Chapter 11
Cathay's support is coming soon, but Zhao Ming still dare not be careless.

So much so that two more patrol lines were added.

Strive to be rigorous inside and outside.

The thing I'm afraid of is that there will be special circumstances that will really catch him off guard.

After all, Zhao Ming was indeed able to distinguish hostile targets by relying on the effect of the creative workshop.

However, when he found a hostile target, he could only detect it when he opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the attack. There was also a range that was not too close but not too far, and he could effectively detect it within this range.

If Zhao Ming happened to be sleeping or resting for a while, or just couldn't see that direction.

It just so happened that there was a bandit attacking from that direction.

That's the big trouble!
"My lord, the humble arrangements have been made." Wu Jingzhong stood behind Zhao Ming by the wall of the archery tower.

The leader of the peasant archer team with a little beard, was reporting with a serious face: "Humblely arranged twelve groups of archers, each group of eight people, to stand guard at the top of this arrow tower at any time, without a moment's gap."

"The arrangement is very good." Zhao Ming nodded lightly, looking at the city wall more than ten steps away, standing guard behind the baffle with spears on his shoulders, and a team of five peasant archers carrying spears. Shao Gong walked around and inspected the city wall, but he was still a little relieved in his heart, and praised: "You have rules for handling things, I'm still at ease."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir, and I dare not relax!" Wu Jingzhong continued to clasp his fists, but when he heard the compliment, there was still a little joy in his eyes. After all, he is a living human race with his own thoughts.

"Yes." Zhao Ming nodded, and after a few simple instructions, he left the Dunbao Archery Tower.

Archers and Minzhuang are equal to double insurance.

have them.

Zhao Ming only needs to inspect occasionally during the day, a simple inspection is fine.

"The most important thing is night!" Zhao Ming still felt as if there was a rock that couldn't land on the ground. Thinking of those monster bandits who might rush out of Lihe Mountain at any time, and the number of them is unknown, this rock became more and more serious. heavy.

Walking along the narrow stairs inside the pier to the ground floor, there is still a smell of meat in the kitchen. This is the scraps left over from the previous day, mixed with corn and steamed yellow orange rice, and then sprinkled with frozen The hard skin and meat jelly on the outside, the salty taste mixed with the mellow aroma of steamed corn, will definitely make those folks eat three big bowls!

There is no need to worry about the supply of food. After all, it is the local defense against banditry. The Yuli County Government will send a batch of free food every week to serve as rations, so that the people stationed in the pier will not starve.

Of course, most of the free rations sent over are just old rice and miscellaneous grains.

At most, people can eat it and not starve to death.

It is impossible to eat well.

However, he was able to buy good grain from the county warehouse by himself with silver taels.

All kinds of rice, wheat, corn and other grains or all kinds of beans, including hay for livestock, can be bought.

This is a place approved by the elders of the Privy Council of the Human Race Imperial Court, which allows military officers who have military positions or serve as envoys at all levels in a certain place, as well as military officers who have military recruitment documents, to freely purchase food and fodder, and it is also convenient for those visiting troops who come lightly to replenish in time.

Weapons such as knives, guns, axes, and spears, self-defense armor such as armor and shields, and even firearms such as three-eyed blunderbuss and burst-fire blunderbuss, as well as supporting gunpowder and lead, stored in the arsenal of the Lianxian Yamen, as long as you have white flowers in your hand Silver can be purchased from the county government of each human race at the level of a military officer in accordance with the regulations approved by the Privy Council of the Imperial Court.

For example, in the pier where Zhao Ming is currently stationed, the corn that the villagers eat is bought from the granary of the county government with silver. The inheritance left by his mother also has a considerable amount of silver. considerable.

Even if two hundred people are raised, the salary of five copper coins per person per month is enough to pay for decades!

"After all, it's more than 2000 taels of silver."

Zhao Ming frowned.

But in fact, he didn't want to borrow the help left by that cheap mother.

The reason is that in childhood, Zhao Ming, who had an adult mindset, hated this cheap birth mother almost unforgettable in his heart——Zhao Ming was an orphan in his previous life, and he always had unrealistic respect and respect for a warm family life. Longing, but the actions of this cheap mother made him abandon his illusions and become more ruthless and indifferent.

"It's just that I'm using the inheritance left by my mother now, which is a bit hypocritical." Zhao Ming pursed his lips and didn't continue to think about this topic. superior."

How much meat to eat is related to the degree of vigor and blood, and the progress of practicing "Martial Arts Classics".

The basics of this clan's martial arts practice are very simple.

It's just to beat the muscles and bones.

And then derived Qi and blood.

There is no need to take the initiative to cultivate on weekdays, as long as you passively make yourself stronger and stronger.

As for the way to be strong, the easiest way is to eat—you can eat enough food every day, and after half a year, you will be able to have sufficient energy and blood to reach the level of the ninth grade; if you add some refined grains that supplement energy and blood, then After half a year, it will reach the level of vigorous Qi and blood of the eighth rank; after eating some meat for a long time in three to five years, it will definitely reach the level of the seventh rank full of Qi and blood.

