Don't ask where people go

Chapter 981 Return Date

"Why, are you afraid?" Fang Zilan deliberately dragged his tongue, while the man was stuttering, unable to speak well, and someone beside him couldn't help but said: "What are you afraid of, maybe..."

"Oh, I was wrong." Fang Zilan raised her voice, covering all the voices of the people around her, "Maybe it's one in ten, who knows if the poison I cast will be exactly the same as the original poisoned wine?" in the same cup."

Hearing that the man's hands trembled, and some of the wine in the glass spilled, Fang Zilan snorted coldly when he saw this, "In front of me, do you still want to play tricks?"

"I'm not..." As soon as the man opened his mouth, Fang Zilan grabbed his jaw and forced the wine into his mouth.

"Ahem..." The man coughed violently, his face was as pale as paper, "Toxic..."

Fang Zilan watched coldly, until after a while, the man's complexion improved, and he breathed a long breath, pleasantly surprised: "Not poisonous? That's great..."

Before he finished his excited words, Fang Zilan took a glass of wine and drank it down, "Okay, it's your turn again."

The man's expression froze, and he waited for a while, seeing that Fang Zilan was still standing in front of him, he reluctantly walked over, picked and picked out another glass of wine.

So the two of them just drank five glasses of wine in the blink of an eye. As the wine on the table became less and less, everyone's hearts were pulled into their throats, as if they would jump out at any time.

It was Fang Zilan's turn to drink the sixth glass of wine, she still didn't hesitate, she took a glass and drank it, but the moment the wine entered her throat, she realized something was wrong.

It's not easy for her to act in full view, and she can feel someone in the dark.Right now, Lihui's attitude is unclear, and she doesn't know whether the person hiding in the dark is an enemy or a friend, and what their purpose is, so she can't do it rashly, she can only complete the situation and swallow the poisoned wine.

The man looked at Fang Zilan standing upright without even frowning. He just felt flustered for no reason, and picked up the next glass of wine without even looking.

When he picked up the wine, Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, it was the wine she poisoned, and the winner was already divided.

"Toxic..." The man's eyes widened, and his hands clasped his throat tightly, but he couldn't stop bleeding from his seven orifices, and he fell to the ground and died within a moment.

Fang Zilan felt like a fire was burning in her heart, and the scene in front of her eyes gradually blurred, but she still insisted: "I won."

Mrs. Wang flicked her sleeves and said in a deep voice: "Our Wang family intends to marry the Ouyang family, as for the Fang family, that's all."

"That's all?" Fang Zilan was slightly taken aback, she had already guessed that the Wang family didn't like Fang Lihui, but she didn't expect to say so directly.

"Master Fang, didn't you hear clearly?" Mrs. Wang's voice raised a little, with an undeniable aura in her tone.

Fang Zilan was not afraid, and smiled lightly and said: "Madam Wang, can you tell me the reason? Maybe I can explain to the two young masters of the Fang family."

"Reason?" Mrs. Wang seemed to have heard something funny, and chuckled, "Your Excellency should have seen it clearly at the banquet last night, why do you have to tell me?"

"Madam Wang's so-called clear vision means that you and Mrs. Wang are eager to love your daughter and deliberately make things difficult for Mr. Fang?" Fang Zilan said as he took the tea served by the maid beside him, and Mrs. Wang sneered, "Fang Lihui's kind The yellow-mouthed child, the old man doesn't even bother to embarrass him."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's face became even more smiling, "Since she disdains embarrassment, Mrs. Wang always has to give a convincing reason, so that the two families won't lose face."

"Master Fang is so stubborn, I'm afraid he is not yet a parent, and he doesn't understand the love of parents, so he has far-reaching plans." Mrs. Wang's expression softened a little, but her eyes were still extremely sharp.

Fang Zilan shook her head, sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "It is said that Mo Xiao's parents are idiots and wander around for their children. But children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Why should Mrs. Wang be like this?"

Mrs. Wang snorted coldly, "Master Fang is here to be a lobbyist for the Fang family?"

"I can't talk about lobbyists, but since Mrs. Wang just said that she has far-reaching plans for the two girls, let's talk about it." Fang Zilan put the teacup on the table beside her, with a serious expression, "Leaving aside other things for the time being, I dare to ask Mrs. Wang, if she rejects the Fang family this time, will she be able to find the son of the aristocratic family to propose marriage again in the future?"

"Master Fang's words are too small for my Wang family?" Mrs. Wang's words are all stern, Fang Zilan is not afraid at all, "If Mrs. Wang is your own granddaughter, there will be a lot of family members flocking to her, but if it is clever and beautiful, I'm afraid no one will dare to come to the door again."

"You!" Mrs. Wang stood up in a huff, but she knew in her heart that Fang Zilan was telling the truth.

The identities of Lingli and Lingyuan could not be concealed from everyone, but now she can barely hide her identity as Fang Zilan's Duke of the North and the name of the Wang family's northern family. Who can be deceived in the future?
"Since Mrs. Wang knows that what I said is reasonable, it is better to make a decision early." Fang Zilan stood up and bowed respectfully, "The two girls, Lingli and Lingyuan, are well educated and reasonable, and they will also understand Chunhui's painstaking efforts."

"What a reasonable one, what a decision made early, what a Chunhui painstaking effort!" Mrs. Wang smiled dejectedly, each of the three sentences became lower and lower, until the last word was finished, like a puppet with a broken thread, He fell straight back and sat back on the main seat.

The maid at the side looked panic-stricken, but was repelled by Mrs. Wang when she took a step forward. She supported the table case with one hand, and took the teacup on the table with the other hand, and threw it at Fang Zilan viciously.

Fang Zilan didn't dodge, she knew that Mrs. Wang was angry and wanted to vent her anger, and she didn't mind being a punching bag, after all, it was better than letting Mrs. Wang vent her anger on Fang's family.

The teacup hit her shoulder directly, but fortunately she didn't feel any pain, so she didn't even frown, and kept saluting, "Thank you Mrs. Wang for your mercy."

"Fang Zilan, do you think that the matter of engagement is under your control?" Mrs. Wang looked angrily, "Do you think my Wang family must marry these two girls?"

"I don't think so." Fang Zilan raised her head and looked fixedly at Mrs. Wang, who was seated in front of her. "It's just that the world is really difficult for women."

"No matter how good the book is, you can't become an official. No matter how strong you are in martial arts, you can only protect yourself. You can't even stop the people talking. Except for marriage, if there is a second way, I believe Madam Wang will try her best for them."

Her eyes were radiant, like a river of stars, but suddenly dimmed a bit at this moment, "Unfortunately not. There are no choices for women in this world."

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