Don't ask where people go

Chapter 987 Feelings

Chapter 987 Feelings

"The big tree attracts the wind, do you think anyone will believe what I say?" Fang Zilan opened her eyes helplessly, looked at Awan and said, "This kind of statement means you will believe it."

A Wan curled her lips and shook her arm, "Fang Zilan, you actually came up with this idea yourself, didn't you?"

"Did I think that, and what does it have to do with you?" Fang Zilan looked at her rather amusedly, "Anyway, you will have no contact with me once you return to the capital, why should I tell you?"

A Wan threw her arm away angrily, "You are repaying your kindness. If I hadn't found out that the woman used the Su family's prescription in the Lin family village, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to sit here and talk properly. And if it wasn't for me , can you recover some memory so quickly?"

"I will repay my kindness?" Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "Okay, then I will be kind. Awan, if you want to go back to the ghost gate, you should inform Wen Ya in advance to see his reaction. Don't tell the young master directly. .”

"What do you mean?" Awan looked puzzled, but Fang Zilan just smiled, "If you want to live, then do as I say."

A Wan took a breath, "You mean, if you let the young master know that I have returned to the gate of hell, you will kill me?"

"Otherwise?" Fang Zilan tapped her forehead with her fingers, "I thought you had learned to be smart in the past two years, but why are you so unclear about your own affairs? You bet your life on mine, and you are tied to me Yes. With the son's temperament, do you think that after you broke your promise and gained weight, you can still take care of yourself?"

"It's okay, I'm not breaking my promise and gaining weight." A Wan turned her head away and said something stiffly, but she knew in her heart that her words were very true. If she wanted to go back, regardless of whether the master agreed or not, the young master would be the first to say no. let her go.

"Little Awan, I know you were talking angry that day..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by her as soon as she opened her mouth. Choose, there is no way out."

"What's the use of being afraid? The way to survive is not given by others." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, and her voice was a little cold. "Since there are tigers and wolves in all directions, you can either kill tigers or wolves, and you can always fight for a way to survive."

A Wan smiled self-deprecatingly, "Slaughtering tigers and wolves, can I do it?"

"Why not?" Fang Zilan asked back, with an almost natural tone, showing unspeakable ambition.

"Awan, from the moment we walked out of the ghost gate and stood under the sun, we were destined to fight." She sat up straight and said in a solemn voice: "Fighting the enemy, fighting with the same kind, fighting openly and secretly, with bones and blood, Fang into mountains and rivers."

A Wan seemed to understand, "It's all fighting, how is it different from us in the ghost gate?"

"With the sun shining, you can be more upright." Fang Zilan said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "Fighting in the ghost gate is for self-protection. Fighting here is for fighting for. I am now talking about the same power. Isn't that how it came about? ?”

"You still have to fight for the right to speak?" A Wan rested her chin on her hand and said thoughtfully, "It's too tiring to live under the sun, why don't you go back to hell."

Fang Zilan leaned in front of her and asked, "Would little Awan prefer to shrink back in this life and live in a ghost gate without seeing the sun, rather than risking his life to stand under the sun and take a good look at the mountains and rivers in the world? "

A Wan couldn't help being stunned, and blurted out without thinking: "Isn't my life bet on you?"

"That's right." Fang Zilan suddenly laughed, "If that's the case, then it's up to you, you can only follow me to choose."

A Wan glared at her, and said unhappily: "Why did I fall for you?"

"No matter in the world, there is nothing static. Even Emperor Tai'an is not perfect, let alone just a play?" Fang Zilan took a step forward and stood side by side with Zhuge Yu, "everything changes. This is the truth , I think the prince should understand."

"Lord Fang, how can you be so presumptuous?" Someone beside him couldn't stand listening, and angrily said: "Offending the late emperor is an unforgivable crime."

Li Qiyou glanced at the crowd, signaling them not to speak too much.Then he said in a cold voice: "Master Fang, the rehearsal of the social drama is very important, and you cannot be allowed to do anything wrong."

"Being mischievous?" Fang Zilan laughed suddenly, "My lord, you invited me here at the beginning, why do you think that I am misbehaving now? If so, I have confirmed the four words of misbehavior today."

She suppressed her smile and said with a stern expression: "If the play is not changed, I will stop acting."

"Lord Fang, do you know the consequences of stopping acting?" Li Qiyou clenched his fists and looked angrily, but Fang Zilan smiled shyly, "Consequences? As the Duke of Yue, I only listen to His Majesty's orders in the capital. If the prince has any grievances in his heart, he may as well go to His Majesty to ask for an order, and I will let him deal with it."

"If not." She paused as she spoke, her eyes flickered and she looked bright, "I would like to ask the prince to hire someone else, so that I can do it myself."

Fang Zilan dragged on the last sentence for a long time, Li Qiyou's expression changed but he didn't dare to attack, and when he wanted to say something, she dropped the wooden sword in his hand and stuck it on the ground between the two of them.

It was clearly a bladeless social play prop, but a crack was cut on the ground, which was an obvious warning and undeniable coercion.

In the northern border, Li Qiyou had seen Fang Zilan's ruthlessness before. She was not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to herself.What she said was the same, even if he relied on his status as the Prince of Dajing, he could not be swayed at all.

Fang Zilan folded her hands in front of her body, raised her eyes and glanced at everyone in the hall, and said in a relaxed manner, "Since I don't have anything to do here, I will leave. Everyone, we will see you soon."

After finishing speaking, she straightened her sleeves and walked out in a graceful manner.

However, as soon as she walked to the gate of Lianhua Hall, she saw Xia Houzhang striding in.

Xia Houzhang walked up to Fang Zilan and blocked her way, and said solemnly: "Master Fang, Your Majesty, please go over there."

Fang Zilan nodded lightly, motioned to Xia Houzhang and said, "Lead the way." Then the two left Lianhua Palace.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and boldly asked tentatively, "My lord, is our social play still scheduled?"

Li Qiyou looked gloomy, and his palm covered the hilt of the wooden sword, but with a little force, the wooden sword snapped under the weight.

In the crisp sound, his voice was a little lower, but there was more indescribable determination, "Pai."

Over there, Fang Zilan followed Xia Houzhang to the imperial study room. The imperial study room was silent, and she made no noise when she walked, so she walked up to Li Shengxuan. He was still buried in government affairs, without even raising his head, but he seemed to have sensed something. He said, "I know it's you."

(End of this chapter)

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