Don't ask where people go

Chapter 971 Collusion

Fang Zilan threw the broken silver on the table, and interrupted the waiter, "Okay, got it. Come back when the food is served, don't run away if you have nothing to do."

"Okay." The clerk accepted the money neatly, and then disappeared in a flash.

Fang Zilan looked at the window, sighed that the scenery was beautiful, and was about to look away, but heard an exclamation, "Let me go!"

Fang Zilan almost thought that she had heard it wrong, so she couldn't help but stood up and looked over. The girl was dressed in light yellow clothes, and her frown was obviously impatient, and she scolded: "You are so shameless in broad daylight, don't be afraid that I will break you hands and feet?"

Mo Han obviously also heard the familiar voice, walked up to Fang Zilan, looked towards the crowd, "Miss Awan?"

"Why did she come back?" Fang Zilan put his hands on his forehead helplessly, and Mo Han seemed to be talking to himself: "If Miss Awan comes back, then Miss Xiao and Miss Cong..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "Even if they come back, I can send them away again."

Before she finished speaking, she heard another voice from below, "Stinky girl, don't eat the toast and take the fine wine, take her back to me!"

Fang Zilan's face turned cold, and before Mo Han could say anything, she jumped from the window and landed firmly beside A Wan amidst the exclamation of everyone.

"People from my Yue State Mansion, do you dare to move?" Fang Zilan's face was frosty, and the people on the opposite side were all shocked, "Yue State Mansion?"

"Master Fang, why are you here..." A Wan looked at the person who stepped forward to block her in disbelief. She didn't answer her words, but just glanced at her sideways, and after confirming that she was fine, she greeted her. Several people looked at me, "Which house are you from, you are so bold?"

Several people looked at each other, and one of them said with a smile on his face: "Lord Fang, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..."

"What misunderstanding?" A Wan tugged at Fang Zilan's sleeve angrily, "Master Fang, Sister Cong was kidnapped by them!"

Fang Zilan was taken aback, her face turned colder, and they exchanged glances and were about to disperse, when she yelled, "Zheng Yan, don't let anyone go."

At this time, a few people found Zheng Yan standing behind them. He and Fang Zilan were in front of each other, and they could not escape.

Just when several people panicked, Fang Zilan grabbed one of them by the neck, "Tell me, who told you to take Cong Rong away, and where is she now?"

The faces of the rest of the people were full of panic. Everyone in Dajing knew what Fang Zilan was doing. If she was annoyed, she might kill them all in the street.

Immediately, someone knelt down and begged for mercy, "Master Fang is merciful, we...we belong to the Pei family..."

"Duke Jue?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and the person kneeling on the ground shook her head like a rattle, "No, it's Master Pei Poming..."

His voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly. She shook off the person in her hand and said coldly, "Lead the way."

"Master Fang, we know we are wrong!" Several people knelt down and kowtowed, Fang Zilan was not moved at all, "You are not willing to lead the way, are you waiting for me to go to Master Xing Xing of the Kingdom of Ping to ask the crime?"

Before they had time to react, Fang Zilan called Zheng Yan, "You go to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, please go to Mr. Xu, and go to the Duke's Mansion together."

Zhuge Yu snorted coldly, "If you don't do it today, it doesn't mean you won't do it in the future. Once the people behind you stand on the opposite side of Dajing, can you let it go?"

As soon as his words fell, Fang Zilan only felt that something in her heart was shattered and scattered all over the ground.

Zhuge Yu was right, she was deceiving herself.

She always thought that she would be able to live in peace and stability if she could fight for her own place, but she knew very well in her heart that this was just an appearance.

Why did Ji Ningtian want her to be someone Li Shengxuan could rely on?It was for the day when she would turn her sword against each other and deal a fatal blow to Li Shengxuan.

The higher she climbed, the harder she would hurt Li Shengxuan and Dajing in the future.

However, if she gave up, she would be the one who died.If she wants to live, she can only selfishly foresee the result and climb up, unscrupulous, painful and sober.

"No matter what Mr. Zhuge thinks, Fang Zilan only wants to be innocent." Fang Zilan said every word seriously, but Zhuge Yu sneered, with a rare mocking look, "If you are stubborn, others can't say anything. It's just that you bully People can, but self-deception is fine. Ever since the incident of Shangguan Jing, you have no innocence at all, let alone a clear conscience?"

Every word in his words was heartbreaking, she remained silent and didn't speak, she just felt that whatever she said was like an excuse.

"Forget it, I'll let you do whatever you want." Zhuge Yu stood up with a cold expression, "I want to see what will happen to you Fang Zilan in the end."

"Anyway, if I fall into Mr. Zhuge's Linglong bureau, I won't complain at all." Fang Zilan stood up and looked him straight in the eyes, "But if it's the other way around, and Mr. Zhuge falls into my hands, I won't complain." Even if you die, you will keep Mr. Zhuge safe."

She left after she finished speaking, Zhuge Yu looked at her back with complex expressions, some were fiercely guarded, and some couldn't explain why she couldn't bear it, and he didn't know whether it was towards her or towards himself.

He couldn't help laughing at himself, they are all people who can't help themselves, who can be who's savior?

People who are opposites have only one ending.

She is always so duplicity and self-deception, how long can she be deceived?
On the other side, Fang Zilan walked down the stairs of the post house, feeling so preoccupied that she felt as if someone had stuffed a mouthful of cotton.

If Zhuge Yu's predictions were correct, Li Shengxuan really wanted her to take over the Xiahou family's position, Ji Ningtian would be very satisfied, but she couldn't be happy, Li Shengxuan didn't treat her very well, but it was not bad.

She knows how difficult it is for a woman to be in power in this era. Even a famous general like Xiahou Yunzhao cannot avoid gossip behind her back, let alone someone with an unknown background like her?

But Li Shengxuan just promoted her to a high position, whether it was a living target or a target of public criticism, in short, she stood on the top of the mountain and looked down on thousands of thousands.

She thought that the road ahead would be difficult and dangerous, but she never expected that she would walk in front of Li Shengxuan so steadily.

She knew Zhuge Yu's exhaustive strategy, and she didn't want to doubt it, let alone dare to doubt it.After entering Beijing, there may be a network of traps all over the world, or it may be impossible to guard against open guns and hidden arrows.

But for Li Shengxuan's little trust in her, Ji Ningtian held her gate of life, and even for herself, even if there was a dead end, she would make a breakthrough.

If you don't give it a try, who knows where the way out will be?

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