Don't ask where people go

Chapter 972 Treason

Chapter 972 Treason
"I don't care what Mu Churui wants to do." Princess Erya's expression became colder, "As long as I can kill Hatumu, the Baowu clan, I'm dead, and I deserve it."

"Erya, if after your death, Mu Churui turns his back on you and hides the Wu family in the palace, what's the difference from a hundred years ago?" My cousin was heartbroken, "At that time, the Wu family will become like the high priest." , using destiny to manipulate people's hearts, but it is a puppet manipulated by Mu Churui. This kind of prosperity is not worth it."

Unexpectedly, Princess Erya turned a deaf ear, "Cousin, finally Mi Agu was seriously injured. It took me a year to make the elders in the clan no longer support Hatumu, and I won this opportunity from Mu Churui. I have to gamble once." .”

"That's Fang Zilan, the daughter of the God of Death, how could you win her bet?" The cousin held Princess Erya's wrist, and she remained unmoved, "Because she is the daughter of the God of Death, I am more willing to bet on her." Bet."

The more she talked, the more she gritted her teeth, "In order to marry his concubine, King Pingnan, the former general of Zhenbei, slaughtered all the tribes outside the Great Wall, and killed how many people from our tribe, cousin, have you forgotten?"

"How could I forget?" The cousin slowly let go of her hand as if she had lost all her strength.

In the third year of Jianyong in Dachu, in the middle of winter, the water in the northwest turned to ice, and the barbarians who fled to the depths of the desert were all in ragged clothes, suffering from hunger and cold.They come from various tribes such as the Western Regions, Mobei, and Monan, but now they all go in the same direction.

It's just that where they went, they passed the Gilded City.The leader made a deal with Huyan Khan, the men were exiled into the army and the women were slaves, so they got temporary asylum.

After the young Zhenbei General King Pingnan heard the news, he didn't order to pursue him, because the current situation was enough for him to deal with.

Originally, dozens of tribes, large and small, outside the Great Wall, were all wiped out except for the tribe of Di Rong, who was a temporary vassal of Miluo.Even in Di Rong's department, more than half of them were killed or injured.

Some say it's for fame, others say it's for warning the neighbors.However, for Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang, all the reasons are worthless for a deal, one person.

Qin Ji came from a humble background, and the entire royal family of Chu was extremely opposed to this marriage. Only the emperor, who had just ascended the rank of Ninth Five-Year, proposed such a compromise.

As long as all the tribes outside the Great Wall are wiped out, he will personally issue an imperial decree to complete the marriage.

Most of the people around him have dissuaded him, if he engages in such an unrighteous battle, the people in the world will only have fear and no respect for Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang.

But Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang himself didn't care, even the God of Killing, the God of Killing who wanted to marry Qin Ji...

Recalling the past, Princess Erya's cousin could only feel her mood fluctuating. She was not yet born at that time, but she had heard her mother talk about the tragic scene back then.So much so that she has been a slave girl since she was born in Gilded City.

"Cousin, I didn't mean to provoke you with the past, but the opportunity for revenge is close at hand, if I miss it, I will never have it again." Princess Erya seemed to have a fire burning in her eyes, paranoid to the point of madness, "My life, What counts?"

"Erya..." The cousin's eyes were flushed, "Have you thought about the consequences? After this move, it is necessary to completely break with Dajing, and Miluo is not a kind person. It is sandwiched between the two countries. How can Di Rong's department survive?" Way to survive?"

"The homeland of the old country has long since ceased to exist." Princess Erya's expression gradually became resentful. "It is not a pity that the current Di Rong tribe is destroyed. As long as the Wu clan is prosperous, nothing else matters."

"Fang Zilan, what nonsense are you talking about?" A Wan blurted out subconsciously, but stopped when she saw Fang Zilan's coldness, and whispered after a while: "Even if you are a young master, you can't..."

"What can't be done?" Fang Zilan smiled evilly, "We are on the same boat. If something happens to me, do you think he can pick it off?"

A Wan's face changed in an instant, and her voice was extremely low; "Fang Zilan, are you really not afraid that the young master will kill you?"

"I'm still useful to him, he doesn't want to part with it." The corners of Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, and her voice was as soft as a puff of smoke, which disappeared in A Wan's ears in a blink of an eye, but made her face even more ugly.

"When have you ever seen the young master being reluctant, even Wu Qing..." A Wan didn't continue, but Fang Zilan knew what she meant.

Wu Qing is the princess of the former dynasty, and also the closest person to Ji Ningtian, but Ji Ningtian still dragged her into the muddy water of the ghost gate.

To that man, all of them are just pawns in his hand.

But for some reason, Fang Zilan wanted to gamble that Ji Ningtian would have no one available except her, Fang Zilan.

"Have you thought about it?" A Wan stretched out her hand and pulled Fang Zilan's sleeve, pulling her back together with her thoughts, "If you annoy the young master, no one can save you."

"Who said the young master will be annoyed?" She smiled slightly, "It's not that I haven't thought about it. Because of the status of the old man in the previous dynasty, the Fang family will give the young master this kind of shame. The Ouyang family has been weak in the court for the past two years. , and with Li Shengxuan coming to the throne, all the aristocratic families are afraid, lest he will let Xiahou's family enter the court again, this time is the best time to marry each other."

A Wan frowned, "But the Shangguan family is a sinner, and other families are afraid to avoid it, so how can they get married?"

Fang Zilan still just laughed, "It is true that the Shangguan family is a sinner, but it is also true that Li Shengxuan has selfish intentions. The forces behind the Shangguan family have not been affected. This alone is enough to impress a weak Ouyang family. What's more..."

She paused, and the smile on her face became wider, "The one they married was not the daughter of the Shangguan family, but the daughter of the Wang family."

A Wan was confused, "What do you mean?"

"After all, the Wang family is a noble family in Yanzhou. I have to give Wang Quanzhi this face, otherwise, wouldn't my life in Yanzhou be very sad?" Fang Zilan said lightly, and Awan suddenly reacted, "What do you mean?" Yes……"

"That's what you think." Fang Zilan nodded, "This matter is very important, I want to write letters to Fang's family and Ouyang's family, but just by speaking, I want to persuade the two families to buy it It's not easy to be afraid, and you have to ask the young master to help you in secret. There are too many people staring at me now, I can't leave at all, so I can only let you go by yourself."

"Are you trying to push me away?" Awan's voice was a little lower, as if a little lost, Fang Zilan reached out to pat her on the shoulder, but in the end her hand didn't land on her shoulder, but was caught by her. She grabbed the sleeve with her backhand.

Fang Zilan let her hold her, and sighed softly, "Little Awan, there are some things that are meaningless to say. I've been busy these two days, so you can take this trip for me."

(End of this chapter)

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