Fang Zilan took Shangguan Min to the prison cell of the Ministry of Punishment and met Xue Haoyu who was being imprisoned.

When Shangguanmin saw Xue Haoyu, he was in a daze. The person who used to talk eloquently became a prisoner in an instant.

When Xue Haoyu saw them, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Master Fang, why are you..."

"Why did you come?" Fang Zilan interrupted him unceremoniously, "I want to know the truth."

"With Master Fang's ability, can't you guess it?" Xue Haoyu smiled bitterly: "I lost."

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "How can you be undefeated even if you use some unscrupulous means?"

Xue Haoyu's expression froze, and Fang Zilan said quietly: "Master Xue, I reminded you that others will treat you as you treat others. Do you think you can really do all this without telling Mr. Wang?"

"If I knew today, why bother?" Xue Haoyu's face had a stern look on his face, "Wang Quanrui let me do all of this. It's been a whole year, and I didn't take action until now, and it cost Siwu Qi's life..."

Fang Zilan turned her head and said softly: "You entered the Ministry of Rites through the way of the Wang family, why didn't you do things down-to-earth? You had a chance..."

"What chance?" Xue Haoyu interrupted her angrily, "With people like Wang Quanrui around, I will never have a bright future. And those people from the Ministry of Rites, how many have been favored by my uncle, but Because my uncle was a little harsh on them for a while, he teamed up to oppress me..."

"What about Siwu Qi?" Fang Zilan looked at him steadfastly, "You encouraged him to help you, but you couldn't even save his life."

"You don't know how ruthless Wang Quanrui is! He deliberately asked Xue'er to marry me, and then let Siwu Qi conspire with me..." Xue Haoyu gritted his teeth and said, "He came last night. He told Siwu Qi that he chose the wrong one. If you choose one wrong time, you will lose the life of your daughter, and if you choose wrong again, you will lose the lives of the whole family..."

He said with a trembling voice, "It's right next door to this cell, I can hear it clearly. Wang Quanrui, he forced Siwu Qi to death!"

Frightened by the hatred in Xue Haoyu's eyes, Shangguan Min took a step back abruptly.Fang Zilan turned her head to look over, and said slowly, "Shangguanmin, what do you think?"

"I..." Shangguan Min opened his mouth, "I don't think Mr. Xue had no way out, but the method was wrong, and he finally fell behind."

Fang Zilan turned to Xue Haoyu thoughtfully, the hatred in his eyes did not diminish at all, "It is really a good apprentice taught by Master Fang, and he is as innocent as Master Fang!"

Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves and said in a low voice, "I would like to hear more about it."

"After I entered the Ministry of Rites, no matter whoever made a mistake among the top and bottom, it will be blamed on me." Xue Haoyu said in a low voice, "At first I thought it was a bully, but later I found out that apart from me, the person who was bullied was Qi Siwu .So I understood that this is not bullying, but the aristocratic family bullying the poor."

He heaved a long sigh, "After the Southeast Plague, the Ministry of Rites invited Master Liao Yuan of Baiye Temple to perform a ceremony. I participated in the whole process, being careful not to make any mistakes. Wen was missing one for no reason, and Qi Siwu and I were picked out by Wang Quanrui on the spot. When I knelt in front of Master Yuan, I felt so close to death for the first time."

He recalled the situation that day, he seemed to be still afraid, and he continued after a while: "From then on, I knew that I and Qi Siwu were the scapegoats of the Ministry of Rites. If we don't resist, we will die at the hands of Wang Quanrui sooner or later. Siwu Qi was hesitant when he heard about my thoughts, but Xueer resolutely married me in order to strengthen his belief."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, "When Xue'er married me, I was still wondering why Wang Quanrui was so kind, but I never thought that what he was waiting for was today. Mr. Fang knows what happened next, and I missed it , all losers."

He said with a more determined expression on his face, "But I don't regret it."

"People from the Ministry of Rites, even if they accidentally make a mistake in the position of the year-end ceremony, they will end up in ruins. What's more, if you make a mistake on purpose?" Fang Zilan looked at the people across the wall with a fixed expression. A little loose, "You don't regret it, but have you ever thought about your family members who are far away from the capital?"

"If I hadn't had to, I wouldn't have done this either." Xue Haoyu lowered his head and took a deep breath, "Master Fang, you are a man who fought on the battlefield. You once guarded Qiluo City for more than a month. I admire you, but now I want to Ask something disrespectful."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "Just ask."

"I have been guarding Qiluo City for more than a month. I don't know when Miluo will attack, I don't know when Qiluo City will be broken, and I don't know if reinforcements will come..." Xue Haoyu's voice trembled, "It's like there is a sword on the top of the head, step by step. Pressing hard, but not falling. Don't tell me, Mr. Fang, you never thought of going out of the city to end all of this?"

"Never." Fang Zilan replied without hesitation, "If I am alone, even if I lose my life and fight with all my strength, what's the problem? But there are tens of thousands of people in Dajing standing behind me, so I will never show the bravery of ordinary people .”

Xue Haoyu looked at her blankly, but she sighed softly and asked, "Xue Haoyu, do you know where you lost?"

Seeing that he was silent, Fang Zilan continued, "Wang Quanrui let other people in the Ministry of Rites bully you. Of course, his methods are not superior, but his patience is better than yours. You plotted step by step to provoke trouble, and finally waited for an excellent opportunity to get rid of you and Siwu Qi at once."

She said in a low voice, "For a whole year, not everyone can have this kind of patience."

Warm blood dripped on Fang Zilan's face, she watched the man's lips move intently, she tried hard to identify his mouth shape, vaguely discerned a word of thank you, and then did not continue.

Thanks for what?Before she could say thank you in the future, would the people who died saving her have to thank her?

She originally guessed that the Miluo people forced her to open the city gate because they were holding back, so she made people keep a close eye on the people entering the city, in case someone fished in troubled waters and took the opportunity to make trouble.

What kind of chaos can Miluo people make?It's nothing more than assassinating the coach. How could she not guess it?That's when she was sent up as a target, to see what monsters and ghosts were hiding among the people, so someone died for her.

If she had been more cautious, if she had been more calm, if she had been more careful, wouldn't the 500 people who robbed food, Deputy General Chen, and the person in front of them not have died?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

It was too late, and no one could answer her.

The person in front of him fell down suddenly and landed on Fang Zilan's body.At this moment, her eyes were dark and she could not see any light.

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