Chapter 458 What Are You?

Mu Tianshu's eyes were cold, "It's my fault for letting you live 19 years longer! I'll send you down now to make amends to the merchant!"

After the words fell, the internal strength of the whole body was mobilized, returning to the realm of innocence.

King Zhenbei's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw this, and subconsciously, he was astonished.

He has reached this level!
"Bang—" The terrifying internal force came head-on with a chilling killing intent, King Zhenbei was forced to confront him, and then flew out backwards.

"Pfft!" He retreated more than ten meters, half kneeling on the ground, and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Mu Tianshu flew over, bullied himself, and slapped his Tianling Gai.

The king of Zhenbei shrank his pupils and quickly avoided.

Avoiding the vital point, a big palm landed on his shoulder, only to hear a click, and the arm broke.

"Ah!" King Zhenbei raised his head and roared.

Xia Houzheng desperately wanted to rush over to save people, but the next moment, Xia Houmo's long sword pierced through his chest!

He was a little stunned.

"Thirty years ago, my whole family was alone. Presumably your father didn't tell you the reason. It doesn't matter. The father's debt is paid by the son. After today, we will settle the matter."

"Bang!" Xia Houzheng fell to the ground, his pupils dilated.

Before he died, fragments of these years flashed through his mind, and the clearest one was actually the days in the rivers and lakes.

In the next life... how good he was born in Jianghu.

boom -

In the gloomy sky, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed, and then, heavy raindrops fell.

Crackling, it didn't take long for it to rain cats and dogs.

It seemed that even the heavens couldn't see the madness of King Zhenbei, and a rain made Shang Lungtang's formation arrangement smoother.

She, Gu Lin, and Qin Ming led people to turn the tide and save most of the people in the city.


A huge figure fell from the city tower and hit the city gate, splashing a puddle of muddy water.

"Yu~" Shang Lungtang reined in the strong rope and looked at the man on the ground.

His body was covered in wounds, his face was covered with blood, which was washed away by the heavy rain for a moment, and then came out from his mouth and nose again, dying.

But his eyes were stubbornly looking in the direction of Shang Lungtang.

The mouth opens and closes.

Shang Lungtang recognized him, his face was calm and unchanged, but hatred filled his eyes.

The spear in her hand was thrown out.


It directly sank into the man's chest, and the man spat out another mouthful of blood, then his eyes widened, and his pupils gradually dilated.

No one knew what his last thoughts were, and no one cared. After Shang Lentang confirmed that he was dead, the hatred in his heart was also vented.

The merchants are full, you can rest in peace.


In Shanhai City, Shang Yue and Xu Muhua's wedding was full of red, as if it was a cover-up.

Prefect Xu marries a daughter with red makeup!

The sedan chair went around a circle before entering the store.

"Let's go, let's go to participate too." Mu Zhixu took Xia Houqing and Su Qingyi who wanted to watch the fun out.

She brought a lot of people, Zhufeng and Beiyin who stayed last time.

Tingzhu and Mingyue also had a lot of guards, and some guards were also arranged at home, in case the king of Zhenbei would show up in the end.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"


"Wait!" A cold voice rang out, and the bustling lobby suddenly fell silent.

All the guests looked towards the door in unison, wanting to see which desperate guy dared to offend the merchant and prefect Xu in Shanhai City.

Among the guests, Shang Xun sat up straight and finally arrived.

His father glanced at it inexplicably.

"How can we start worshiping before all the people arrive?" Mu Zhixu was full of provocations in a bright red dress.

She wore a high bun, and on her head was a set of filigree and ruby-studded Nine-Phoenix Noodles, which was naturally extravagant!

Jiufeng!The faces of those who knew the goods changed.

Who is this person who dares to use the phoenix hairpin prescribed by the queen——

"Who are you?!" Shang Yue's face was already ugly, and it was even worse at this time.

He asked people to investigate, but the identities of Mu Zhixu and the others were not found out.

