"Okay." Li Shengxuan said slowly, "What I want to ask is not the past, but the future."

future?Fang Zilan was stunned for a while before saying: "Let me tell you something."

Li Shengxuan hummed, and heard her say: "When I was studying, I had a special admiration for a general in the book. This general was the school captain, and he made great achievements in galloping on the battlefield. It's a pity that God is jealous of Yingcai's longevity. He was only 24 years old. died of illness."

She paused, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and continued: "This general's uncle is also a very heroic general, but it turned out that I had no feelings for him when I was studying, but who Now I admire him even more.”

"Why?" Li Shengxuan asked, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Since ancient times, beauties are like famous generals, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair. Everyone in the world says this is about beautiful women, but they forget that the same is true for famous generals. Young generals are brave and good at fighting. Ma's young spirit has never experienced the turmoil of the world's people and his family, and he was a frank and honest man until his death, as if he was a light without any shadows."

Li Shengxuan understood what she meant, and sighed softly, "But behind the light, there will always be shadows."

"Yes, a person who is so proud that he is almost flying and domineering, if he doesn't die young, he will eventually be wasted by the world." Fang Zilan's voice was a little bit lower, "Since I have been favored by the heavens and have not died in the battlefield, I can't envy such a young man Lang. But if he is like his uncle, he can stand upright and not fall, even if I think about it, it will be difficult for me to do it."

Hearing this, a clear look flashed in Li Shengxuan's eyes, and said: "This is the real reason why you want Cao Hong to serve as the general of the government, and you don't set up a family and raise soldiers?"

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said: "If someone follows me sincerely, but I can't even save their wealth and life, is it not a disappointment? I can be the sharpest sword in the world to shock the world, and I can also be a target in the eyes of the aristocratic family. , but no matter which one it is, it is dangerous, and there is no need for others to share the burden with me."

Li Shengxuan collected his expression, and said solemnly: "What if I say, I would like you to share the responsibility and keep your life safe?"

"I believe in your words, and I also believe in your intentions." Fang Zilan said quietly: "But the world is impermanent, and maybe one day I will become a pawn that you have to give up. If there is such a day, I can still protect myself , you don't have to make things difficult for me."

The smile on the woman's brows became wider, "Your Majesty, this is not up to you. The grandson of Huyan Khan, the son of Damo Mingyue Lussel, the wolf king of the north, your people have been waiting for you for a long time."

Qi Yuming listened to the woman indifferently, and gagged Shangguan Min without waiting for a rebuttal.

He flicked his sleeves slowly, with a jade-like voice, "Luceia, I never said that I want to hand over Shangguanmin to you."

"Oh?" Lu Seya raised her brows slightly, with a slightly angry look, "Then what is Lord Qi here for?"

"Warning." Qi Yuming was unmoved at all, "The savage woman who drove the wolf that Mr. Fang mentioned is you, right?"

"Master Qi knows it all, why didn't you leave me to her?" Lu Seiya's tone was a little teasing, she lowered her voice to Qi Yuming's ear, and said softly, "Could it be that you are reluctant?"

"Reluctance?" Qi Yuming still stood up straight, but the ridicule in his eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

Lu Seya stood back to make fun of herself, and looked at Shangguan Min who was struggling to break free of the gag, "Your Excellency, please save some effort. When I stay in our territory, I will let you loose." .”

"This is your plan?" Qi Yuming looked at Shangguan Min following Lu Seya's line of sight, "The Shangguan family who drove the wolves to slaughter the army, forced Shangguan Min to make a big fuss, and there is no place for him to go, so you take him back to the north." Jiang Damo, be your wolf king?"

Lu Seya didn't answer, and Qi Yuming continued, "Unfortunately, you shouldn't let me be the villain who forced him."

"Besides Mr. Qi, I really can't think of any other candidate who can not only speak in front of that woman Fang Zilan, but also stand up to protect Sanyuan Village." Lucia's expression was a little more lazy, like a gardener The walking cat, "What's more, as long as Mr. Qi knows, he will definitely take care of it."

"You do understand me." Qi Yuming smiled slightly, and his unabashed appearance made Shangguan Min quiet down.

He just feels confused now, a little confused about the situation.

Before he followed Qi Yuming secretly into Sanyuan Village, he wanted to see who was in collusion between Qi Yuming and Sanyuan Village, but unexpectedly, Qi Yuming found out, he couldn't beat Qi Yuming, but was caught by this woman named Lu Seya .

Lucia claimed to be Lucille's sister, his aunt.

She kept saying that he was the eldest son, which annoyed him, but from the conversation between her and Qi Yuming, he also knew that she was indeed the one who killed Shangguan Mian.

However, after they talked for so long, it sounds like Qi Yuming and Lu Seya just knew each other, and he didn't know what Lu Seya did before?
"Then what do you think I'll do?" Qi Yuming ignored Shangguan Min's reaction, and Lu Seya blinked her eyes in embarrassment, "Master Qi, you certainly won't just sit and watch us support a new wolf king, so I Guess you want to take Guan Min back?"

Qi Yuming didn't answer, but his expression was tacitly acquiescing to what Luseya said.

Seeing this, Lucia chuckled, "What should I do? I must take my sister's son back today. Master Qi, I'm sorry."

Lu Seya suddenly made an attack, and Shangguan Min could only hear the crisp sound of metal colliding. When he saw clearly, Qi Yuming was already a few feet away, and his body reacted so quickly, as if only Fang Zilan he had seen before. It can be longer or shorter than one of them.

Shangguan Min couldn't help feeling secretly, it's fortunate that Qi Yuming's subordinates were able to control the situation, otherwise, he would have died in his hands many times if he messed around so many times.

"I don't know how to live or die." Qi Yuming fell to the ground lightly, his sleeves drooping like a butterfly fluttering, his appearance was cold and his tone was obviously ridiculed and disdainful, "Who is Fang Zilan? Do you think that you will be able to kill people who can kill the golden city? Yuancun cares about affection?"

"Such a Rakshasa hag is not such a bandit as Mr. Qi, I don't expect her to show any kindness." Lucia smiled, but her hands kept moving, and the knife was approaching Qi Yuming in the blink of an eye. "All I want is time. When Master Shizi and I leave for the desert, she will be powerless even if she wants to kill her."

Qi Yuming raised his sword to block her attack, "Whether Shangguan Min is willing to go with you or not, how long do you think those wolves can delay?"

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