Don't ask where people go

Chapter 988 Helpless

"General!" Fu Congnan's words were interrupted by an anxious voice, and a soldier rushed in, followed by a heavy knock on the door.

"Who is so bold, dare to trespass on my house?" Fu Congnan frowned, and the soldiers hurriedly said, "It's from Miluo...the son Zhongzheng of Miluo is here!"

"Murong Qing?" Fu Congnan frowned even tighter, "What is he here for?"

"Your Majesty said..." Before the soldiers had time to tell the story, there was a loud bang, and the door of the mansion was knocked down.

Soldiers holding high torches filed in, illuminating the entire courtyard as if it were daytime.Murong Qing walked slowly to the front of the hall and stopped, and said in a loud voice: "Murong Qing, the eldest son of Miluo Zhongzheng, is here to take his wife home."

In this battle, both Fu Congnan and Fang Zilan were stunned.

As the hostage sent to Dajing by Miluo, Murong Qing blatantly led troops out on the territory of Dajing, and even broke into the dignitary of the general's mansion. Are you tired of working?
"It's the Silver Armored Army." Zhuge Yu's voice suddenly sounded like a thunderbolt, making everyone present unable to react for a long time.

The Silver Armored Army was an army personally trained by Murong Xun, the Zhongzheng King of Miluo.But after Murong Xun sealed the knife, the Silver Armor Army disappeared.

Even though Murong Xun had no choice but to send troops to Dajing before, he never took the Silver Armor Army with him.But now, this army appeared in full view, without any concealment.

All of a sudden, almost everyone's eyes were on Fang Zilan, she was still standing with her sword in her hand, without any slack.

"General Fu, please hand over my wife, otherwise..." Murong Qing's voice gradually sank, and the Yinjia soldiers in the courtyard said in unison: "Whoever dares to touch the wife of the loyal son will be killed without mercy."

The Silver Armored Army was in a menacing manner, and with a high-pitched sound, the birds in the yard were startled, fluttering away with fluttering wings.The people in the hall only hated that they had no wings and couldn't fly away like a bird. Now that the Silver Armored Army surrounded the General's Mansion, they might be unable to escape with their wings.

There was obvious fear in Fu Congnan's eyes. The people in the room, who were like marionettes, finally reacted, like ants on a hot pot, neither standing nor sitting, but daring not to leave half a step.

Only Li Qiyou, with Zhuge Yu's support, walked to the door, looked at Murong Qing who was pale but standing upright under the steps, and said without anger, "Your Majesty Zhongzheng, what are you going to do?"

"The reason for my visit has been made very clear just now." Murong Qing said with a sharp expression, "My wife celebrated General Fu's birthday and went to the General's mansion for a banquet, but she never returned. As a husband, shouldn't I come ?"

He took it for granted, and Li Qiyou was so choked that he couldn't speak for a while. Fang Zilan in the hall heard it, and thought to himself that his so-called preparation was actually to encircle the general's mansion with soldiers?But the risk of this move is tantamount to seeking death, and it is really not like the actions of a cautious and precarious proton.

But for some reason, Fang Zilan inexplicably felt that this was something Murong Qing could do.It's just that the purpose behind it is not as simple as her.

Fang Zilan wondered: "It is said that people die for money and birds die for food. The Persians pursue money to the extreme. Is life not as important as money in their eyes?"

Zhuge Yu sighed faintly, "I'm afraid it is."

"Do you want money but not life?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly: "But if everyone is dead, what's the use of having money?"

"Sister Lan is right." Although Zhuge Yu said so, there was not much agreement in his tone, "But it is also because Persians value money so much like faith that there are Persian beggars. That said, this has never happened anywhere else."

After hearing Zhuge Yu's words, Awan couldn't help asking: "Since Persia is so rich, why didn't Dajing annex Persia without sending troops?"

"Annexing Persia is tantamount to killing a chicken and taking its eggs." Fang Zilan said thoughtfully, "How many countries in this world don't want to take Persia's wealth for themselves? The mines are just sitting on the mountain. After all, the money of the Persians does not come from mining alone."

A Wan was stunned for a moment, then said clearly: "You mean, the Persian business mind?"

"That's right." The person who made the interface was Zhuge Yu, and he said seriously: "What Dajing wants is not instant wealth, but a steady flow of money. To ask Persia to pay tribute every year, to do business every year, is far more important than Dajing to open up borders. It is much better to expand the soil with a small piece of land."

"Listening to what A Yu said, I really have the foresight and foresight of a high-ranking person." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "I am ashamed of myself."

"Sister Lan, why do you want to belittle yourself? This is what I have been living in Beijing for a long time to seek political power in her position. Sister Lan guarding the northern border is more about her family, country, and the world, so why bother to compare?" Zhuge Yu spoke out to comfort her, with an expression between her eyebrows. Her expression softened a little, "What's more, Sister Lan's judgment of the situation is far beyond the reach of others."

"Ayu, you don't have to comfort me." Fang Zilan shook her head with a smile, "It's important to have self-knowledge, and you know how much weight I have."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Deputy General Cao who was leading the horse with the caravan groom, and only heard him say: "Boss, it's quite a distance from Yanzhou City, and we should go to the western border."

"Okay." Fang Zilan took the reins from Deputy General Cao and got on the horse.

Zhuge Yu and Awan beside her also took the horse from the groom's hand, and the four of them left the caravan and rode to the west.

For several days in a row, the four of them walked non-stop, walked through the yellow sands of the Gobi, bypassed the snow-capped mountains and forests, and the western border was close at hand.

"It's really hard work for Ayu and us to spend time in the open air." Fang Zilan saw that Zhuge Yu's expression was not looking good, so she hurriedly stopped, "It's very close to Xiguan City, let's take a rest."

"It's okay, I can still hold on." Zhuge Yu waved his hand, and A Wan who was beside him also stopped his horse, "I've heard that Mr. Zhuge is a sick child, but I didn't expect to be able to stand it so much."

"A Wan." Fang Zilan's tone turned a little cold, "Take a look for A Yu."

Seeing that her face was gloomy, A Wan didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she had to lose her smile and said, "I can't speak at a young age, Mr. Zhuge, please don't be as knowledgeable as me. If you don't mind, let me feel your pulse?"

Zhuge Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Awan."

"Mr. Zhuge is polite." A Wan said, walking forward to catch Zhuge Yu's pulse.

After a while, Awan withdrew his hand, Zhuge Yu straightened his sleeves, and said slowly, "What is Miss Awan's opinion?"

A Wan said with a serious look: "It's not a good idea, but Mr. Zhuge, your cough was brought out of your mother's womb. Although you have been raised since childhood and rarely have attacks, you must not take it lightly."

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