"The people from Jingzhao Yin's Mansion are here again?" A Wan couldn't help asking Fang Zilan, who looked at Fang Zilan, who had an expression of keeping away from strangers.

Fang Zilan nodded perfunctorily, her eyes fell on the bloody discarded gauze in A Wan's hand, "How is Zi Rou?"

"It's still the same, nothing responds to what I say." A Wan said as he raised the discarded gauze in his hand, "If you are forced hard, you will slap your hands and hurt them again and again. If you continue like this, your hands will really hurt." Obsolete."

Hearing that Fang Zilan's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, she said in a deep voice: "Don't force Zirou, she will not respond if she doesn't respond, let's talk about recovering from the injury first."

"But..." Awan opened his mouth, and then changed his voice unwillingly, "Everyone from Jingzhao Yin's Mansion has come to the door, so can't we fight for justice for Lord Ouyang?"

"Fair." Fang Zilan repeated the word, and said sadly: "If you want to fight for justice for Zirou, the Ouyang family must confess. Among them are her brother, mother, and even other relatives we don't know. You have to pay the price. Therefore, if she doesn't speak up in person, no one else can make a decision for her, whether to fight for this fairness."

Awan's expression froze, she was thinking that Ouyang Zirou had suffered a great wrong, and the world should know about it, and the person who hurt her should pay the price.But she forgot that the people who caused her to fall into such a situation were all her close relatives connected by blood.Once it is brought to court, I am afraid it will be more painful than breaking his hand.

"Then if Master Ouyang has been keeping silent like this, could it be..." Before A Wan finished speaking, Xiao Xuan'er who came hurriedly interrupted, "Master Fang, something happened to Ouyang's family."

Fang Zilan looked solemn, "What happened to Ouyang's family?"

"Patriarch Ouyang may die." Xiao Xuan'er said in a low voice: "Mrs. Ouyang ordered someone to invite the elders in charge of the clan, and put Ouyang Zongrui under custody, saying that she wanted to open the ancestral hall and move the family law."

"It seems that Mrs. Ouyang won't shield Ouyang Zongrui anymore." Fang Zilan said thoughtfully, "It's just that she still cares about the dignity of Ouyang's family, and she doesn't want to hand over Ouyang Zongrui for disposal."

"However..." Xiao Xuan'er just opened her mouth, when she saw Qiao Nian supporting Ouyang Zirou to the corridor, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Lord Ouyang!"

Fang Zilan saw the two men coming, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Something happened to Ouyang's house, do you want to go back and have a look?"

Ouyang Zirou's eyes turned red, but she still didn't say a word. On the contrary, Wang Lingyuan, who ran quickly, panted and said, "Master Fang, I heard that something happened to Ouyang's family, I..."

"Okay, let's go." Fang Zilan patted Wang Lingyuan's back lightly, comforting her.

Feeling the temperature from her back, Wang Lingyuan felt relieved. She looked gratefully at Fang Zilan, who gave her a firm look.

In fact, since she was rescued to the Duke's Mansion of the Yue State, she discovered that Fang Zilan was not as ruthless as the outside legends said. Under the appearance of killing and decisiveness, there was a heart of compassion hidden.

So when she was worried and didn't want to go back to Ouyang's house, Fang Zilan didn't force her to go back.But today, when Ouyang Zirou was uneasy and she was in panic, Fang Zilan's determination and company were their best reassurance.

No matter what is waiting for them in front of them, as long as Fang Zilan stands behind them, they will always have a burst of courage.

Fang Zilan sighed helplessly, "Forget it, it's not a big deal. If you keep him, I'll just drive him away."

A Wan tugged at her sleeve, "It's getting late today, why don't we talk about it tomorrow?"

Fang Zilan just nodded without saying a word, then got up and left.

She walked into the courtyard, leaned on a chair, looked up at the vast night, felt depressed for a while, and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Inexplicably lifted the confinement of the mansion, which seemed to be an unreal illusion.Sometimes she felt that Li Shengxuan was actually easy to understand, and sometimes she felt that Li Shengxuan was deep in thought, and the ancients said that companions with kings are like companions with tigers, and he really does not deceive others.

She was thinking in a daze, she didn't know when she fell into a drowsy sleep, and when she woke up again, it was already broad daylight, and there was a thin layer of brocade quilt on her body, so it must be Cong Rong.

She went back to the room to wash with the brocade quilt, but saw A Wan sitting in front of the table and yawning, and when she came back she stood up abruptly, "When did you develop the habit of staying out at night? You feel better."

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "What will happen if I eat saffron by mistake?"

"For you, it's almost like cold air invading your body, dizziness, lethargy, and weakness in your limbs." A Wan asked angrily, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"Cong Rong ate saffron by mistake..." As soon as Fang Zilan opened her mouth, A Wan gasped, "Oh my God, isn't the child in her stomach..."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "The child is gone, on the day we leave the house."

"No wonder you were so dizzy that day, and your pulse was so strange, it all made sense." A Wan caught her pulse, "But I remember you said you drank Cong Rong's tea? Obviously that The saffron was put in the tea, what kind of accidental ingestion is this? Someone clearly poisoned it on purpose.”

Fang Zilan told Awan what the housekeeper had said, and she frowned after hearing this: "I did ask the people in my house to buy saffron, and the housekeeper did not lie about that. But he didn't find any problem with the tea?"

"I also think the housekeeper is suspicious." Fang Zilan warned: "From now on, when you are in the house, be careful of the housekeeper. Cong Rong's matter, we have time to investigate slowly."

"Okay." A Wan agreed, and then urged her to wash up as soon as possible.After the two packed up, they went to the front hall to have breakfast together.

In addition to Deputy General Cao, Mo Bin, Mo Han and his son were also waiting in the front hall early in the morning. Seeing Fang Zilan and A Wan arriving, they were about to greet and say something, but Fang Zilan only said hello to Deputy General Cao, as if they didn't see They usually just walk in.

Awan, who was following Fang Zilan, coughed lightly and smiled awkwardly.

Several people had their own thoughts, and they were all absent-minded during the breakfast. It was not until after the breakfast that Fang Zilan broke the silence, "General Mo is going to take Mo Han back to Mushan Pass today, right? I have something to share with you." Trust me, I wonder if General Mo is willing to help?"

Hearing this, Mo Bin hurriedly responded: "Lord Fang, it's okay to say, I will go through fire and water."

"There is no need to go through fire and water, but I have something that I would like to ask General Mo to deliver to Miss Yun Qinghan of the Yun Family Medical Center." Fang Zilan said and put the brocade box in front of Mo Bin, "Also, please help me with the message To Miss Yun, just tell her to wear the items in the brocade box at all times and never leave her body, be careful in everything."

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