If you want to go up to the third grade level, then is the time to really start practicing "Martial Arts Classics". At that time, the power of qi and blood will be like a furnace, the muscles, bones, skin and flesh will be condensed as one, and even the blood will be as thick as silver mercury.

Even the sixth-rank Xiangjun, the weakest in the third rank, can run back and forth in the racecourse wearing heavy armor!
Of course, these soldiers of the third rank who are like silver and silver in blood will eat more!
Each person should have three catties of polished rice as a base for each meal.

Supplemented with two catties of pure meat.

It is also necessary to add a catty of old wine to moisten the intestines to strengthen the blood.

And these third-rank troops, only the third-rank defense envoys who control the county and the food and fodder of several counties can afford to support a force of no more than a thousand people, to act as the trump card of the county's heritage and its own military strength.

"Now, my Ninth-Rank people need to eat more refined grains and meat, so as to maintain a sufficient level of Qi and blood as soon as possible, and then advance to the stage where the Eighth-Rank is vigorous." Zhao Ming knew this well. Ming: "These folks used to be farmers, and most of the crops had to be paid to the imperial court for the imperial court, and the leftover grain was paid for various exorbitant taxes in the county government. If they can eat enough and save some, it will be a good harvest. There is no money left for myself to eat meat every day.”

Therefore, after Zhao Ming recruited them, at the very least, he had to provide enough food to keep them full, and occasionally add some meat to nourish them. After three to five years of effort, he would be able to reach the peak of Bapin Xiangyong.

As for the level of seventh-rank lottery, it can only be achieved in a short period of time, and cannot maintain this level for a long time.

After all, the signing army needs to do military training on the school grounds for six months a year.

You still need to practice the "Martial Arts Classics".

In this case, it is necessary to be able to train off-the-job without delaying the family's fields and chores.

Therefore, hiring some long-term and part-time workers to help take care of their own fields and villages, and provide a steady stream of food and meat is the key to these military households in the seventh-rank lottery to maintain a state of vitality and blood for a long time.

Now Zhao Ming has no source of long-term production of crops and meat. Apart from using silver to buy from the county government, he can only exchange it with merit through the way of heaven—but the value of merit is not to exchange for these simple grains and meat. Meat is not even exchanged for the low-level military equipment of the lower third rank, such an exchange is a waste!
"The only way to do it is to quickly become a guerrilla envoy, gain military exploits, and own your own manor or village as a fiefdom." Zhao Ming still sighed in his heart. It is not that simple to become a guerrilla envoy who can freely travel through the regions of the Star Sea.

Based on his understanding of guerrilla envoys, not to mention military exploits alone, this merit should be at least [-] shares!
The night attack of the monsters and bandits who worked so hard to resist a few days ago.

On the battle report log of the creative workshop.

Do the math.

The merits and virtues given to Zhao Ming are only a mere twenty!

Just thinking about accumulating five thousand merits made Zhao Ming feel more and more exhausted.

"Wait." Just when Zhao Ming was full of thoughts in his mind, he had just returned to the room and was about to take a rest, but the corner of his eye was in the direction of the east, and he found some scattered red dots emerging .

There are not many, and there are only forty or fifty red dots at a glance. Compared with the night five or six days ago, the patches of red that almost formed stains, the grade is undoubtedly much lower. It was also obvious that they were from the Lihe Mountain in the east, and those monster gangsters who had just transformed into their forms bumped over sparsely.

In the past two days, a dozen or so monsters and bandits approached this pier and were shot directly at the top of the city by the peasant archers patrolling the city wall with their long-tipped bows and feather arrows, and then mowed. There are quite a few that come back to my head.

"Dang—" On the watchtower, there was also an unhurried gong sound.

This means that the archers on guard are the first to discover the situation.

It is also a warning to the people below.

"Let's go to sleep first." Zhao Ming wouldn't care about these things, a small group of bandits won't make a difference.

On the contrary, it will make those strong people who already have a large number of people and take advantage of the advantage of the city wall to wait eagerly for those archers to shoot and kill these demon bandits, and then go and cut off the head obediently return.

A head is worth one penny, which is equivalent to twenty copper plates, which is a great bargain!


But just when Zhao Ming closed his eyes and wanted to squint for a while.

The rapid sound of the gong sounded in the ear.

"problem occurs!"

Zhao Ming opened his eyes straight away, with seriousness in them.

This was his first reaction.

Because, if there were no major incidents, the beating of the gong would definitely not be so rapid!

And when Zhao Ming put on his leather boots and walked quickly outside, Wu Jingzhong suppressed his emotions and shouted extremely hastily from the watchtower: "There are wolf smoke in the north! There is also wolf smoke in the south! Behind us... there is also wolf smoke! "

"Wolf smoke!?" Zhao Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hand holding the handle of the knife only held it backwards.

This is not good news!

Something went wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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