Chapter 12
Zhao Ming quickly rushed up the archery tower, pushed open the wooden door and came to the stacking platform.

The archers are all on standby.

"I've seen adults!"

When Wu Jingzhong saw Zhao Ming coming up, he immediately cupped his fists and saluted.

Then don't pay attention to imaginary at this time.

Turning around, he pointed to the distance between the north and the south. Against the background of the day and the blue sky, two billows of black smoke billowed and rose. Shen Shenghui reported: "In just a short while, the beacon smoke in the north and south directions has been ignited." !"

"Sure enough, I guessed it right." Zhao Ming's face was not moved much, because he had expected it long ago.

There are many wild animals in the Lihe Mountain in the east of Yuli County.

The ancient demon star passed by.

The sprinkled emperor liquid will definitely contaminate many beasts in Lihe Mountain.

The number of the more than [-] monster-shaped bandits successfully killed and repelled by Zhao Ming and his infantry before is a solid proof. Absolutely not many.

After five days of silence, Zhao Ming still guessed that the next wave of offensive would appear.

But I didn't expect this offensive to be so fierce!
At this time, the smoke from the north and the south is canceled.

It seems,
The pier fortresses on the north and south sides were probably attacked by demon bandits!
"Order to be alert." Zhao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, turned to Wu Jingzhong next to him and said, "The Arrow Tower will be handed over to your team." After calming down for a while, he said, "The two bow teams, Li Sien and Zhang Yaozu, we It will be placed on the city wall."

"I understand." Wu Jingzhong responded calmly, and after clasping his fists, he began to properly arrange the bow team.

"Send an order for the four little flags to come and meet."

Zhao Ming went down the archery tower.

Come to the wall.

Turning around, Min Zhuang called the four small flag officers on the city wall.

"I've seen my lord before!" They carried their sabers and walked over quickly with solemn faces. Apparently, the sudden rising smoke from the north and south made the four of them, who had never experienced such a moment before, very nervous.

"You four, Zhao Dong and Zhao Anwen will lead the team to guard the east and west walls, and Zhao Duokang and Zhao Tieniu will lead the team to guard the south gate." Without any hesitation, Zhao Ming directly announced the deployment arrangement to them, while turning his head to look at The two team leaders who followed consciously also said in a deep voice: "Li Sien is stationed at the south gate and the southeast city wall, Zhang Yaozu is stationed at the north gate and the northeast city wall, and they are not allowed to leave without my order, especially Minzhuang, who must be nailed to the baffle. Don't take half a step back!"

"Humble job/lowly understand!" The Xiaoqi from the Zhao tribe in this world and the team leader of the peasant archer from the Weixi Lie Province of the Cathay Dynasty, each with different but similar self-proclaimed, responded to Zhao Ming in a deep voice deployment.

Now that the situation is critical, they can't tolerate any hesitation, they just need to obey orders with peace of mind.

With the arrival of these small flags and team rates.

Between a few shouts.

The numerous troops on the entire city wall also accelerated the speed of mobilization at this time.

And according to the previously divided tasks, they stood behind the re-reinforced baffle, with the slave farmers and archers in the gaps in the baffle, and the arrangement of Minzhuang behind the baffle, watching the situation outside nervously.

And at the feet of these folks, the Leimu and Rolling Stones have already been prepared, and there are still dark and dirty marks on them. It is obvious that they were smashed down by them during the last battle, and the monsters were thrown into chaos. The bloody brains of the gangsters came out, and the scabs stained on them gave them a bit of courage in their chests!

If they can defeat the opponent once, then as long as they continue to do what they did when they defeated the opponent last time, gritting their teeth and poking out the spear in their hands, they will definitely win the second, third, or even countless times in the future !
These folks are not from the Cathay Dynasty like the peasant archers, and they have my invincible firm background.

But they have the herd mentality among the same race and the desire for wealth.

"Fortunately, the morale has been raised."

Zhao Ming nodded secretly.

The previous money incentives and fat stews are more effective at this time.

He stood in the middle of the east wall, looking at Lihe Mountain not far away, the continuous mountain peaks surrounded by winter frost and mist, the hand holding the knife handle became more and more forceful, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "coming!"

Because at the end of Zhao Ming's gaze, something suddenly appeared in the direction of the sparse forest.

In Zhao Ming's eyes, those were bright red spots in patches.

Countless reds.

It was as if the snow falling from the Lihe Mountain was roaring towards Zhao Ming!

"Huh!" Zhao Ming gritted his teeth and let out a cold snort slowly. Looking at the people nearby who seemed to be unaware of everything, he drew out his saber with a 'chu' sound, and shouted loudly with his blood pumping: "The demon bandit Attack!"

"Dangdangdang——" The archer sentry on the arrow tower of the pier behind him seemed to have noticed something at this time. After hearing Zhao Ming's voice, he stared straight at the east direction with a pair of eyes. The unreal mountains, and the sparse forest spreading from the mountains to this side, continued to beat the gong in his hand by the way.

