice General Cao's words.

If it is not for the personal experience of the pain, most people in the world have nothing to do with themselves. Few people care about the truth, let alone how many people really remember what it is.

After thousands of years, it will be nothing more than a few sentences on thin paper, which can be covered with a few pens.

Although Li Shengxuan's move could not completely change anything, it was enough to alert the world.

Some things, some people, should never be forgotten.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered what Li Shengxuan had said to her before - those who hold salaries for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow.

What Li Shengxuan has done now is not only to let the salary bearers survive in the wind and snow, but also to hold an umbrella for them to protect them from the wind and snow.

Just like the one he supported for her outside Yuzhang's palace that day.

This time, she finally believed that he was not trying to buy people's hearts on the surface, but also had a sincere sincerity.

In any case, when the dust settled, her heart could finally be safely put back in her stomach.

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