Don't ask where people go

Chapter 997 Out of the City

"My lord Zhuge, my lord Xie, what are you doing?" Fang Ziqin looked coldly at the two people who were saluting, and saw that they straightened up neither humble nor overbearing. Among them, Xie Yanping said: "Last night, Xu You, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, walked into the house with your lord, and someone I met Miss Fang San at the scene."

Fang Ziqin raised his eyebrows, "Master Xie, you want to interrogate my sister just based on one-sided words?"

"Empress, the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people." Xie Yanping did not back down, "As the governor of Jingzhao, this is my duty and principle."

"Lan'er suffered from the wind and cold, and she has been in the room since yesterday, and has not left a single step." Fang Ziqin said calmly, "Now she is still unconscious, if Mr. Xie doesn't believe it, just follow me into the palace, and you will know at a glance. "

Xie Yanping nodded slightly, "Since the Empress agrees..."

"Master Xie, if it is true what I said." Fang Ziqin interrupted Xie Yanping rudely, "It means that there are people who are trying to steal a bamboo shoot, and Mr. Xie, as the governor of the Jingzhao Mansion, arbitrarily interrogated without verification. It may even ruin my sister's reputation..."

She paused as she spoke, her eyes sharpened a bit, "Can Mr. Xie bear the consequences?"

"Your official..." Xie Yanping hesitated, Fang Ziqin snorted coldly, "Master Xie, don't rush to answer me. Let me remind you that Xu You, the former governor of Jingzhao Mansion, and Master Xu, under the circumstances of unclear evidence, Hastily detaining Ben Gong's younger sister, Fang Zitong, the second lady of the Xiangfu Fang family, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding..."

Xie Yanping's voice trembled imperceptibly, "Empress Empress..."

"The same thing, I will never allow it to happen a second time." Fang Zilan's expression was sharp, "Master Xie, do you understand?"

Xie Yanping's hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists, and Zhuge Yu pursed his lips, remembering the scene when he went to see Li Qiyou before entering the palace.

After hearing that Xu Youtong's mansion was in trouble, he became suspicious of Fang Zilan, so he hurried to Yucheng Palace, but unexpectedly got rejected.

It took him a lot of effort to meet Li Qiyou's two concubines, and when he heard the news of Li Qiyou's injury, he felt unspeakably terrified.

If Fang Zilan was the one who injured Li Qiyou and set fire to Xu's mansion, before the truth of Mo Han's death was found out, he didn't dare to think how many people would die.

Although I have seen Fang Zilan's behavior for a long time, but she always kills the enemy, once she turns her sword...

"Lord Zhuge?" Xie Yanping's cautious voice brought Zhuge Yu back to his thoughts, and he looked over, "What does Master Xie want to tell me?"

"Just now in Fengyi Palace, I can't say anything, but Master Zhuge..." Xie Yanping flicked his sleeves like iron, "How can you not say anything?"

Zhuge Yu glanced in the direction of Fengyi Palace, "Second Miss Fang is in front of you, and the Empress is obviously partial to Miss Fang Third. Even if I speak, it won't help."

In a trance, all kinds of voices in memory came again and again, sweeping every corner of Fang Zilan's mind.

But unlike every previous recollection, this time she was able to hear every sentence and distinguish the owner of every voice.

However, the more she heard and the clearer the distinction, the more out of breath she felt.

Just like the time she fell into the water before, she was like a drowning person, immersed in the bottom of the water, she could see the sunlight that seemed to be within reach, but she could never touch it when she stretched out her hand.

After all, this life does not belong to her.

"Fang Zilan? Fang Zilan!" An anxious and sincere voice rang in Fang Zilan's ears over and over again, trying to pull her out of the quagmire of memories, but she was still unwilling to wake up.

Such a body is not only the sharpest sword in the world, but also the most humble woman in the world. Falling in love with an impossible person, she is willing to become a chess piece for her use, even if it is broken into pieces.

Such a body does not belong to her, such behavior does not belong to her, and such a way of life is not her. If she dies of poison like this, will she be able to return to her original world?
It's really tiring to go on like this.

In her memories, someone whispered in her ear:

"The old man from the previous dynasty is like a lonely ghost who can't see the light. If you want to live, if you can't walk the sunny path, you can only enter the ghost gate."

"People in the ghost gate cannot see the light."

"Even if my honor is broken, my legs are broken, I can't bend."

"As long as I am still alive, I will never live in vain. I will take back everything that belongs to me and make each of them pay the price."

This is Ji Ningtian's hatred and ambition, none of which belong to her.

But she seemed to have experienced everything with him, entwined in the so-called red thread of fate, which was inseparable even by half an inch.

"I don't want to."

The sonorous and forceful three words seemed to break through a dim beam of light.

The Fang Zilan in her memory, kneeling upright in front of the Fang's ancestral hall, was confident and confident in every word. She looked like a little girl, but she had indescribable strength.

"My aunt can't enter the Fang's ancestral hall today, and I need you to invite her in in the future. All of you think that I am just a concubine of the Xiangfu, but I, Fang Zilan, will never accept my fate in this life. One day, I must all of you Kneel at my feet."

Is that so?She always thought that Fang Zilan's desperate efforts were only for Ji Ningtian, but now that she thought about this episode, she realized that her original intention was actually her own.

It was not easy for women in ancient times. Fang Zilan's mother had a bad background, so she was looked down upon by everyone in the Fang family, but who can choose her background?

Fang Zilan begged everywhere, but she still couldn't let her mother, who died trying to save her, enter the Fang's ancestral hall. In the end, she was buried in a mass grave somewhere in a thin-skinned coffin.

She was struggling, but no one took care of her.

Fang Chongzheng's silence, Fang Ziqin's admonishment, Fang Zitong's ridicule, everyone just hoped that she would take care of herself.

She's just a concubine from the Prime Minister's mansion, and it would be great to marry a wealthy family in the future.

But she refused to accept her fate, and personally rejected the marriage that Fang Chongzheng had chosen for her in front of Fang's ancestral hall, and even said that she would not marry in this life.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Ningtian is not ungrateful, as he should have married a former princess like Wu Qing, but he just didn't.

He didn't marry, and she didn't want to marry. From the beginning, fate had deviated from the original track, and moved towards a future that no one could predict.

She came across time, from a muddle-headed accident to an inevitability to fight to the death.

How many times she was at a loss and felt uneasy after midnight dreams, but until this moment, she who was drowsy in the dream finally found the real reason.

No matter who she is, even if there are all kinds of false accusations, even if it's just an excuse, she will insist on going on by herself, this is the meaning of her existence.

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