"Other people who have nothing to do with the business can leave." She looked at the guests indifferently.

"We are related by in-laws to the businessman. Whoever leaves me will cut off his legs." The in-laws of the businessman who wanted to mix in the crowd gave a meal, wanting to cry without tears.

Outside the merchant's mansion, many people gathered.

Everyone looked at the merchant mansion surrounded by soldiers and talked a lot.

In fact, the reputation of the merchants has not been very good in recent years. Recently, because of the disaster victims, they were forced to give porridge to give favors, and there has been some improvement.

"Someone came out!"

Everyone looked at the guests pouring out of the gate, and found that the eyes of those people were full of horror and horror, and they were all puzzled.

"What's wrong? What happened to the merchant?"

"What happened inside?"

One of the customers who was caught swallowed his saliva in horror, "Merchant Zhizhi... is back for revenge!"

The people were in an uproar instantly!

On this day, the streets where the merchants were located were filled with the lingering smell of blood, and blood flowed like rivers.

The businessman's wife came back to seek revenge, and none of the businessmen survived!

The business owner watched everyone fall in front of him, but he was powerless, and finally went crazy!
He was tortured by Shang Yuchuan and sent to hell.

Shang Xun's family was forced to watch the whole process, their eyes full of horror, so cruel!

Immediately afterwards, an imperial decree was announced to the whole city. The merchant and Xu Zhifu colluded with the rebellious king. The crime was extremely heinous, and they were sentenced to participate in the extermination of the clan. Make a decision!
All family property will be charged to the national treasury, and the imperial envoy and Princess Yaoguang will have the full power to dispose of it!

Only at this time did everyone know that Princess Yaoguang, who is famous all over the world, is the daughter of the most beautiful woman in the world, Shang Lungtang!

Because of the downfall of merchants and prefect Xu, Shanhai City has completely changed, and the people are all cautious.

Afraid of being implicated in the next moment.

However, not many people said that Mu Zhixu and Shang Yuchuan were cruel and ruthless, and the emperor's imperial decree had condemned them to death. Anyway, the merchants could not survive.

"Fortunately, the nine clans have not been implicated." In the fourth-bedroom courtyard of the merchant, Shang Xun rubbed his neck in a daze.

Suddenly it feels good to be alive.

Shang Xun's grandfather twitched, "When did you cooperate with Master Yaoguang? You are so brave!"

If you seek skin from a tiger, you are not afraid of death.

"Just...years ago." Thinking of his boldness back then, Shang Xun shrank his neck.

"I dare you to say that the Xu family will disappear. It's such a disappearing method." Shang Xun's father patted his head angrily.

Shang Xun... he doesn't know either.

On the other side, after leaving the rest to Jiang Yuchen, Mu Zhixu and his party returned to the other courtyard where they stayed.

Shang Yuchuan was a little tired, he went back to the yard.

Mu Zhixu also wanted him to calm down, he should feel relieved after revenge for killing his family.

"...Little aunt, you haven't eaten yet?" When I came to the hall, I saw Mu Lanlan and the others waiting, so Mu Zhixu made a meal.

Everyone else went down, only she, Su Qingyi, Xia Houqing and Jiang Lingxue.

On the way, she found a chance to hold the dumpling out of the space and hand it over to Zhuifeng and Beiyin.

"Zhixu, you..." Mu Lanlan looked at Mu Zhixu hesitantly.

Fear appeared in Shi Qing's eyes, while Mu Hai was complicated and worried. ....
"Oh, you didn't ask." Mu Zhixu sat down, "I just got the title of princess by chance, it's nothing, it's not worth mentioning."


"Then your husband..."

"Oh, the title was inherited casually, the number one in the exam, and the emperor forced him to go to war."

Several people choked, and some couldn't laugh or cry.

Su Qingyi and the three of them almost sprayed tea. Can you rely on a certain score for your statement?
"As for Zhuohua, she was originally the daughter of Zhenbei King. It is not surprising that she has the title of princess, but it was later proved that she is not.
The emperor didn't take it back either. ’ Your statement is even more hasty.

"Qingyi's princess was conferred by the emperor of Beimo. To be precise, she was the princess of Beimo, but the emperor also recognized her as the princess."

In fact, it is quite simple to say, not worth mentioning.

Mu Lanlan and the others: "..." It's so complicated.

Su Qingyi and Xia Houqing's faces turned green, so it's better not to say anything.

"As for the fact that I am not a child of the Mu family, I was raised by the Mu family. Does it matter if I am my own? I think I am a member of the Mu family anyway." Even more hasty.

Then it took a while to explain clearly.

At night, the Mu Lanlan family was lying on the bed, and Shi Qing couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning.

"What's wrong?" Mu Lanlan's tone was a little erratic.

Her niece is not her own niece, her niece is extremely valuable, and behind her is even more powerful!
She hasn't recovered yet.

Shi Qing worried, "Daughter-in-law, your family... is a wealthy family, you, what do you think?"

Will his wife be gone?

Shi Qing's mind flashed through many dramas about rich people looking down on poor boys and beating mandarin ducks with sticks.

Immediately became more scared.

Mu Lanlan, "..." You are actually worried about this.

"I don't have the idea of ​​a figure. The big family is also my niece. I will still be myself in the future. I can tell you that you can't have the heart to eat the big family! Let's keep our feet on the ground." She warned Shi Qing.

"See where you said it went." Shi Qing's heart settled down.

His daughter-in-law lives with him at ease, and he has the confidence to live a good life.

The couple talked for a while, and then fell asleep in the middle of the night after tossing and turning.

And there were countless people who couldn't sleep that night.

It can be said that except for Mu Zhixu and the others, no one slept well.

The next day, Jiang Xichen sneaked into the house while he was busy, and Mu Lanlan and the others were frightened by his aura, and quickly retreated.

Jiang Yuchen looked at Mu Zhixu apologetically. He dealt with too many people last night, and he couldn't restrain his evil spirit.

"It's okay, what happened?" Mu Zhixu waved his hand.

"This is your letter from home." Jiang Weichen took out several letters, "By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet, both of your younger brothers have passed the test."

When he started the day, he was only three days away from the palace examination. He didn't know the specific result, but he would definitely be on the list.

"There is also Lin Yu'an, who ranks relatively high."

"This is really good news, thank you very much." Mu Zhixu took the letter with a smile on his face.

Counting the time, they were about to set off to go back.

"Then I'll take my leave. By the way, Shu Ning gave birth to a cute daughter. She wanted to send you a letter, but it was inconvenient, so she put it on hold." When Jiang Xichen mentioned the princess of Changle, his eyes were full of tenderness meaning.

Presumably, the two of them have now achieved a positive result.

"Great, I'm still worried about her." Mu Zhixu was happy.

Jiang Weichen knew what she was worried about, and while helpless, he was also happy for his wife to have such a close friend.

A few days later, Jiang Weichen took care of everything, executed Xu Zhifu on the spot, and escorted the rest of the Xu family to Beijing.

Mu Zhixu and his party also planned to leave for Beijing. She communicated with Gu Lin and did not intend to go with the army.

What a waste of time. .
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