Princess Shakelight——

She turned out to be the world-renowned Princess Yaoguang? !

Shang Xun shrank his pupils and stood up subconsciously. He imagined several possibilities, but he didn't expect her background to be so big!
"Princess Yaoguang... seems to be the daughter of the Master of the State Teacher." In the silent lobby, someone said something.

Then, a needle can be heard.

Everyone in the business could only feel that their eyes were darkened. Princess Yaoguang was the daughter of Shang Lungtang, and also the daughter of the national teacher.

That Shang Yantang and the national teacher...

"Greetings to Princess Yaoguang, Princess Jing'an, Princess Yanyun..." I don't know who initiated it, but suddenly bowed down, and the others followed suit belatedly.

Shang Xun has complicated eyes.

Xu Muhua's eyes widened. This woman, this woman, is Princess Yaoguang? !
Those two women who humiliated her that day were also princesses? !

Her vision went dark, and she lay on the ground.

Prefect Xu couldn't take care of himself, so he didn't pay attention to his daughter.

"Princess Yaoguang, princess, you are wronged..." Xu Wei knew that the situation was over, and his face was ashamed.

The King of Zhenbei is their backer, and if the backer is down, they have no way out.

Mu Zhixu glanced at him, "Didn't you just say that the token in my hand was fake?"

"It's the lower officials who have blind eyes, and there are a lot of princesses, so let's let the lower officials go..." Xu Zhifu's thoughts changed sharply, thinking about the way out.

Mu Zhixu saw his plan at a glance, and sneered, "Hou Ye, Xu Zhifu is in your hands."

It is only natural for the emperor to deal with criminal officials.

Lord Hou?

The people in the lobby were silent again, the imperial envoy turned out to be a Marquis!
"The princess can only do what he wants to do. The emperor made it clear that the merchants will be handled by the princess." This is a reward given by Emperor Tai'an from another perspective.

Mu Zhixu curled his lips, "Thank you, Majesty Long En."

When everyone in the business heard this, their eyes turned black and they wailed, "Princess, Princess Yaoguang, what happened 19 years ago has nothing to do with us, it was all done by the owner..."

"That's right, it's the head of the family who decides, we were forced to do so."

"We are innocent, princess..."

The business owner almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "You, you..."

Shang Yue was dressed in a bright red brocade robe and his face was livid. He supported the owner of the merchant, took a deep look at Mu Zhixu, and then at Shang Xun, who was gloating at his misfortune.

"Mr. Shang, what you said is wrong. What is collusion?" Mu Zhixu said contemptuously, as if I don't blame you for not reading enough.

Shang Xun also trembled, his grandfather and father didn't hold him back, "Shang Yue, you don't know, we have swallowed up all the businesses except Shanhai City, hahaha!"

"Pfft!" The blood from the merchant's throat finally couldn't hold back, and he looked at Shang Xun and Mu Zhixu viciously.


"It's not difficult to block a message." Su Qingyi said softly, calmly.

Everyone: "..." These words mean that such a big family of merchants was annexed without any news. The power in their hands...

For a moment, fear and horror appeared on everyone's faces. ....
"Shang Xun, you pretended well!" Shang Yue gritted his teeth and looked at Shang Xun, "You colluded with outsiders and took action against your own family. You are disloyal, unrighteous and filial, and heaven will not tolerate it!"

Thinking of how he was like a clown in front of Shang Xun all these years, the anger in his heart couldn't be restrained.

"Hey, if there is retribution, you will be the first to stand in front." Shang Xun sneered.

"What exactly do you want?" The business owner bit his tongue, afraid that he would faint.

He stared at Mu Zhixu and Shang Yuchuan, the merchant is now in the hands of others, life or death is up to them.

"Brother, tell me." Mu Zhixu glanced at the old man vomiting blood, without any disturbance in his heart.

The merchant Yizhi 19 years ago was ten times a hundred times more tragic than the merchants today.

Scarlet red appeared in Shang Yuchuan's eyes, "Doesn't leave any chicken or dog behind!"

"No! You can't! You can't—" The business owner stared at Shang Yuchuan with a pair of cloudy and old eyes!
"Be forgiving and forgive..."

"The businessman is not worthy!" Shang Yuchuan glanced at the merchants slowly, "I will send you down to make amends to the ancestors, for killing the first branch, for killing the same clan, and death is inevitable!"


He drew out the long sword from Ming Ting's waist, and pointed it at a young man with a pale face beside him.

"Don't!" A heart-piercing voice sounded from the female family member, but she failed to rush over and was stopped by the soldiers.

"No, I beg you, what happened back then has nothing to do with him, he was not born yet..." The woman burst into tears, tears streaming down her face.

Shang Yuchuan was unmoved, with a hoarse voice, "My third uncle's child, I haven't had time to take a look in this world..."

After saying that, he stabbed suddenly, and the long sword pierced through the boy's chest.


"Pfft!" The business owner spat out another mouthful of blood, his face pale.

Shang Yue gritted his teeth tightly, "Shang Yuchuan, what is the difference between your behavior now and those people 19 years ago?"

What Shang Yuchuan killed just now was Shang Yue's younger brother.

"Heh, every cause has an effect, it's just retribution." Shang Yuchuan laughed ironically.

He drew out his long sword, and then wiped another person's neck with another hand.

"Ah, you devil, devil, you killed me, you killed me!" On the other side of the women's family, the lady with hair full of emerald greens looked like a crazy woman at this moment.

There is still a high-ranking and arrogant appearance.

Xu Muhua collapsed on the ground, his face pale, and even Shang Xun shrank his neck. He didn't expect that Shang Yuchuan would be so decisive.

The other guests did not dare to speak.

"I am willing to apologize with death!" Suddenly, an old voice sounded.

Shang Yuchuan paused slightly.

The owner of the merchant looked at him, and paused every word, "I am willing to die as an apology. I just ask you to spare the rest of the merchant, and the merchant's property...they will not be contaminated at all."

At this moment, he just wanted to keep his bloodline.

"You may be overthinking it." Mu Zhixu sneered, "All the property of the merchant will be returned to the state treasury."

Is she the kind of person who is short of money?

"Everything you did to Torue back then must be repaid double!"

If you want to let people go, it's a fool's dream!

The business owner collapsed on the ground, he knew that there was no room for change.

No, no, he still has cards!

Seeing his turbid eyes suddenly light up, Mu Zhixu curled his lips, "Aren't you waiting for General Qin?"

"how do you know?"

Mu Zhixu didn't answer, but said, "Do you think Qin Ming is the match of the princess's husband?"

Everyone belatedly remembered that Princess Yaoguang's husband was Dayan's youngest marquis, Enke champion, and youngest general!The Marquis of Dingyuan who quelled Nanzhao!

The business owner seemed to have been pumped out, and his whole body softened into a puddle of mud.

Desperation also appeared in Shang Yue's eyes, Shang Yue, the balloon has run out.

Afterwards, this place became Mu Zhixu's speech hall. .
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