Don't ask where people go

Chapter 979 Negotiations

Chapter 979 Negotiations
"Xie Chen, I have offended the entire Xiahou family." Hongtai raised his eyebrows, and said recklessly: "That has nothing to do with your surname Xie."

"Xiahou's family may have nothing to do with me." Xie Chen drew his sword out of its sheath, "But Zhaozhao, it has nothing to do with me."

"Xie Chen, you are not my opponent." Hong Tai spat, "I don't mind having an extra life in my hand, but I don't want to see Xiahou Yunzhao go crazy."

He wanted Xie Chen to quit, but unexpectedly Xia Houzhang stepped forward, "Master, do you think there is no one in my Xiahou family?"

"You?" Hongtai was noncommittal, and changed the voice: "Li Shengxuan sent you here, and it is considered intentional. I just don't know, his intention is for King Yucheng, or for her?"

Before he finished speaking, Xia Houzhang's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help becoming interested, "If it's for King Yucheng, you should be in the hall right now. If it's for her, you should go after Xiahou Yunzhao. Anyway, you Shouldn't have stayed here."

Xiahouzhang's face turned pale, Hongtai's eyebrows stretched, and he said with a smile: "Li Shengxuan and Xiahou's family, you can only choose one."

As if someone had pierced through the worries in his heart, Xia Houzhang's face was pale, his lips moved, but he couldn't make any sound.

Until Xie Chen's voice sounded, "Master Xiahou, you are on business, and I am on personal grievance."

Brief and concise, it is an obvious point to mention.Hearing this, Xia Houzhang gritted his teeth, turned around and returned to the hall.

Looking at Xia Houzhang's back, Hongtai laughed out loud, but gritted his teeth when he spoke, "Sure enough, Li Shengxuan never treated her with intentions."

"You are only fourteen, and you have dozens of years left in your life. Is it okay to be with a wheelchair from now on?" Fang Zilan's voice was cold, but there was a trace of intolerance. in place.

Shangguan Min stood aside and lowered his head secretly, his voice was like a mosquito, "Just now the military doctor told Ah Kuo."

After a while, everyone heard Shangguan Kuo's voice, "Even if your legs are inconvenient and you can't stand up again in this life, it's okay."

He clenched his fists tightly and kept his body straight, "A young man has a long-term ambition, how can he be trapped by a pair of legs?" After he finished speaking, his brows relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Well said!" Deputy General Cao said as he stretched out his hand and patted Shangguan Yu's shoulder, "I am a man in Dajing, I just want to have ambition!"

"Anyone can say beautiful words." Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, as if a basin of cold water was poured on her head, everyone was shocked and focused their eyes on her.

"Even if you have ambition, if you can't stand up, it means difficulties. You may not be able to do things that ordinary people can get at your fingertips, but you may not be able to do it after ten years of hard work. You should do it yourself."

Everyone was silent at once, only a voice suddenly broke the peace in the camp, "Master Fang has enough gossip, why don't we talk about business?"

It was Qi Yuming, who looked at the few people in the center of the big tent coldly, with a somewhat ironic look on his face.

Fang Zilan was not annoyed, and said calmly: "Qi Canjun's words are justified. Tell me, the three of you, how did you meet those wolves?"

"Our team of ten people was ordered to kill wolves outside Sanyuan Village. Not long after arriving outside Sanyuan Village this morning, we encountered a pack of wolves. At first, there were not so many wolves until..." Shangguan Min spoke.

He hesitated for a while, and continued, "Until someone was killed by wolves, the number of wolves increased sharply. At first I thought it was because the smell of blood was too strong, and more wolves were attracted, until Ah Kuo told me that he heard bones The sound of the whistle, I realized something was wrong, so I sent the news with the Cloud Piercing Arrow."

"The sound of a bone whistle?" Qi Yuming raised his eyebrows slightly, "Most of the barbarians in the northern region wear bone whistles. How do you know that bone whistle is a signal to drive away wolves?"

"I told brother Min." Shangguan said loudly, "We also heard the sound of this bone whistle when we met wolves before, it was exactly the same."

"Before?" Qi Yuming's expression became even colder, "Then why have you all been safe and sound before, and nothing happened until today?"

"There were foreigners passing by every time before." Shangguan Kuo said while recalling, "They were all foreigners in Sanyuan Village."

"They are all from Sanyuan Village, and there are no other passers-by?" Fang Zilan just felt strange.

Shangguan Kuo nodded resolutely, "They are all from Sanyuan Village. Before we killed the wolf, we went door-to-door in Sanyuan Village to ask about the situation. Everyone in the village has seen them all, and they will not admit their mistakes."

"There are hundreds of families in Sanyuan Village, how do you know that you didn't admit your mistake?" Qi Yuming followed closely, and Shangguan Min snorted rather dissatisfiedly, "Ah Kuo is famous for his photographic memory. He said that if he didn’t admit his mistake, he didn’t admit his mistake.”

"Shuzi's words are not to be believed." Qi Yuming snorted coldly, and Shangguan Min just wanted to argue when he saw Fang Zilan standing in front of him, covering Qi Yuming's sight, and said in a deep voice: "Regardless of whether it is true or not, Sanyuan Village everyone is suspicious."

"Master Fang, just based on the words of the wolves outside Sanyuan Village and these children, you believe that there are barbarians with evil intentions to make trouble?" Qi Yuming confronted Fang Zilan without leaving any room.

Fang Zilan didn't care, "Qi Canjun thinks I'm too hasty?"

"Yes." With just one word, Qi Yuming said it firmly.

Fang Zilan's eyes darkened slightly, "If Qi Canjun had really been in the northern border for several years, had heard about the twelve barbarians' invasion of the Dajing border, and had seen with his own eyes the appearance of the Jin people raging in the northern desert, they shouldn't have said the word rashly today. .”

She said every word with a solemn and majestic voice, "During the hundreds of years from the previous dynasty to the present, there has never been a day of real peace in the northern border. Even if the Jin people are gone today, who can guarantee the peace in the desert?" Won't the barbarian remnants make a comeback?"

"Since I was ordered to garrison the northern border, I must protect one side and keep everyone safe. I know how many people sacrificed their lives for the northern border to have what it is today, so I dare not slack off in the slightest. The tigers and wolves are outside, and the defenders I don’t dare not think about it. I think Qi Canjun should have a better understanding of this point than I do.”

"Mr. Fang's words are reasonable, but they are too dangerous." Qi Yuming's voice was a little lower, "Given the prosperity of the capital, all sides are friendly neighbors. The barbarians in the north are not ignorant of current affairs, otherwise Zhong How could your lord ask the emperor for them to set up Sanyuan Village?"

"Qi Canjun believes the people in Sanyuan Village?" Fang Zilan asked back with a half-smile, which made Qi Yuming stunned for a moment, "Master Fang doesn't believe it?"

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, with a look of arrogance that looked down on everything, "I have always only believed in myself. As for other people, it depends on what they have done, whether they are worthy of my trust."

(End of this chapter)

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