Don't ask where people go

Chapter 980 Desires

Chapter 980 Desires
"Master Fang!" An eager voice pulled Fang Zilan back from his thoughts, and another subordinate rushed in, "The people from Jingzhao Yin's Mansion are here."

"What are people from Jingzhao Yin's mansion coming to our mansion at this time?" Fang Zilan frowned, and his subordinates shook their heads like a rattle, "I don't know either, Master Fang, please go and have a look."

"I see." Fang Zilan got up and went to the main hall. Cao Hong stood in front of the door, greeted her as soon as he saw her, and said in a low voice: "Boss, people from Jingzhao Yin's residence are here to ask about the Pei family..."

"Lord Fang." Cao Hong's words were interrupted by a modest and gentle voice, the visitor walked up to Fang Zilan, bowed respectfully and said, "Jingzhaoyin Mansion Xie Yanping, I have seen Lord Fang."

Fang Zilan looked at him, feeling a little familiar, she should have seen it when she went to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion before.He intentionally interrupted Cao Hong's speech, presumably because he didn't want her to know something from Cao Hong in advance, so that he could not prepare for the question, but it was a bit scheming.

"Master Xie, you don't need to be too polite." Fang Zilan raised her hand, Xie Yanping stood up straight, and heard her ask: "I don't know why Sir Xie came to the government office?"

Xie Yanping said neither humble nor overbearing: "Master Fang should have heard about it. His Majesty the Duke of the State of Jui died of illness, and Jingzhao Yin's House has a routine interrogation. Please cooperate with Mr. Fang."

Routine interview?Fang Zilan thought about these four words secretly, and said calmly: "Master Sui died of illness, and I express my deep condolences. But why did Jingzhao Yinfu ask me for questioning?"

"It's just a routine questioning." Xie Yanping wrote lightly: "Everyone who had contact with the Duke of the Kingdom of Jui during his lifetime will be questioned one by one by the Jingzhao Yin's House."

Fang Zilan said thoughtfully: "Then Mr. Xie must be very busy."

"The responsibility lies." Xie Yanping said seriously: "Your Excellency is an important minister of the country, and everything related to him must not be taken lightly."

Fang Zilan was noncommittal, and turned her expression back: "What does Mr. Xie want to ask me?"

Xie Yanping asked directly: "Master Fang previously wrote a letter to impeach Mr. Juan for Mr. Pei Poming's beating of Mr. Mo of your mansion, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, Xie Yanping stared closely at her eyes, "Your Majesty ignores it, did Mr. Fang ever go to Pei's house in private to look for Mr. Gong?"

"No." Fang Zilan answered crisply, and Xie Yanping continued to ask: "Master Fang, have you met Lord Ping recently?"

"Recently, how many days?" Fang Zilan asked without answering, Xie Yanping said calmly: "One month."

"No." Fang Zilan did not hesitate, Xie Yanping asked: "Master Fang, have you met Lord Pei Poming in the past month?"

Fang Zilan's brows were covered with a chill, "Do you know the real cause of death of those two young ladies?"

Xiao Xuan'er pursed her lips, and said: "The Yun family is quite prominent in Xiwu City. When Miss Yun went back to her mother's house to visit the Yun family, she was escorted by General Meng Tingyang from the Zhongzheng Palace. It stands to reason that ordinary robbers should see her." We took a detour. Therefore, after the accident, Yun Shi felt that something was wrong, and made a big investigation. But..."

She didn't continue, Mo Han couldn't help but interjected: "But you didn't find anything?"

"Not really." Xiao Xuan'er lowered her voice a little, "According to Yun's investigation, Miss Yun's death was actually done by Di Rong. Di Rong's department has belonged to Dajing for a long time. If this matter becomes serious, It was the dispute between the two countries. However, within a few years of Murong Chen's death in battle, King Zhongzheng had very few apprentices left, and no one was able to fight against Dajing. The Yun family could only knock out teeth and swallow blood, and suppressed the matter. "

She added as if thinking of something: "At that time, the Miluo royal family thought that King Zhongzheng had done it secretly, but the Yun family found out about the Dirong people, and left the palace of Zhongzheng completely."

Fang Zilan remembered hearing Murong Qing say that he wanted to contact Di Rong's department in Baiye Temple before, and couldn't help but feel tense, and asked: "Who did the Yun family send to investigate?"

"It's Yun's servant, the exact name is not very clear." Xiao Xuan'er said while recalling: "It seems that the surname is Zuo, I don't know what it is, but people from Yun's will respectfully call him Mr. Zuo when they see him."

"It should be him." Fang Zilan murmured softly, but Xiao Xuan'er didn't hear clearly, and asked, "What did Master Fang say?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan shook her head and changed her voice, "What about Miss Ning Xinman? Is the cause of her death clear?"

Xiao Xuan'er lowered her expression, "Miss Ning's cause of death is beyond doubt. It's just that her affair with King Qi was discovered by coincidence."

"Coincidence?" Fang Zilan frowned, Xiao Xuan'er said: "Master Fang, do you know Miluo Mansion?"

"I heard Tao Zhiwei mention it." Fang Zilan nodded and said, "It sounds like a place where the rules are raised."

"That's right." Xiao Xuan'er explained: "The Miluo Mansion is directly under the court, and it is a place established by the Miluo royal family to educate the noble women in etiquette. All the noble women in Miluo, whether they are married or not, have to enter the mansion every year, as few as a dozen. days, months at most."

Fang Zilan wondered: "Since only women can enter the palace, how did Miss Ning's affair with King Qi be discovered?"

"There is a rule in the mansion, which is the physical examination." Xiao Xuan'er's expression showed a touch of disgust, "It stands to reason that this rule is only applicable to women who have not left the court. However, Murong Qing's wife..."

She took a deep breath, as if unwilling to say more.Fang Zilan knew it in her heart, "Even if Murong Qing's wife is supposed to be a virgin, there shouldn't be any rules for body testing. Did someone bring it up for no reason?"

"It's not without reason." Xiao Xuan'er said helplessly: "Tao Zhiwei has a Nanny Xing next to her, and she wants to meet Mrs. Fang. She was the one who heard the words of a lady who had always had a rift with Miss Ning..."

"You mean Nanny Xing?" Fang Zilan interrupted her abruptly, she was stunned, "It's Nanny Xing, what does Master Fang think is wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Fang Zilan clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves, "Go ahead."

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan'er continued: "After the medical examination, Miss Ning was imprisoned in the confinement room of the mansion. After the mansion reported to the Miluo royal family, King Qi took the initiative to admit it. Although he is young, he has a good skin After the Miluo royal family found out, they convicted Miss Ning and the entire Ning family. Miss Ning heard that her whole family was implicated, and she threw herself into the lake on the day the imperial decree came down."

Seeing that Fang Zilan's expression became more and more ugly, Xiao Xuan'er said cautiously: "The death of the two wives Murong Qing should have nothing to do with the Zhongzheng Palace. After all, the Zhongzheng Wang's life is not collaborating with the enemy. The Zhongzheng Princess Chen has a strong temper. If you know that Miss Ning has an affair with King Qi, even if you make trouble in the palace, you will definitely not use such insidious means."

(End of this chapter)

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