Don't ask where people go

Chapter 996 Punishment

Li Shengxuan saw the seal of the state government on it sharply, and Fang Zilan didn't mean to hide it, "The household registration document."

Mingxiang coughed lightly, "Master, the household registration document is fine, it's just the identity certificate from the chamber of commerce..."

She paused as she spoke, and said in a low voice: "When the Fang family sent someone to deliver it, it was clearly written on it. It used the identity of a woman and must be a businesswoman."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, she actually forgot about it.Originally, in order to do things cheaply, she asked Fang's family to provide her with the identity of the Chamber of Commerce. At that time, she never thought that she would go with Li Shengxuan, so she didn't make more identities as backups.

It's good now, without the status of the Chamber of Commerce, Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang can only follow her as guards or servants, she doesn't mind, but...

"I don't mind." Li Shengxuan said leisurely, Fang Zilan asked subconsciously: "Do you mind what?"

"Eat soft rice." Li Shengxuan said it very naturally, even Fang Zilan was dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

Xia Houzhang next to him also changed his expression suddenly, and said dissuadingly: "Sir, absolutely not."

"Why not?" Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "Sir, stop joking."

Li Shengxuan collected his expression and looked at Fang Zilan fixedly, "I'm serious."

Seeing the stalemate, A Wan tugged at Mingxiang's sleeve with a wink, "Miss Mingxiang, I suddenly remembered that the medicine was still on the stove, and I'm afraid it might burn, can you accompany me to see it?" ?”

Mingxiang nodded, and left with Awan.After they left, Fang Zilan no longer suppressed her emotions, and said sharply: "I've agreed on the rules, and I'll set the rules. What do you mean?"

"Just to share your worries." Li Shengxuan's face was calm, Fang Zilan clenched his fists, "No need. In my heart, you are my brother-in-law, even if you change your identity, it will not change."

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, "You don't remember at all?"

Fang Zilan wondered: "Remember what?"

"It's nothing." Li Shengxuan turned his face away, and Fang Zilan didn't ask any more questions, but instead said: "Time is running out, let's exchange information first. What have you found?"

"Bandits colluded with the local government, especially in Feiling Mountain." Li Shengxuan walked to Fang Zilan's side, picked up the pen and paper she put on the table, and sketched a simple map with a few strokes.

"There are many gangsters among the bandits, and they have always had the habit of worshiping the top of the mountain." Fang Zilan looked at the picture and said, "The leader of the Feiling Mountain bandit should be the culprit. If you kill him, the Feiling Mountain bandits will be wiped out, and the land in the south of the Yangtze River will be destroyed." It can stop a lot.”

"Not to mention the collusion between officials and bandits, it is the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain..." Li Shengxuan pursed his lips, and then said, "Three caves of the cunning rabbit, let alone a maze like Feiling Mountain?"

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, then changed the topic, "You said earlier that you believed that there were secret operations in the Jiangnan camp, what happened?"

"After the establishment of the Jiangnan camp, we fought against bandits and bandits." Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "They all ended in failure."

"Just because of this, is there a meticulous work?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and Li Shengxuan sighed softly, "You have never fought bandits and bandits before, maybe you don't know that Dajing has never been defeated."

A Wan and Deputy General Cao exchanged glances, and they both saw that they were unable to do what they wanted.

Now A Wan wished to go back to the house to wake Fang Zilan up, but then she thought of waking Fang Zilan up rashly because of these nonsense things, and she might not know how to laugh at herself in the future.

And it's just a bunch of girls in the backyard, if they really can't do it, they can stand up for a while even if they get fainted with medicine.

As if guessing what A Wan was thinking, Deputy General Cao called her hesitantly, "Miss A Wan..."

"I want to drug you." A Wan said honestly, blinking her big eyes innocently and pitifully, "If you don't want to, just keep looking at them. Anyway, Master Fang also said, let you take care of people .”

Vice-General Cao's face was broken, he sighed deeply, and resigned himself to his fate, he walked to the backyard, and finally turned around as if thinking of something, and asked, "When will Boss wake up?"

"I'll do my best, Master Fang will wake up soon." A Wan smiled flatteringly, and Vice General Cao went to the backyard without saying a word.

After Deputy General Cao left, Awan breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly sighed in her heart that Fang Zilan, the boss, did not do well. She had to take care of everything by herself, and it took a lot of effort. .

This woman, why couldn't she choose such a path back then, wouldn't it be nice to be Li Shengxuan's woman peacefully?
A Wan was thinking like this, but she kept fanning the flames and decocting the medicine with her cattail fan in her hand. She was extremely busy, wondering if she would choose to live such a hard life.

However, the sentence that there are a few people in this world who are really happy, broke into her mind unexpectedly and made her froze in place.

This is what Fang Zilan said to Shangguan Kuo, and it's not bad at all.

Even she, Awan, with her talent and aura of studying medicine, has gained a firm foothold in the ghost gate at a young age. On the surface, she seems to be willful and no one dares to make things difficult for her, but behind the scenes, this is not the case.

Only she knows how many sleepless days and nights she memorized medical books and learned medical theories, just to make everyone feel that she is the most talented doctor in the whole ghost gate except for the master. I can't keep up.

Thinking about it this way, it is not that she does not understand Fang Zilan. If the sharpest sword in the world is sealed in a sheath and hidden in the harem by the emperor, it will become one of the three thousand delicate flowers in the courtyard. People feel dissatisfied.

It turned out that what Fang Zilan said was true, she was not only for the son, but also for herself.

"Miss Awan?" Deputy General Cao's voice suddenly fell into Awan's ears, making her startled, "You scared me to death!"

"What are you thinking about so preoccupied that you don't even know the medicine is overcooked?" Deputy General Cao looked at A Wan who was absent-minded and flustered, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull her away, "Be careful!"

While helping Awan clean up the mess, he said, "I just passed by the kitchen door, and I smelled a bad smell inside. When I came in, I found you sitting here in a daze."

"It's nothing." A Wan stood there and said in a daze, "I just think it's not easy for Master Fang." Her voice was low and muffled, with a hint of astringency.

Hearing the voice, Deputy General Cao couldn't help but stop his movements, and looked back at her, "Boss is not easy, but it's also amazing."

A simple sentence, but Deputy General Cao said it very proudly, the admiration and respect from the bottom of his heart made A Wan suddenly realize, "Yes, she has always been like this."

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