Chapter 989 Relax
"Miss Zixiu!" Hong He sternly cut off Fang Zilan's words, "What you said is so high-sounding, why don't you just be in the same boat?"

"In the past, maybe it was." Fang Zilan said without any concealment, "but now, and even in the future, I will only live for myself."

She said and looked at Li Shengxuan, "I choose what I think is right, not what others think is good or bad."

"You..." A look of disbelief flashed across Hong He's face, "Impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible." Fang Zilan smiled, "Girl Honghe, what you can't do doesn't mean that others can't do it either. Otherwise, why would you and the second leader want me to save Hongtai at the expense of coercion? "

"We... can't be saved." Hong He's voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly, "If that's the case, why don't you agree to my conditions?"

Hong He's expression froze, and Fang Zilan continued, "If you want me to do things for you without paying any price, it's tantamount to nonsense."

There was a hint of sarcasm in her tone, Hong He pursed her lips, "Can you really save my brother?"

"Before then, I have some questions that need to be answered by Miss Honghe." Fang Zilan asked without answering, "If I rescue Hongtai, how will you do?"

"What does Miss Zixiu mean by that?" Hong He frowned slightly, as if she didn't understand what Fang Zilan meant at all.

"You won't go back to Yin's residence, and Hongtai didn't stay in Yin's residence." Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "Do you think Master Yin Quanzhang will swallow his anger and say nothing?"

Her voice sank a bit, "Or, at that time, your brothers and sisters will use me as a scapegoat and directly throw it to Mr. Yin Quanzhang to make amends?"

"I don't have that intention..." Hong He waved her hand, but she didn't have any convincing force. Fang Zilan glanced at her, and she weakened her voice, her voice was like a mosquito, and she couldn't hear the following words clearly.

"Really?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and said coolly: "Miss Honghe, this is the end of the matter, you never thought about how it will end, right?"

Hong He froze for a moment, it's not that she never thought about it, even what Fang Zilan said was what she thought in her heart.It's just that now that such thoughts are exposed to the public, it seems a little more unscrupulous.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and said: "Someone told me that bandits and bandits are different from people in the Jianghu. They are ruthless, cruel and cruel. It is okay to talk about profit with them, but it is absolutely impossible to talk about right and wrong with them." cannot."

She prolonged her tone on purpose, Hong He changed her expression imperceptibly after hearing this, and heard her say: "I didn't intend to talk about right and wrong at first, but Miss Hong He told me about the history of the Red Wolf Army. I also ignored the wind and let it go. But I didn't expect that now I can't even talk about profit?"

I don't know why, although he should be a cruel and ruthless person, he is even more reluctant to see this scene of life and death.

Warners turned his head and smiled brightly, his face was as bright as a new moon in the sky.

Patriarch Sassan stared at Warners intently, the helplessness of one glance intertwined with the pity of blessing and longing, it was an indescribable distress.

Fang Zilan turned around and walked behind the crowd, just in time to see Fang Lihui who was repeatedly playing with the folding fan in his hand, his fingers rubbed the fan pendant, and the color of emerald jade became more and more vivid under his caress.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your cousin?" Her voice was very soft, as if a ball of cotton wool fell on Fang Lihui's heart.

He let go of the fan pendant and let it follow the folding fan in a beautiful arc, raised his head still cynically, "There is nothing to say goodbye to."

"Really?" Fang Zilan shook her head with a half-smile, "Fang Liren and Warners, where are they going?"

"Yancheng." Fang Lihui said concisely, and Fang Zilan tilted his head thoughtfully, "The border between Dajing and Miluo? There are many rainy days in such a small southern city."

She left these words and left without looking back, leaving only Fang Lihui standing in place.

After a while Fang Lihui ran out as if remembering something, and saw Fang Liren and Warners at the gate of the embassy who had packed up and were about to leave.

He ran in a hurry, breathless, and spoke intermittently, "Cousin! You..."

Fang Liren saw him, walked up to him patiently, patted his back, and signaled him to catch his breath before speaking.

"Are you...really going to Yancheng?" Fang Lihui looked anxious, and Fang Liren smiled faintly, "That's right, Warners left Persia, and I left Dajing. It's only fair to stay away from my homeland."

"Cousin!" Fang Lihui raised his voice. He never understood why his cousin was so obsessed with the word "fairness".

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui with a good temper. He tightly held the folding fan in his hand, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence, "It's raining in Yancheng."

"I know." Fang Liren smiled dotingly, "Is Lihui worried that my old injury will recur?"

"No." Fang Lihui turned his head away, looking awkward like a child, "A remote town like Yancheng, where you and Miss Sassan are delicate and expensive, can you get used to it?"

"Lihui." Fang Liren called Fang Lihui's name in a low voice, but he turned his head even more violently, "This is a long way to go, cousin and Miss Sassan take care all the way."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, but Fang Liren's voice sounded behind him, "Lihui, I'm fine with what I said. From now on, you will be alone in Fang's house, and no one will protect you. You must be more careful. Fight as hard as you want."

Fang Lihui stopped in his tracks, his tone trembling a bit, "Those who are leaving, why are you still talking nonsense?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a chuckle, and when he looked up, he saw Fang Zilan leaning against the railing with an indescribably playful expression.

Before Fang Lihui had an attack, Fang Zilan walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder, and said to Fang Liren, "What do you mean no one is protecting you? Mr. Fang may have forgotten that all my money was invested in the Fang family. I can't take care of my property?"

Hearing this, Fang Lihui obviously froze in place. Fang Liren clasped his fists and saluted, with a look of gratitude in his eyes, "That's it, thank you, Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "You're welcome, I wish Mr. Fang and Miss Sassan a smooth trip, and they will be safe, happy and healthy in the future."

The carriage gradually drifted away, and slowly drove out of people's sight, leaving only smoke and dust on the ground.

Fang Lihui tapped Fang Zilan's hand on his shoulder lightly with a folding fan, and said helplessly: "Everyone is gone, Master Fang, can you let go?"

Fang Zilan retracted her hands and stood up straight. Seeing that she was no longer on guard, Fang Lihui said again: "Master Fang, are you so afraid of my troubles?"

(End of this chapter)

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