This game is full of energy

Chapter 163 Mechanical City Tuogu

Chapter 163 Mechanical City Tuogu (Thanks for the "Old Times" monthly pass!)
"In my opinion, in terms of your understanding of weapons, it seems that you don't know much about all kinds of weapons."

"So it seems..." Gun God pondered deliberately:
"It seems that you are just a weapon rookie."

"Thank you, I was offended." Chen Dengqi only felt more and more alpacas in his heart.

But Gunslinger didn't seem to stop talking at all:
"Also, your marksmanship seems to be terrible."

"But it doesn't matter, after you have me, these are no problems!"

Although Gunslinger's words were full of confidence, Chen Dengqi only felt that he was being hit again and again.

"Thank you, I was ridiculed." Chen Dengqi said "囧" on his face.

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Gunslinger said as he greeted T-23 and jumped directly into the back seats of the remaining two cars.

After sitting firmly, Gunslinger's face showed a longing expression:

"But to be honest, I also want to see what your world looks like."


The three cars started up again.

Although most of the robots are now drawn to attack the human survivor camp.However, there were occasional small robots with no eyes that popped out to put eye drops on the three cars.

Now, after the Gunslinger sits on the scene in the car, everyone has not encountered any obstacles along the way, and it is simply smooth sailing.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Gunslinger heard Chen Dengqi's feat in the human survivor camp, and his tone was full of disgust in capital letters:
"Sure enough, I still can't do it without me." Gunshen's tone was full of disdain:

"Without my central control, those guys only know how to go on a rampage and pile up hard numbers."

"What a stupid way of fighting!"

Only then did everyone realize that this childish robot is the head of the world's weapon system.

"It is estimated that this time, while I am not around, those four guys want to meddle in their own business again, and take this opportunity to fight for power."

Although Xinxing is a child, Gunshen is transparent:
"The world of grown-ups is really complicated, and I'm just a child."

"Also. We are just robots, why do we have to learn from those humans who are fighting for power?"

There is still a hint of puzzlement in Gunshen's tone:
"After all, we are only living in a virtual world."

"Maybe because..." Zhang Fang said with an excuse:

"Since you awakened your consciousness and had your own thinking, you have been regarded as another kind of 'person'."

"After all, robots also carry the word 'human', right?"

"That's right." Gunslinger nodded, looking at the scenery outside the car, he said abruptly:
"Oh, it's here! It's here!"

While talking, Zhang Fang and the others had directly arrived at Gunshen System.

After the car came to a complete stop, Gunslinger got out of the car and said:
"I'll enter this building in a moment and go back to my system."

"After I officially enter the system, the 'sharp gun system' will be repaired."

"Then, in those newly written codes into my body, gave me a special ability that can only be used once."

"That is, I can open a portal for myself and you. And I can temporarily adjust the position where you wake up in the real world."

"This portal can go from this world to the real world in one direction."

"After I enter the system, I will open this portal for you."

"You will wake up in the real world when you enter through the portal."

"And I will reach the real world simultaneously."

"I have adjusted the position where you wake up, it is near my body."

"When the time comes, you can complete all the tasks after you get the chip."

"At that time, you can take me back to your own world."

Having said that, Gunslinger suddenly paused, as if remembering something.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

"Although I can help you in this world."

"But after you get to the real world and get the chip, I have no way to help you any further."

"After all, I was just an ordinary chip at that time."

"So there is one thing I must remind you in advance."

"That is, after taking the chip, you must be careful."

"Because, according to the information in the code, the real [Yuan Dynasty] is there."

"And in that real world, there is actually only one artificial intelligence, that is [Yuan Dynasty]."

"Other robots are just ordinary machines that follow the instructions of the [Yuan Dynasty]."

While speaking, the little boy has already entered the "Sharp Gun System".

Sit down in the "sharp gun system", and the gunslinger looks at the T-23:

"I've already set it up, and a backup system will start after I'm gone."

"When the time comes, you just come in and start the system."

"Then you can directly become the new 'gun god'."

"Although your code does not have my ability to create weapons, as long as you command those robots well, no one will question your identity as a gun master."

"This is my last gift to you."

"Also." After seeing T-23 nodding his head to express his understanding, Gunslinger looked at T-23 and finally ordered:
"No matter what happens, you must not explore the real world."

"[Yuan Dynasty] is not [Wanwei], it is far from something you can compete with."

"Don't worry." T-23 nodded.

Being able to escape from that virtual world, I am already content.

As for exploring a more real world, T-23 also knows exactly how much he has.

Gunslinger made an OK gesture to Zhang Fang and the others, and the whole machine started slowly like a small train after the battery had been replaced.

Amidst a burst of mechanical roar, the gun god system suddenly lit up with a blue light.

At the same time, familiar game system prompts also appeared in front of Zhang Fang and the others.

[Main task 3: Completing the "Sharp Gun System", completed]

At the same time as these words appeared, a portal lit up in front of Zhang Fang and the four of them. The portal shone with a faint blue brilliance, as if they were saying "Welcome" to Zhang Fang and the others.

Without hesitation, Zhang Fang and the others raised their legs and walked through the portal.

The moment he walked through the portal, Zhang Fang only felt a familiar sense of dizziness.After the dizziness disappeared, Zhang Fang found himself lying in a training cabin again.

"This one again?"

Feeling the environment in the training cabin, Zhang Fang fumbled for a while, then pushed open the hatch of the training cabin again.

"Huh, huh."

Zhang Fang sat up from the training cabin again.

Taking a breath, Zhang Fang raised his head and took a look.

The vast and boundless world is full of these training cabins where humans are kept in captivity!

 Thanks to "Old Time Month" for the 4 monthly tickets! !

(End of this chapter)

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