Don't ask where people go

Chapter 978 Forced

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu sighed, "I have been to Yucheng Palace, and I have met the prince."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes, "He, is he okay?"

"You should know the severity of what you do yourself better than others." Zhuge Yu said quietly: "Fang Zilan, are you crazy?"

It is rare for him to call Fang Zilan by name and surname like this. She opened her mouth, and her refutation finally turned into a weeping voice, "The dead person, but Mo Han..."

"You are wronged, aren't you the King Yucheng and the Xu family?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, "You know that there are people planning, and the King Yucheng and the Xu family are just pawns in it, why bother..."

"So what if I know?" Fang Zilan cut off Zhuge Yu's words angrily, "Even if there are thousands of times, I won't regret it."

"Fang Zilan!" Zhuge Yu clenched his hands into fists, "Do you have to be so extreme?"

"Zhuge Yu, let me ask you." Fang Zilan blurted out without thinking, "When Zhuge Shan passed away, if you had the ability, wouldn't you kill Wei Subaru?"

Zhuge Yu's complexion turned pale, as if a thorn deeply buried in his heart had been stirred by someone, causing blood to drip from his whole heart, and the pain was unbearable.

Fang Zilan suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, "Ah Yu, I..."

"Yes, I have thought about it." Zhuge Yu spoke quickly, as if uncontrollable, "You know? I have had the same dream more than once. In the dream, I killed Wei Subaru, with blood on my hands, but There is no pleasure at all, just endless nothingness."

He paused, took a deep breath, and continued: "Killing Wei Subaru will not solve any problems, but will cause endless troubles. I will not kill him, no matter whether I have the ability or not."

Fang Zilan felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart, Zhuge Yu was right, killing people can't solve the problem.So what if she killed the Xu family?Mo Han will not come back to life, but the Jiangnan corruption case has no one to investigate, and there will be endless troubles.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Han should not forgive her under the Nine Springs...

"Your Majesty just ordered me to tell Mr. Yin Xie of the Jingzhao Mansion that the case of Xu Mansion's misconduct must be concluded within seven days." Zhuge Yu's voice was a little lower, "The matter has come to this, and His Majesty is still protecting you."

"Your Majesty is not protecting me." Fang Zilan collected her expression and said softly: "Your Majesty originally issued a secret order to go to the south of the Yangtze River to investigate the corruption case with Your Excellency, but now..."

She hesitated for a moment, but continued, "Only by cutting the mess quickly, can the next adult who goes to Jiangnan to investigate the corruption case have the upper hand, otherwise he can only be led by the nose."

"The corruption case in the south of the Yangtze River? This is you..." Zhuge Yufu changed his voice as soon as he opened his mouth, "The Southeast government office has been following up until now. I think you know nothing less than Master Xu Youtong."

"I will go to Jiangnan soon." Fang Zilan followed Zhuge Yu's words, "Sooner or later, I will go to Jiangnan, why not take this opportunity."

Zhuge Yu didn't speak, but there was a look of inquiry in his eyes. Fang Zilan said bluntly: "There was a Mr. Chu Bin in my house before, who went to the south of the Yangtze River to check the accounts for me. So far, there is no news."

Chu Bin?Zhuge Yu only felt that the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember when and where he heard it, "Do you suspect that something happened to him? Or..."

"I didn't look away." Zhuge Yu's voice was low, as if uncontrollable, some words escaped from his mouth involuntarily, "It's just that she said something similar to me before I went to the capital. If I go to the capital , that is, we will never see each other again in this life.”

"Ayu is going to the capital after all." Fang Zilan answered, with indescribable regret in her tone.

"That's right." Zhuge Yu had a wry smile on his face, "I thought she was just talking in a fit of anger, and I can still go back to see her after I become famous."

"She didn't speak in a moment of anger, but because she couldn't bear it because of her selfishness." Fang Zilan's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of deep meaning, and said: "She wants you to stay, but she doesn't want to erase your ambition. Disappointed, but there is still a glimmer of hope left. She left the choice in your hands, but she failed in the end."

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan blankly, and murmured in a low voice: "Sister Lan thinks I have failed her?"

"Yes, and no." Fang Zilan's tone was solemn and dignified, "What Ah Yu failed was the girl's love at a certain moment in the past, and what I did not disappoint was my love for her all the time. I remember when I was under the Gilded City, Ah Yu Yu told me that there are always things that are more important than life in this world. There are many people who can’t help themselves because of what they want, and it’s already great that Ayu can live up to himself.”

Like a ray of light, her words shone into the dark corner of Zhuge Yu's heart that he didn't want to look directly at, making him suddenly enlightened, and secretly sighed "That's all".

He immediately restrained his emotions, changed his expression, and returned to his calm and relaxed appearance of the second son of Zhuge, "I won't mention my affairs. Sister Lan, what do you want to do with today's scene?"

"It's impossible to change one life for another, and Warners has to save it." Fang Zilan pondered for a while and said, "Ayu, you have a lot of connections, please move around from all the houses to find out what happened in the Western Region in the past half a year. The barbarian robbers. I will go out of the city to check the various areas outside Xiguan City to see if I can find out the whereabouts of the bandits. I will let Lao Cao go with you, so that if anything happens, we can take care of you. Split up and see you at the inn tonight."

Zhuge Yu nodded in response, "Sister Lan, you can leave it to me to collect information. But since Vice General Cao is good at tracking and exploring, it's better to follow Sister Lan."

"But you are alone, I don't worry." Fang Zilan frowned slightly, but Zhuge Yu smiled slyly, "As early as in the northern border, I notified the guards of Zhuge's family to come to Xiguan City, wait for me Then go to meet them. Sister Lan, can you rest assured this time?"

"As expected of the second son of Zhuge, who has no plans to spare, but I worry about it for nothing." Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, got up and walked to the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Deputy General Cao who was standing at the door in a dilemma, his knocking hand stopped in mid-air, and A Wan beside him, who was holding his arms empty-handed. She couldn't help laughing and said: "Aren't you going to buy medicine What about the medicine?"

"When I walked to the street, I realized that I had brought all the medicines I needed, and there was nothing to buy." A Wan blinked innocently, and Vice General Cao nodded cooperatively, "Boss, what should we do now?"

"The two of you go out of the city with me to find out where the bandits are." Fang Zilan walked out of the room after finishing speaking, Vice General Cao and A Wan hurriedly followed, and Zhuge Yu also left the inn with them.

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