Master Shang patted the table, "If you are looking for trouble, little girl, you drove to the wrong place!"

Prefect Xu took a deep look at Mu Zhixu and frowned.

He always felt that this person was somewhat familiar.

"Shang, Shang... Wantang!" The owner of the merchant, Shang Yue's grandfather, narrowed his eyes fiercely.

This face is exactly the same as that of Shang Lungtang!
"It will be better if you can recognize it." Mu Zhixu curled his lips.

The old merchant was in an uproar, everyone knew who Shang Lungtang was.

The direct descendant of the merchant, famous all over the world, the number one beauty in Dayan.

At this time, many of the guests recognized Mu Zhixu's face.

"You're not Shang Wantang, who are you?" The merchant's eyes were cold.

"Shang Lungtang is my mother." Mu Zhixu said in a low voice, "I will accept the sins committed by the merchant 19 years ago today."

"And I, Shang Yuchuan, the grandson of the merchant's first branch and first house—" Shang Yuchuan, who had just rushed over from Pingcheng, took off the bamboo hat on his head.

Showing a face somewhat similar to his father!
The face of the businessman changed again, and the guests were in an uproar. No one thought that there were still survivors in the businessman's branch!
"Nineteen years ago, you colluded with King Zhenbei and King Xuan, killed all the merchants and confiscated their property. Today, I want the merchants to be buried with you!" Shang Yuchuan's eyes were scarlet.

"Hey, idiots are talking about dreams. If you want the merchant to be buried with you, it's up to you? Come on!" The merchant's face was serious.

With a wave of his hand, the entire lobby was instantly surrounded, all of them were masters of the rivers and lakes.

Seeing this, the guests shrank aside, and only Mu Zhixu and his party were left to confront the merchant.

Prefect Xu took a deep breath, "This is the merchant's grievance, we bid farewell!"

Xu Muhua's hijab was pulled down, her mouth was gagged, her hands were tied, and her face was full of hatred.

"Prefect Xu, don't leave when you're here." Mu Zhixu smiled coldly.

"what are you……"

"Master, it's not good, it's not good, good news came from the front, King Zhenbei was defeated and has been beheaded! All the troops of King Zhenbei surrendered..." A panicked voice came from outside.

The lobby was dead silent!
The faces of Xu Zhifu and the business owner changed drastically.

Mu Zhixu snorted, and took out a token from his pocket, "Bold Xu Wei, colluding with the rebel king, committing crimes below and above, enriching his own pockets, boldly taking over the sky, in Yurou Township, he will be dismissed as the magistrate immediately, and forced into the capital!" , Follow-up -"

Her voice was sonorous, and the content of her words made everyone's eyes widen.

"Presumptuous, what are you, that broken token..." Xu Zhifu's voice stopped abruptly as if he had been strangled by the chicken's neck.

If I come in person—

People who were close also saw it, and their pupils shrank fiercely!
Naturally, the business owner didn't miss it either, his eyes were gloomy, he looked at Mu Zhixu who only had a few people with him, and immediately winked at the guards, "It's so audacious to use a fake token to pretend to be a tiger, it's disrespectful to the Holy Majesty, Come, someone, take him down, and let him be dealt with!"


"Your Imperial Envoy is here—" At the same time, soldiers broke in from outside.

The guards outside the business were all caught!
Jiang Weichen, who was supported by others, held a shining imperial edict in his hand.

"I've seen the imperial envoy!" The guests knelt down in unison, and the merchants and Xu Zhifu were ashamed.

"Get up." Jiang Weichen said lightly.

Everyone stood up and was as quiet as a chicken.

Should not have come today.

"Princess Yaoguang, the emperor said that the business will be handled by you!" Jiang Xichen turned to look at Mu Zhixu.

"Hello, Princess Jing'an, Princess Yanyun." He greeted Xia Houqing and Su Qingyi again.

(End of this chapter)

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