The entire pier was suddenly silent, everyone was waiting, everyone was looking out through the gap in the baffle, and at the same time, everyone had directly raised the tension and sense of crisis in their hearts.

"Ghost bandits! Those are monster bandits!" Finally, someone was the first to spot the shadow rushing out of the woods.

"The demon bandit is here! The demon bandit is here!" Some people exclaimed in low voices.

"Shut up! Silence!"

However, the voices of the four little flags were even louder: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Also used a slap!

They were all running on the city wall they were in charge of, slapping the guy who dared to speak, and slapped the back of the head, with a force of 'slap', they staggered suddenly.

This kind of casual speech before the battle, it is impossible for the real serious elite troops to happen - if you dare to have such words that confuse the army before the battle, even if you wailed, you will be waved by the coach, He signaled the supervising team to pull him out and tie him up, and even swung a knife to chop off the head of the talking nonsense on the spot!
After all, people have a herd mentality. When one person panics, the comrades and colleagues around him will be affected by the panic, and all of them will start to panic, disrupting the original morale and morale of the army.

But if everyone keeps silent and pretends to be calm, then everyone will gradually calm down.

Since he didn't speak, he thought that everyone around him was ready to fight.

Waiting for the real battle to meet the enemy.

Gradually calm down, or after numbness, you will fight harder and harder!
People's adaptability is also strong. Once they adapt to this state of war and can withstand the crazy attack of monster bandits, then the safety of this pier can be guaranteed, and they don't have to be buried in the mouth of monster bandits!

But at this critical moment, a dialog box appeared in front of Zhao Ming's eyes.


[Creative workshop reminds you. 】

[The support of the Cathay Kingdom is about to enter the final countdown. 】


[Please prepare to receive the support package in time. 】

[The Cathay Empire will support you this time with '[Arms] Conscripted Farmers and Horses' × 1 team (each team has 45 people). 】

[This time, the Cathay Empire will support you with '[Arms] Conscripted Peasant Spearmen' x 2 teams (each team has 120 people). 】

[This time, the Cathay Empire will support you with '[Talent] Yang Yan Power' +5% (Yang Long Zhaoming's divine power). 】

[This time the Cathay Empire will support you with '[Spell] Dragon's Breath Judgment' x 3 times (without consuming Yang-type spells). 】


In the last 3 minutes, the creative workshop will unfold all the support content this time.

It made Zhao Ming, who was standing in front, breathe a little short of breath.

"Send charcoal in the snow!"

He is now extremely grateful for the MOD system he installed.

Support now.

As well as the continuous support in the future, it was all for him when he was still weak, and it was a timely help!

At that time, Zhao Ming's thinking was that he was afraid that he had just started this game. As a rookie, he would not be able to adapt to the intensity of the initial battle, and wanted to have fun playing, so he chose this MOD for initial help.

I didn't expect to travel to this strange world where he really needed to work hard. The effect of this MOD that can bring initial help is actually by accident, and it uses the characteristics of this support to the fullest with the ultimate advantage. It is so vivid that every time Zhao Ming is in danger, he will first activate the support of the creative workshop.

For example, now, a team of 45-man cavalry, two teams of 240-man spearmen, and even an extra 5.00% of Yang-type divine power from Yanlong Zhaoming came out of the support package.

And most importantly, those three non-consumable sun spells, Dragon's Breath Art!

This is a serious spell.

Blazing flames.

The breath of the flaming dragon that can directly burn any enemy within the range of the spell into coke!
"Very good." Zhao Ming clenched his fist with one hand, looked at the patches of red, and finally stopped gradually from the sparse forest. Si flustered, and at this time was once again occupied by self-confidence: "Ten percent of the total is [-]% of Binglong Zhaoming's yang-type divine power, and these three spells of Dragon's Breath Art."

There was a little smile on the corner of his mouth: "Coupled with a team of cavalry who can hide and deploy at will, as an ambush and two teams of 240 long-handled spearmen, perhaps this battle is not so difficult."

Zhao Ming immediately turned around and looked towards the edge of the west, a bleak forest.

He planned to ambush three groups of soldiers from the Cathay Heavenly Dynasty.

Depending on the situation, move to the north and south gates.

As long as you can kill those monsters and bandits by surprise, they will be the first to defeat the troops on one side.

Then, my three teams of soldiers quickly entered the pier fort to coordinate defense. For the pier fort defenders who had already reached nearly 700 troops in strength, the number of pier fort defenders could directly increase to nearly [-] in number!
There are 700 people, of which the more than [-] people supported by the Cathay Heavenly Dynasty are all soldiers!
If you count the minzhuang recruited by Zhao Ming as auxiliary soldiers...

More than 500 soldiers.

Enough to hold on to this pier for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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