Fairy Court respects it alone

Chapter 10 Reward Banquet

Chapter 10 Reward Banquet
It was freezing cold, but the atmosphere inside the pier was filled with enthusiasm.

The minzhuang who followed Zhao Ming were all busy.

There are woodcutters.

There are some who put on airs.

There is one that boils a large pot of hot water.

It is also possible to splash the fat pig with hot water to remove the black mane and reveal the white fat.

There are also quite a few strong people, who worked together to press the big fat pig that had been disemboweled on the chopping board, and cut the meat along the lines of the muscles and bones with a sharpened sharp knife, dividing it into fist-sized pieces, and put it aside for stewing. .

Including the pig's blood filled with dozens of wooden basins and barrels, some people also added grains and poured them into the cleaned intestines, and cut some white and oily fatty meat, and finally removed them with hemp rope. The rope that came down was tied up one by one, and hung on the shelf next to it, black and rumbling, but it made the surrounding villagers even more happy.

"These two big fat pigs, I have never seen such fat ones in my life!" Min Zhuang, who had worked as a butcher before, was still chattering and showing off his knowledge: "Mr. It’s even less than half of it!”

Min Zhuang, who rolled up his sleeves to help with the work, was not annoyed, on the contrary, he was happy to listen.

From time to time, I asked for a few words of flattery.

"Come, come!"

Those butchers were also very happy: "Let you see our craftsmanship!"

The sharp knife in his hand snaked like a snake, following the lines of the muscles, bones, skin and flesh, it was clearly decomposed, even the bones were shaved off and placed next to it, and the skinny, fat, multi-layered, and three-layered ones were removed, clean put aside.

With the earthen stove built between the pier and the city wall, the fire was burning vigorously, and the raging flames rolled the hot water. A dozen or so people were there holding the miso and salt brought from the county government. As well as the vinegar cloth, start seasoning in a large pot of hot water, and when it boils, throw large pieces of meat into it, and simmer and simmer.

However, the heart, liver, stomach and lungs were scalded separately, and they planned to let two or three people who are good cooks come over and do it themselves, and use fat meat to make oil, and prepare it for Zhao Ming and other little flag masters. Let's cook some appetizers.

You must know that before the opening, there were indeed old wines secretly purchased from the winery to keep out the cold!

"It's a reward for working hard after victory."

Zhao Ming did not object to this.

Of course, while acquiescing to drink, you must also monitor the amount.

Otherwise, we will encounter the monster gangsters like last night who sneaked over in the dark and the wind and snow to try to sneak attack. After losing the command system, it is obviously quite dangerous to rely on these well-fed people. of.

However, Zhao Duokang, Zhao Tieniu, Zhao Dong and Zhao Anwen, the four small flags, are quite well-versed in the rules. The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly. Now that I am carelessly intoxicated just for two sips of wine, then sooner or later I will become the meat of the monster's fangs!

"Hey--" The hot oil is smoking in the hot iron pan, and along with the sliced ​​heart, liver, stomach and lungs, etc., are washed and drained, they are put into the pan and brought out one by one from the plate, and the aroma of cooking immediately spreads. out.

Sprinkle a lot of seasonings such as soybean paste, fermented soybeans and salt, and finally pour some old wine to remove the fishy smell.

This stir-fried dish was served hot in a separate hut in Dunbao.

Zhao Ming sat at the main table.

At this time, several earthenware bowls were placed on the table, which contained pre-steamed blood sausage and pork belly.

"The last dish, pickled vegetables and elbows!" Outside the door, a burly man Min Zhuang also came in with a soup bowl, which contained large chunks of skin-on elbow meat that had been cut open, and put it down cheerfully: "Everyone take it easy!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed and left the room. As a cook, he knew that the person sitting in this room was either Xiaoqi or the team leader on the watchtower. The stewed meat with miso and salty taste is quite full, and it is already crispy and rotten at this time, waiting for them to eat!

"Everyone, last night's bloody battle relied on everyone's great help. Zhao Ming is very grateful at this time, and I would like to toast to everyone!" On both sides of the long table in front of him, there are four small flags with the same surname as Zhao and three Zhendans. The Archer team rate came.

Zhao Ming raised a glass of warm old wine first, and took the lead in drinking it down.

"Humble job/lowly self-serving as the general banner master!"

Now that Zhao Ming was bored.

On both sides of the long table, the four small flags and the three archers led the team, naturally without further ado.

The pre-warmed old wine in this wine cup has a soft taste. Because corn is mixed with miscellaneous grains, and the jade pears that are abundant in Yuli County are mixed for brewing, it also has a strong pear aroma in the mouth.

"Not bad." Zhao Ming rarely drinks alcohol, but he is quite used to this kind of brewed wine made with traditional techniques. Even after fermentation, the alcohol content of this wine is only [-] to [-]. In his opinion, it is more like Relief from fatigue after fatigue, add to the fun during leisure time on weekdays, and drink to soothe tiredness while eating meat, it is far worse than the alcohol content of distilled wine.

Even after time travelling, this body that grew up from a young age has not been influenced by large and small alcohols like in the previous life. It is said to be a three-and-a-half catty 45-degree Moutai small wine barrel, but its tolerance to alcohol cannot be underestimated.

Now there is more Yangyan power from Binglong Zhaoming, and 5.00% of the Yang system's divine power is enough to hangover by itself!
Even fried vegetables and stewed meat are mixed with this sweet and delicious pear wine.

The atmosphere naturally heightened.

Not to mention the inside of the house, even in the courtyard of Dunbao, there are lively laughter.

Last night was not only the first battle experienced by this group of strong people, but also Zhao Ming's first battle. He had seen blood, and he had actually killed a demon bandit. Transformation of warriors.

This kind of transformation is extremely important, especially any first time of a person is so impressive that it can be remembered for a lifetime, so Zhao Ming, who knows what human nature is, of course will not let it go. This is the first bloody battle. At the end of the stage, let these folks who followed me and belonged to the Zhao clan taste the sweetness of experiencing the bloody battle for the first time!

The words of encouragement to them before, the encouragement of their greed and desire to reward them with a penny for a monster's head, and now, the first impression of knowing that following him, Zhao Ming will have a big piece of meat to eat !

This is the sweetness, the first step for Zhao Ming to forge his personal authority and establish his personal prestige.

"It's that simple." The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Pick up and fill up the wine cup.

Exchange cups with the seven people on both sides of the long table, as if returning to the workplace in the previous life.

"I hate this kind of occasion." Zhao Ming looked at the fanatical four small flags from the same clan in front of him, and the three taciturn and seldom-talking archer team leaders next to him, and took a sip of his wine. It's intoxicating."

This meat feast to reward Minzhuang was quite successful, at least when all the Minzhuang woke up the next day, their mouths were full of oil and meat, and they walked with a bit of a smile on their faces. Huhushengfeng, not to mention those folks standing guard, just say those sick patients who were scratched by the monster clan, at this time, they are holding the hot leftover meat from last night, accompanied by steamed corn and rice. While eating, they were still chatting in twos and threes, unable to hide their disdain for those monsters.

This victory came so easily that there were no serious injuries or deaths in exchange for such a rich result-although the bounty was not distributed, the Yamen had to take the lead to send the bounty, so there was nothing wrong with it.

The multi-layered, fragrant and delicious fatty meat that I eat now has really reached my mouth!

"Morale is available." Zhao Ming knew this well.

But this atmosphere has not been adjusted.

The morale is high, so the next time you face the demon bandit, you won't have too much panic.

If it is still a city defense battle that occupies a geographical advantage, as long as the damage is not too large, even if less than ten figures of civilians are killed in the battle, and through material incentives, the morale of these civilians can still be maintained at a high level.

Wars are fought on weapons and equipment, on strength of cultivation, as well as on morale and tenacity.

The demon bandits who have just transformed may be at the eighth or ninth rank.

But that is also in comparison.


Facing the city wall and baffle, the height of seven meters.

Climbing, facing the hurricanes and rolling stones on the city wall, the spears and sharp knives between the baffles.

In addition, the extremely calm and stable archery archers on the archery tower are definitely these even though they have strength beyond the human race, the ferocity of the bestiality, the desire for bloodthirsty, and sharp claws and fangs. He is a superb demon bandit who has to face obstacles that he can only fight with his own life!

In this way, Zhao Ming was always concerned about the situation of the guard post in the pier, and from time to time he went to the city wall and the watchtower to patrol a few times. The four or five days passed slowly like this, and there was no battle in the middle.

Only sporadic ghost bandits sprang out from the woods, and then were shot dead by the peasant archers.

On the whole it's pretty calm.

"something wrong."

Zhao Ming stood on the east side of the city wall of the pier, with a serious expression on his face.

This is the moment when the sun rises.

early morning.

The arrival of a new day made him feel even more depressed, because the past few days were too peaceful.

"It's not normal to be calm at all." Zhao Ming pursed his lips, slowly clenched the handle of the knife, looked at the rolling mountains to the east, the famous Lihe Mountain in Yuli County, and murmured: "Those demon bandits must What are you planning?"

During this period of time, the messengers sent by the Yamen also came on horseback. The letter they sent not only commended Zhao Ming, the general banner, but also clearly stated that all the piers must be closed during this period of time. Raise the baffle, even if it is windy and snowy, people have to stay on the city wall day and night to prevent the monsters and bandits in Lihe Mountain from gathering and rushing out again.

At the same time, there were also bags of cow dung mixed with special materials, which were required to be ignited on the top of the watchtower in case of danger, and turned into beacons to send messages to the villages and villages in the west who had set up beacon towers.

In the end, Yuli County was able to get the news in advance so that it could send troops to solve the trouble.

"The storm is coming." Zhao Ming became more depressed.

The only good thing.

Perhaps, after a day and a half, the upcoming Cathay will support us!

(End of this chapter)

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